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Biology Mcqs – (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests

Biology Mcqs – (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests

Biology Mcqs - (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests
Biology Mcqs

Biology Mcqs “. Tab this page to check “Latest Biology MCQs” for the preparation of competitive mcqs, FPSC mcqs, PPSC mcqs, SPSC mcqs, KPPSC mcqs, AJKPSC mcqs, BPSC mcqs, NTS mcqs, PTS mcqs, OTS mcqs, Atomic Energy mcqs, Pak Army mcqs, Pak Navy mcqs, CTS mcqs, ETEA mcqs and others. The most occurred mcqs of Biology in past papers. Past papers of Biology mcqs. Past papers of Biology MCQs. Biology Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Biology mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Biology mcqs. The Important series of Biology Mcqs are given below:

Spherical or tubular membranes which separate the material present in endoplasmic reticulum from that of cytoplasmic material are called__________?

A. Polysomes
B. Cisternae
C. Cytosol
D. Cristae

Whone is not the function of endoplasmic reticulum?

A. Transport of material
B. Nerve impulse conduction
C. Mechanical support
D. Synthesis of conjugated molecules

60S and 40S subunit combine to form ________ particle.

A. 90 S
B. 100 S
C. 80 S
D. 70 S

Pancreas produces secretory granules that help in digestion. These granules after passing through endoplasmic reticulum are pinched off from ________ surface of Golgi apparatus:

A. Any of them
B. Maturating face
C. Forming face
D. None of these

Which of the following statement is incorrect about Glyoxisomes?

A. They contain enzymes which help in conversion of fatty acids into carbohydrate
B. They are signle membranous organelles
C. They are present through out life of a plant and provide them whth energy through Glyoxylate cycle.
D. They are abundant in soyabeans but absent in pea.

Ribosomes + m-RNA?

A. Polysome
B. Polosome
C. Phlosome
D. None of these

Which of the following impart a red colour to Rose petals?

A. Chlorophyll
B. Chloroplast
C. Chromoplast
D. Leucoplast

During digesting the phagocytosed food particles vesicles formed from fusion of phagocytic vacuole with the enzymes secreted by Golgi apparantus are called_______?

A. Primary lysosomes
B. Lysosomes
C. Secondary lysosomes
D. Food vacuole

The bond formed when two or more atoms complete their electron shells by sharing electrons is called_____________?

A. Hydrogen bond
B. Ionic bond
C. Covalent bond
D. Electrovalent bond

Which one is the basic element of organic compounds _________________?

A. Hydrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Sulphur
D. Carbon

Reactions in which simple substances are combined to form complex substances are called_____________?

A. Catabolic reactions
B. Metabolic reactions
C. Anabolic reactions
D. None of these

Which chemical component has the same % in bacterial as well as the mammalian cell_____________?

A. Water
B. Proteins
C. Carbohydrate
D. Lipids

The branch of biology which deals with the study of chemical compounds and the chemical processes in the fliving organisms is called_________________?

A. Molecular biology
B. Biochemistry
C. Chemistry
D. Both a and b

Which chemical component has the greatest contribution in the total mammalian cell weight__________?

A. Carbohydrate
B. Proteins
C. Lipids
D. Water

Which one is an organic compound_____________?

A. Water
B. CO2
C. Lipids

Carbon atom is_____________?

A. Divalent
B. Monovalent
C. Trivalent
D. Tetravalent

The property of water due to which it works as a temperature stabilizer and hence protect living organisms from sudden thermal changes is_______________?

A. Its Dipole nature
B. High specific heat capacity
C. High specific heat of vaporization
D. Its liquid state

The number of calories required to raise the temperature of 1g of water from 15 to 16?C is called___________?

A. Caloric Heat
B. Specific Heat capacity
C. Specific Heat of Vaporization
D. Both A and C

The one which is present in all living things is ___________?

A. Cell membrane
C. Cell nucleus
D. Vacuole

The mechanism of stomatal movement is related to the branch of Biology called__________?

A. Morphology
B. Physiology
C. Taxonomy
D. Anatomy

Which of the following substance is most favorable to form structural component of biological membranes___________?

A. Hydrophobic fats.
B. Hydrophilic Carbohydrates
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

Maximum number of species of living things on earth are___________?

A. Fungi
B. Algae
C. Insects
D. Protozoa

Which statement is true about an aqueous medium________________?

A. Ionic as well as non ionic substance in aqueous media retains their identity
B. It is less favorable media for chemical reactions
C. Ions and molecules move randomly thus are in more favorable state to react with other molecules and ions
D. Enzymes can not perform catalysis reaction in this medium

Which of the following carbohydrate is tasteless___________?

A. Oligosaccharide
B. Monosaccharide
C. Polysaccharide
D. None of these

Which of the statement is not true for compounds like glycoprotein and glycolipids____________?

A. They are components of biological membranes.
B. Both have role in the extra cellular matrix of animals and bacterial cell wall
C. They are conjugated molecules of carbohydrates
D. Both are produced and secreted by endoplasmic reticulum

A complex substance which on hydrolysis yields polyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone subunits is called__________?

A. Protein
B. Carbohydrate
C. Lipid
D. Carotene

Specific heat of vaporization of water is_______________?

A. 574 Kcal/kg
B. 774 Kcal/kg
C. 674 Kcal/kg
D. 874 Kcal/kg

Cn(H2O)n. is a general formula of_____________?

A. Oligosaccharides
B. Monosaccharides
C. Ploysacharides
D. Carbohydrates

Which one are most complex sugar_____________?

A. Oligosaccharides
B. Monosaccharides
C. Polysaccharides
D. None of these

Variety among amino acids is produced due to_____________?

A. COOH group
B. NH2 group
C. R group
D. All of these

Primary structure of proteins determines__________?

A. Bending of polypeptide chains
B. Number of polypeptide chains involved
C. Amino acid sequence
D. Coiling of polypeptide chains

Ribose is an example of___________?

A. Tetroses
B. Trioses
C. Pentose
D. Hexose

The one which is not a globular protein__________?

A. Enzyme
B. Anti Rh-antibody
C. Myosin
D. Haemoglobin

Starch cellulose and glaycogen yield ___________ on complete hydrolysis?

A. Sucrose
B. Maltose
C. Fructose
D. Glucose

Biology Mcqs

____________% of Glucose normally present in our blood is?

A. 1.80%
B. 0.08%
C. 0.80%
D. 8%

Which of the following carbohydrate can not be hydrolysed__________________?

A. Monosaccharide
B. Polysaccharide
C. Oligosaccharide
D. None of these

An enzyme which converts a dipeptide into separate amino acids is an example of__________?

A. Oxidoreductase
B. Hydrolase
C. Decarboxylase
D. Transferase

Which one is soluble in hot water_____________?

A. Glycogen
B. Starch
C. Amylose
D. Amylopectin.

For the synthesis of 10g of glucose ______________ of energy is required?

A. 717.6 Kcal
B. 737 Kcal
C. 727 Kcal
D. 747 Kcal

Cellular digestion is associated with which organelle__________?

A. Golgi bodies
B. Mitochondria
C. Plastids
D. Lysosomes

The covalent bond between two monosaccharide subunits is called________________?

A. Phosphodiester bond
B. Ionic bond
C. Glycosidic Bond
D. Peptide bond

The unicellular organisms ingest large molecules into their cytoplasm from the external environment without previously digesting them. This process is called___________?

A. Osmosis
B. Diffusion
C. Phagocytosis
D. Plasmolysis

Which of the following polysaccharide is called animal starch_________________?

A. Cellulose
B. Glycogen
C. Starch
D. None of these

Which one gives blue colour with iodine_______________?

A. Starch
B. Cellulose
C. Glycogen
D. Polysaccharide

Mycoplasmas have been included in bacteria because:

A. Are heterotrophic
B. Do not have a cell wall
C. Lack membrane bounded organelles
D. Reproduce by binary fission

Which one is abundant in animals___________?

A. Cellulose
B. Glycogen
C. Starch
D. None of these

The one which can tolerate highest external osmotic pressure is __________?

A. Amoeba
B. Algae
C. Fungi
D. Bacteria

The cell wall of oomycetes is chiefly composed of___________?

A. Lignin
B. Cellulose
C. Chitin
D. Proteins

__________ is example of pure form of cellulose?

A. Wool
B. Silk
C. Cotton
D. Paper

A compound produced as a result of a chemical reaction of an alcohol with an acid in which water molecule is released is called________________?

A. Fatty acid
B. Monosaccharide
C. Neutral lipid
D. Nucleic acid

Lipids are soluble in which of the following_______________?

A. All solvents
B. Ether
C. Water
D. Not in any of the above

One celled green ptotists are included in___________?

A. Slime molds
B. Algae
C. Monera
D. Plants

Lipid molecules can store double amount of energy as compared to same amount of carbohydrate because of high number of__________________?

A. C-N bonds
B. C-H bonds
C. C-C bonds
D. C-O bonds

Fatty acids containing 18 C atoms and a single double bond is____________?

A. Unsaturated fatty acid
B. Saturated Fatty acid
C. Oleic Acid
D. Palmitic acid

Pick the odd one out

A. Rhynia
B. Psilophyton
C. Cooksonia
D. Psilotum

Which of the following statement is incorrect5 for fats containing unsaturated fatty acid_____________?

A. They are lighter than water
B. They are usually solid at room temperature
C. They contain double bond
D. Their specific gravity is less than 1

Which one the following fatty acid is more soluble in an organic solvent and has higher melting point____________?

A. Butyric acid
B. Acetic acid
C. Palmitic acid
D. All have same

Peptide bond is_____________?

A. C-N link
B. N-H link
C. C- O lind
D. C-H link

Animals obtain carbohydrates mainly from___________?

A. Sucrose
B. Starch
C. Glucose
D. Glycogen

The one which is incorrect pair?

A. Arthrophytes – Jointed
B. Sori – Indusium
C. Dichotomous – Vernation
D. Lycopods – Ground pries

Double fertilization occurs in_________?

A. All seed plants
B. All plants
C. Gymnosperms
D. Angiosperms

Proteins comprise of ___________% of the total dry weight of a cell?

A. 60%
B. 50%
C. 40%
D. 70%

Adult birds normally possess only one functional____________?

A. Lung
B. Ovary
C. Ureter
D. Testis

Biology Mcqs

Chemical component/s less in eukaryotic cell as compared to prokaryotic cell is / are (i) lipids (ii) carbodydrates (iii) proteins (iv) DNA_________________?

A. iii & iv
B. i & ii
C. i ii iii & iv
D. iv only

Following possess bilateral symmetry as larva and radial symmetry as adult:

A. Hydra
B. Chordata
C. Echinodermata
D. Hemichordata

Proteins are polymers of___________?

A. Isoprenoid units
B. Fatty acids
C. Amino acids
D. Nucleotides

Which of the following is the empirical formula of chlorophyll b?

A. C55H72O6N4Mg
B. C55H70O5N4Mg
C. C55H70O6N4Mg
D. C55H72O5N4Mg

In Glycin an amino acid R group is replaced by____________?

A. H
C. CH3
D. C = O

How many moles of carbon dioxide are produced by complete oxidation of one mole of puruvic acid?

A. 2
B. 1
C. 3
D. 6

The element in basic structure of proteins which differentiate them from carbohydrates________?

A. H
B. S
C. C
D. N

Hunger pangs usually begin ______ after the previous meal.

A. 6-8 hours
B. 2-4 hours
C. 10-12 hours
D. 12-24 hours

Total number of amino acids discovered so far in cells and tissues are______________?

A. 25
B. 20
C. 150
D. 170

The major constituent of blood plasma is___________?

A. NaCl
B. Protein
C. Water
D. Cholesterol

An insulin molecule consists of _________ polypeptide chains?

A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
D. 4

The windpipe or trachea lies?

A. Ventral to oesophagus
B. Dorsal to oesophagus
C. Lateral to oesophagus
D. None of these

A bond formed by linkage between -OH of carboxyl group of one amino acid and H of amino group of another amino acid which releases water is called__________?

A. Glycosidic bond
B. Phosphodiester linkage
C. Peptide bond
D. Hydrogen bond

Total number of amino acids in a hemoglobin molecule are__________?

A. 564
B. 554
C. 574
D. 584

Which structure of protein gives information aboutnumber and sequence of amino acids in it_______________?

A. Primary structure
B. Tertiary structure
C. Secondary structure
D. Quaternary structure

Locomotory structures are not found in which of the following group?

A. Zooflagellates
B. Amoebas
C. Ciliates
D. Apicomplexans

Hemoglobin molecule exhibits which structural organization of proteins___________?

A. Secondary structure
B. Primary structure
C. Tertiary structure
D. Quaternary structure

Yeasts reproduce asexually by forming____________?

A. Basidia
B. Asci
C. Both a & b
D. Buds

In an aqueous environment the most stable tertiary conformation is that in which _________ amino acids are buried inside the conformation?

A. Hydrophobic
B. Basic
C. Hydrophilic
D. None of these

Which of the following statement is incorrect about RNA_________________?

A. It is present in the nucleoli
B. It contains Adenine Guanine Thymine and Cytosine
C. The pentose sugar in it is Ribose.
D. It may be folded back on itself to give double helical characteristics

Protein coasts of viruses are synthesized in____________?

A. Lysogenic cycle
B. Lytic cycle
C. Both a & b
D. All of these

Biology Mcqs

Each turn of DNA contain ____________ nitrogenous base pairs?

A. 20
B. 10
C. 5
D. 25

Membranes of the grane are sites where?

A. Food is stored
B. Oxygen is stored
C. Sunlight is trapped
D. CO2 is stored.

Antibodies play important role against microorganisms and other pathogens to which type of proteins do they belong________?

A. Globular proteins
B. Both
C. Fibrous Proteins
D. None of these

The simplest of oxygen producting photosynthetic organisms are____________?

A. Bacteria
B. Algae
C. Cyanobacteria
D. Chlamydomonas

Amphoixus is a__________?

A. Protochordate
B. Chordate
C. Lower chordate
D. All of these

Which structural organization is most common in globular proteins____________?

A. Secondary
B. Primary
C. Tertiary
D. Quaternary

Which of the following does not show quaternary structure____________?

A. Pepsin
B. Haemoglobin
C. Fibrin
D. Insulin

Which of the following occurs in anaerobic respiration but not in aerobic respiration?

A. Reduction of NAD
B. Release of CO2
C. Formation of ATP
D. Production of ethanol from acetaldehyde

helical structure is kept by the formation of _________ bonds among amino acids molecules?

A. H bonds
B. Ionic bond
C. Disulphide Bond
D. Hydrophobic bonds

Which of the following are triploblastic and acoelomate?

A. Annelida
B. Sponges
C. Platyhelminthes
D. Aves

The food of hydra consists of___________?

A. Detritus
B. Humus
C. Dead microscopic animals
D. Small crustaceans

Actin and myosin are the basic proteins involved in contractile machinery of our body to which type of proteins do they belong____________?

A. Both b and c
B. Fibrous Proteins
C. Globular proteins
D. None of these

If a plasmolysed plant cell is placed in water the cell will___________?

A. Be Killed
B. Burst
C. Be deplasmolysed
D. Show no change in it

ATP is a an important molecule for its major function___________?

A. As an energy currency of the cell
B. Both a and c
C. As a coenzyme
D. None of these

The first organism of whose genome was completely discovered was____________?

A. Influenza Virus
B. Human beings
C. Hemophilus Influenza
D. None of these

All of the following veins carry deoxygenated blood except

A. Inferior vena cava
B. Superior vena cava
C. Hepatic vein
D. Pulmonary vein

Biology Mcqs – (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests