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Biology Mcqs – (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests

Biology Mcqs – (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests

Biology Mcqs - (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests
Biology Mcqs

Biology Mcqs “. Tab this page to check “Latest Biology MCQs” for the preparation of competitive mcqs, FPSC mcqs, PPSC mcqs, SPSC mcqs, KPPSC mcqs, AJKPSC mcqs, BPSC mcqs, NTS mcqs, PTS mcqs, OTS mcqs, Atomic Energy mcqs, Pak Army mcqs, Pak Navy mcqs, CTS mcqs, ETEA mcqs and others. The most occurred mcqs of Biology in past papers. Past papers of Biology mcqs. Past papers of Biology MCQs. Biology Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Biology mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Biology mcqs. The Important series of Biology Mcqs are given below:

Animals fats are ______________ atroom temperature?

A. Gases
B. Liquids
C. Solids
D. None of these

Sebum produced from sebaceous glands in a mammal helps in___________?

A. Protection against micro organisms
B. Excretion
C. Temperature regulation
D. All of these

Which one is not found in fatty acids in acylglycerols____________?

A. C-26
B. C-25
C. C-6
D. C-30

The one that stores calcium is __________?

A. Sarcoplasm
B. Sarcolemma
C. Sarcoplasmic reticulum
D. Cytosol

Which one of the following is most likely to occur in an animal during winter?

A. Dilation of skin blood vessels
B. Activation of sweat glands
C. Panting
D. Thermogenesis

In esterification OH comes from_______________?

A. Water
B. Alcohol
C. Organic acid
D. Sugar

How many carbon atoms are required to form a furan ring (ribofuranose)_____________?

A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2

Sleep movements are a type of___________?

A. Turgor movements
B. Tactic movements
C. Growth movements
D. Paratonic movments

Keto group is represented as___________?


The type of learning in which there is loss or decrease in response to repeated stimuli?

A. Latent learning
B. Habituation
C. Imprinting
D. Insight learning

Glycolipids and glycoproteins have structural role in the ______________ matrix of animal and bacterial cell?

A. Extracellular
B. Both of these
C. Intracellular
D. Glucose

The cells present in testes and secrete testosterone are___________?

A. Germinal cell
B. Sertoli cells
C. Interstitial cells
D. Spermatocyte

In Cx(H2O)y x ranges from______________?

A. 3 to 5 thousand
B. 3 to many thousand
C. 1 to 3 thousand
D. 5 to 9 thousand

Exposure to low temperature stimulates plants to flower. This is called___________?

A. Photoperiodism
B. Thermotropism
C. Vernalization
D. Thermoregulation

The basic structural unit of a chromosome is____________?

A. Telomere
B. Nuceleosome
C. The centromere
D. Histone

In living organisms the lubricant which provides protection against damage resulting from friction is___________?

A. Fatty acid
B. Carbohydrates
C. Water
D. Protein

The first stage of development in which a cavity appears is the__________?

A. Morula
B. Neurula
C. Gastrula
D. Balastula

The trioses which are intermediate in respiration and photosynthesis are_______________?

A. Dihydroxy acetone
B. Glyceraldehydes
C. Both of these
D. None of these

The one which causes contraction of wall of the uterus during and after birth?

C. Oxytocin
D. Progesterone

The monosaccharide found in some bacteria and occurring rarely are______________?

A. Hexoses
B. Trioses
C. Tetroses
D. Pentoses

Which statement correctly describes the transcription of DNA?

A. It is a semi conservation process
B. It produces mRNA
C. It produces another DNA molecule
D. It occurs at surface of ribosomes

Biology Mcqs

Triglyceride is also known as_____________?

A. Neutral wax
B. Neutral lipid
C. Natural lipid
D. All of these

Carbon commonly combines with______________?

A. N & O
B. H
C. P & S
D. All of these

The sequence of 3 bases on tRNA which is complementary to condon of mRNA is called____________?

A. Code
B. Anticodon
C. Gene
D. Codon

The survival of an animal depends upon its ability to take some from its environment____________?

A. Hydrocarbons
B. Chemicals
C. Organic molecules
D. Inorganic molecules

In humans the number of tetrads formed during mitosis is___________?

A. 46
B. 23
C. 0
D. 4

Non polar organic molecules are ___________ in water?

A. Partially soluble
B. Insoluble
C. Soluble
D. Depends upon condition

Interconversion of carbohydrates proteins and lipids in living cells are an example of____________?

A. Coordinated anabolic activities
B. Coordinated catabolic activities
C. Both A and B
D. Any one

Which one of the following is correct sequence of stages of prophase 1 of meiosis

A. Zygotene leptotene pachytene diplotene diakinesis
B. Diakinesis diplotene pachytene leptotene zygotene
C. Leptotene zygotene pachytene diplotene diakinesis
D. Pachytene leptotene diplotene zygotene diakinesis

Which one of the following syndrome is the result of meiotic non dysjunction?

A. Klinefelters syndrome
B. Downs syndrome
C. Turners syndrome
D. All of these

Which one of the following stage preceeds mitosis during cell cycle?

A. S phase
B. G1 phase
C. G2 phase
D. M phase

Most of the cellular secretions are ________ in nature?

A. Nucleohistones
B. Glycoproteins
C. Glycolipids
D. Proteins

The red green color blindness is sex linked recessive condition in man. A father with normal vision and a color blind mother world expect to produce.

A. Color blind sons and daughter with normal vision
B. Color blind sons colour blind daughters and daughters with normal vision
C. Sons with normal vision and color blind daughters
D. Sons with normal vision colour blind daughter and daughters with normal vision

Genes will not be found in gene pairs in the_____________?

A. Uterine cells of dog
B. Muscle cell of worm
C. Sperm cells of frog
D. Guard cells of leaf

rRNA constitutes ____________% of the total cellular RNA?

A. 90%
B. 10-20%
C. 80%
D. 3-4 %

A genome is___________?

A. Genetic basis of few characters
B. Appearance of an individual
C. Full set of genes of an individual
D. All of these

Which conjegated molecules play important role in gene expression___________?

A. Glycoproteins
B. Glycolipids
C. Nucleohistones
D. None of these

There are mainly __________ types of tRNA?

A. 25
B. 20
C. 170
D. 15

The discease in which transmembrane carrier for the chloride ion is not produced is__________?

B. Cystic fibrosis
C. Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome
D. Hyperchloesterolemia

The one which is a weed killer is___________?

C. 2 4-D

Five kingdom classification was proposed by_____________?

A. E-Chatton
B. Carlous Linnaeus
C. Robert Whittaker
D. Lynn Margulis and Karlene Schwartz

Organisms of which of the following kingdom have absorptive mode of nutrition______________?

A. Protoctista
B. Prokaryotae
C. Animalia
D. Fungi

Which of the Euglenas (a Protoctista) character resembles that of animals______________?

A. They lack cell wall
B. They can move
C. They do not have chlorophyll
D. Both a and b

The one which can break open a plasmid ring is__________?

A. Ligase enzyme
B. ATP-ase enzyme
C. Restriction endonuclease
D. Primase enzyme

According to Lamarch evolution occurred as the result of__________?

A. The theory of recapitulation
B. Natural selection
C. Inheritance of acquired characters
D. Over production

Allium cepa is the scientific name of______________?

A. Onion
B. Potato
C. Amaltas
D. Tomato

Which of the following category is most general with its members lest resembling with each other than the other categries_____________?

A. Genus
B. Species
C. Family
D. Order

The first eukarotes appeared about __________ years ago?

A. 1.5 billion
B. 3.5 billion
C. 2.5 billion
D. 4.5 billion

Those organisms which can prepare their own food from simple inorganic material and can store energy are called___________?

A. Autotrophs
B. Procariotique
C. Heterotrophs
D. Eu-cariotique

Solanum tuberosum is a scientific name of___________?

A. Amaltas
B. Onion
C. Potato
D. Tomato

The structure which has been formed or modified from gill pouches in humans is___________?

A. Lungs
B. Eustachian tube
C. Middle ear
D. Gills

Scurvy and beri – beri and caused by the deficiency of___________?

A. Vitamin B and D
B. Vitamin B and C
C. Vitamin C and B
D. Vitamin A and B

The word which E-Chatton suggested for bacteria and blue green algae was_____________?

A. Heterotrophs
B. Autotrophs
C. Pro-cariotique
D. Eu-cariotique

The greatest diversity of animals in the lake is found in which one of the following zones?

A. Profundal zone
B. Littoral zone
C. Limmnetic zone
D. None of these

So far over _____________ number of species of animals are known?

A. 1 million
B. 3 million
C. 1-2 million
D. 2 million

What is the characteristic feature of consumers?

A. Parasite
B. Heterotroph
C. Autotroph
D. Saprophyte

Which of the following organisms have Chitin as a major structural component of their cell wall________________?

A. Protoctista
B. Prokaryotae
C. Plantae
D. Fungi

Biology Mcqs

All of the following are involved in nitrification except

A. Nitrosomonas
B. Nitrobacter
C. Rhizohium
D. All of these

DNA or RNA of viruses is enclosed in _______________ coat?

A. Protein
B. Lipid
C. Carbohydrate

In most ecosystems the greatest amount of energy flows through the____________?

A. Secondary consumers
B. Herbivores
C. Decomposers
D. Carnivores

Which of the following relationship is NOT an example of symbiosis?

A. Algae and fungi in a lichen
B. Marchantia sporophyte and gametophyte
C. Rhizobium and leguminous plants
D. Mycorrhizal fungi and tree roots

Other name for Kingdom monera is_______________?

A. Archae
B. Prokaryotae
C. Protoctista
D. None of these

Animals with greatest number of similarities are grouped together in a/an___________?

A. Family
B. Phylum
C. Genus
D. Order

Amoeba belongs to which kingdom______________?

A. Plantae
B. Prokaryotae
C. Monera
D. Protista

Competition between species will be greatest if they attempt to occupy the same___________?

A. Community
B. Ecosystem
C. Habitat
D. Niche

The word virus is derived from Latin word venome meaning____________?

A. Sore Fluid
B. Sweet fluid
C. Poisonous Fluid
D. Salty Fluid

The one which is present in all aerobic species is _________?

A. Cytohrome c
B. Cytochrome a3
C. Cytochrome a
D. Cytochrome b

The size of smallest virus is______________?

A. 30 nm
B. 20 nm
C. 10 nm
D. 40 nm

What percentage of light reaching the earth is used in photosynthesis?

A. 10%
B. 25%
C. 5%
D. 1%

Viruses are __________ smaller than bacteria?

A. 100 – 1000 times
B. 10 – 1000 times
C. 10 – 100 times
D. 1000 – 10000 times

Kangaroo rat most probably would be found in___________?

A. Tundra
B. Tropical rain forest
C. Grass land
D. Desert

Vaccine Was discovered by______________?

A. Ivanowski
B. Edward Jennar
C. Louis Pasteur
D. Stanely

The name Bacteriophage was coined by____________?

A. Twort
B. Ivanowski
C. Charles Chamberland
D. D Herelle

Biology Mcqs

Protein subunits of capsid is called the capsomeres is a characteristic of each virus. Their number in Herpes virus is__________?

A. 152
B. 100
C. 162
D. 172

Which of the statement about viruses is incorrect___________________?

A. They are obligate intracellular parasite.
B. We can not grow them in laboratories on artificial medias
C. They can synthesize their nucleic acid
D. They are resistant to most of antibiotic treatment

A virion is______________?

A. Virus
B. Viral lysozyme
C. Viral protein
D. Viral gene

For which of the following no preventive vaccine is available?


Which one of the following specially result in chronic liver disease leading to hepatic failure:


Protein coat the capsid of adenovirus is________________?

A. Surrounding the envelope
B. Surrounding genome
C. Surrounded by genome
D. Both B and C

Mode of transmission of hepatitis A is__________?

A. Sexual contact
B. Faeco-oral
C. Serum
D. All of these

Attachment of the bacteriophage with the receptor site on the bacterial cell wall involves_______________?

A. Week chemical unior between them
B. Strong covalent bond between virion and the receptor site.
C. Both A and B depending upon the phage
D. None of these

Which of the following statement about AIDS is incorrect:

A. Results in enlargement of lymph nodes
B. An infected mother cannot pass the virus to her baby.
C. is a host specific disease
D. Can be prevented.

Bacteriopahage that infect E. coli are called_____________?

A. N type
B. M type
C. T type
D. S type

Complex symptoms like severe pneumonia vascular tumor sudden weight loss swollen lymph nodes and immune deficiency are features of:

A. Hepatitis
B. Polio

An isolated virus is not considered living since it________________?

A. Rapidly looses its Genome chemical inert
B. Can not metabolize
C. Separates in to two inner parts
D. Is coated with an air tight shield

Which of the following is the smallest known virus:

A. Retrovirus
B. Hepatitis virus
C. Polio virus
D. Pox virus

The agent of controversial nature causing mad cow infection is_____________?

A. Cowpox Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Adenovirus
D. Prion

Which of the following virus has special affiliations with the tumor production:

A. Polio virus
B. Retrovirus
C. Hepatitis virus
D. Pox virus

Which of the following is incorrect for the lysogenic cycle in life cycle of bacteriophage_____________?

A. Phage when gets incorporated with the bacterial chromosome is called prophage
B. The cycle may convert into lytic type resulting from environmental exposure
C. Lysogenic bacteria may get infected by the related phage
D. The bacterium continues to live and reproduce normally

An enzyme which can convert single stranded RNA into double stranded viral DNA is called____________?

A. RNAase
B. DNAase
C. DNA polymerase
D. Reverse Transcriptase

In lysogenic cycle the process of spearation of phage DNA from the hosts chromosome and initiation of lytic cycle is called______________?

A. Lysogeny
B. Lysis
C. Induction
D. Adsorption

Which of the following disease results in Paralysis due to viral attack on C.N.S:

A. Herpes simplex
B. Measles
C. Hepatitis
D. Polio

In life cycle of bacteriophage which step occur after attachment of prophage with the receptor site of the bacterial cell wall_____________?

A. Absorption
B. Lysogeny
C. Multiplication
D. Penetration

Tobacco mosaic virus is__________?

A. Tadpole like
B. Rod Shaped
C. Spherical
D. Hexagonal

In the Lysogenic cycle the DNA of the bacteriophage__________________?

A. Joins the bacterial chromosomes
B. Attaches to the inner surface of the host membrane
C. Goes directly to host ribosomes for translation
D. Is immediately degraded when enters the host

Temperate phage may exist as_____________?

A. Prophage
B. Viron
C. Capsid
D. Retrovirus

Which of the following is an RNA virus:

A. Influenza virus
C. Herpes virus
D. Pox virus

In the lytic cycle of bacteriophage the host DNA is__________?

A. Turn off by the protein coat.
B. Replicated
C. Digested into its nucleotides
D. Turned on by the removal of the protein coat

Pepsinogen is produced from__________?

A. Parietal cells
B. Mucous cells
C. Zymogen cells
D. All of these

Carbohydrates, fats & proteins are essential for_______________?

A. Metabolic processes of an organism
B. Formation of structures
C. Providing energy
D. All of these

Biology Mcqs – (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests