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Chemistry Mcqs – (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests

Chemistry Mcqs – (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests

Chemistry Mcqs - (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests
Chemistry Mcqs

Chemistry Mcqs “. Tab this page to check “Latest Chemistry MCQs” for the preparation of competitive mcqs, FPSC mcqs, PPSC mcqs, SPSC mcqs, KPPSC mcqs, AJKPSC mcqs, BPSC mcqs, NTS mcqs, PTS mcqs, OTS mcqs, Atomic Energy mcqs, Pak Army mcqs, Pak Navy mcqs, CTS mcqs, ETEA mcqs and others. The most occurred mcqs of Chemistry in past papers. Past papers of Chemistry mcqs. Past papers of Chemistry MCQs. Chemistry Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Chemistry mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Chemistry mcqs. The Important series of Chemistry Mcqs are given below:

Ethyl chloride with nascent hydrogen produces_________________?

A. propane
B. ethane
C. methane
D. butane

The number of molecules taking part in the rate determining step is called___________________?

A. Order of reaction
B. Mole of a reaction
C. Rate of reaction
D. Extent of a reaction

What will be the order of reaction of a reaction whose rate can be expressed as R = K [A] [B] ?

A. One
B. Zero
C. Two
D. Three

What is the order of kinetics in the SN1 mechanism ?

A. Second
B. First
C. Zero
D. Third

The rate of E1 reaction depends upon______________________?

A. the concentration of substrate
B. the concentration of substrate as well as nucleophile
C. the concentration of nucleophile
D. base the concentration of substrate as well as nucleophile

Elimination bimolecular reactions involve____________________________?

A. third order kinetics
B. second order kinetics
C. first order kinetics
D. zero order kinetics

Grignard reagent is reactive due to___________________?

A. the presence of magnesium atom
B. the presence of halogen atom
C. the polarity of C-Mg bond
D. all

The ether used in Wurtz synthesis is__________________?

A. basic
B. acidic
C. aqueous
D. dry

Which one of the following species is not an electrophile ?

A. NH3
B. H+
C. Br+
D. BF3

Which one of the following alcohols will be formed when ethyl magnesium bromide reacts with acetone ?

A. secondary alcohol
B. primary alcohol
C. tertiary alcohol
D. dihydric alcohol

Which one of the following molecules does not form alcohol when reacts with Grignard reagent ?

A. formaldehyde
B. propanone
C. acetaldehyde
D. carbondioxide

In primary alkyl halides the halogen atom is attached to a carbon which is further attached to how many carbon atoms__________________?

A. three
B. two
C. one
D. four

The best method of preparation of alkyl halides is a reaction of alcohol with__________________?

B. SOCl2 / Pyridine
C. Zn / HCI

50% inversion of configuration of molecules take place in a___________________?

A. E2 – reaction
B. E1 – reaction
C. SN1 – reaction
D. SN2 – reaction

Which alkyl halide has the highest reactivity for a particular alkyl group ?

A. R-C
B. R-F
C. R-Br
D. R-I

Which one is not a nucleophile ?

B. C2H5O-
C. NH3
D. H3C+

Which alkyl halide out of the following may follow both SN1 and SN2 mechanism ?

A. (CH3)3 C-CH2 – X
B. CH3-X
C. (CH3)2 CH – X
D. (CH3)3 C – X

When two moles of ethyl chloride react with two moles of sodium in the presence of ether what will be formed ?

A. 1 mole of ethane
B. 2 moles of ethane
C. 2 moles of butane
D. 1 mole of butane

When CO2 is made to react with ethyl magnesium iodide followed by acid hydrolysis the product formed is _________________?

A. propanal
B. propanoic acid
C. propane
D. propanol

SN2 reaction can be best carried out with__________________?

A. primary alkyl halide
B. tertiary alkyl halide
C. secondary alkyl halide
D. all

For which mechanisms the first step involved is the same ?

A. E2 + SN2
B. E1 + E2
C. E1 and SN1
D. SN1 and SN2

Chemistry Mcqs

Alkyl halides are considered to be very reactive compounds towards nucleophile because_________________?

A. they have an electrophilic carbon & a bad leaving group
B. they have an electrophilic carbon & a good leaving group
C. they have an electrophilic carbon
D. they have a nucleophilic carbon & a good leaving group

Which one of the following reactants will be required to form straight chain alcohol by using Grignard reagent________________?

A. ketone
B. formaldehyde
C. ethylene epoxide
D. both A & C

Ethylene epoxide treated with Grignards reagent followed by acid hydrolysis yield __________________?

A. primary alcohol
B. tertiary alcohol
C. secondary alcohol
D. dihydric alcohol

Alkyl halides undergo a type of reaction_________________?

A. Nucleophilic substitution
B. Elimination
C. Nucleophilic addition
D. both A & C

Which one of the following is termed as benzul alcohol ?

B. C6H5CH(OH)2

Which one of the following is also known as tartaric acid ?

A. 2 3-dihydroxy butance 1 4 -dioic acid
B. 2 3 -dihydroxy butanedioic acid
C. 2 2 -dihydroxy butanoic acid
D. 2 3 -dihydroxy butanioc acid

The residue obtained after the crystallization of sugar from concentrated sugar cane juice is called__________________?

A. Mother liquor
B. Extract
C. Filterate
D. Molasses

The process of fermentation of starch involve many enzymes the sequence of enzymes used are____________________?

A. Diastase-maltase-zymase
B. Maltase-diastase-zymase
C. Zymase-maltase-diastase
D. Diastase-zymase-maltase

K2Cr2O7/H2SO4 generate____________________?

A. Hydrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Nascent oxygen[O]
D. Nascent hydrogen[H]

Which alcohol will undergo elimination reaction to give alkene in the presence of acidic potassium dichromate ?

A. Secondary alcohol
B. Primary alcohol
C. Tertiary alcohol
D. All of above

Which compound is also known by the name of carbolic acid ?

A. H2CO3
D. H3PO3

Heating phenol with Zn will yield_________________?

A. Benzene
B. Phenoxide
C. Benzoic acid
D. Cyclohexane

Treating phenol with formaldehyde in the presence of dilute base forms Bakelite. The process involved is_________________?

A. elimination
B. oxidation
C. condensation polymerization
D. additional polymertization

Ethanol can be converted into ethanoic acid by_________________?

A. Hydration
B. Hydrogenation
C. Oxidation
D. Fermentation

Methanol can be obtained from_________________?

A. methane
B. destructive distillation of wood
C. water gas
D. all

Absolute alcohol is obtained when rectified spirit is treated with__________________?

A. CaCO3
B. Ca(OH)2
C. CaCl2
D. CaO

Phenol was isolated by Runge from________________?

A. wood
B. coaltar
C. vegetable oil
D. none of these

The hydrogenation of phenol in the presence of Ni and heat gives_________________?

A. n – hexane
B. cyclohexane
C. 1 – hexanol
D. cyclohexanol

Ethanol and methanol can be distinguished by a__________________?

A. Iodoform test
B. Benedicts test
C. Lucas test
D. Tollens test

Which one of the following alcohol has greater boiling point___________________?

A. ethylene glaycol
B. ethanol
C. glycerol
D. methanol

Water gas heated at 450?C and 200 atm pressure in the presence of ZnO+Cr2O3 will produce________________?

A. carbonic acid
B. methanol
C. methanol
D. methane

The formula of starch is__________________?

A. C6H10O5
B. C12H22O11
C. (C6H10O5)n
D. C6H12O6

The rectified spirit contains________________?

A. 90% alcohol
B. 12% alcohol
C. 95% alcohol
D. 100% alcohol

The oxidation of isopropyl alcohol will yield___________________?

A. Propanol
B. propane
C. Propanone
D. Propanoic acid

The distinction test for primary secondary and tertiary alcohol required to react each of them is_________________?

A. Cone. HCI and anhydrous CaCl2
B. Cone. HCI and anhydrous SOCl2
C. Cone. HCI and anhydrous PCl2
D. Cone. HCI and anhydrous ZnCl2

The given dissociation constant (Ka) value 1.3×10-10 is of_________________?

A. Acetic acid
B. Alcohol
C. Water
D. Phenol

When phenol is heated with concentrated nitric acid the product is________________?

A. Picric acid
B. p-nitrophenol
C. 1 3 5 -trinitro benzene
D. o-nitrophenol

Which compound shows hydrogen bonding ?

A. C2H5Cl
B. C2H6

Methyl alcohol is not used__________________?

A. As an antifreezing agent
B. As a solvent
C. As a substitute for petrol
D. For denaturing of ethyl alcohol

An alcohol which can be prepared by fermentation is_________________?

C. CH3 – CH2 – OH

When alcohol reacts with phosphorous halides it geive____________________?

A. alkyl halides
B. alkanes
C. alkyl amine
D. alkynes

Which one of the following compound does not have – OH group___________________?

A. glycerol
B. ethylene glycol
C. picric acid
D. ethyl acetate

Ethers show functional group isomerism with __________________?

A. ketones
B. aldehydes
C. alcohols
D. carboxylic acid

Chemistry Mcqs

Which one of the following is also known as lactic acid ?

A. 2-hydroxy butanoic acid
B. 2-Hydroxy propanoic acid
C. 3-Hydroxy propanoic acid
D. 3-hydroxy butanoic acid

The easy way of balancing the chemical equation is_________?

A. According to atom’s atomic mass.
B. according to atom’s atomic number.
C. First we balance Metal than non-metal than Hydrogen than Oxygen.
D. None of the above

Which of the following noble gases is not present in atmosphere?

A. Helium
B. Argon
C. Radon
D. Xenon

Which of the following noble gases is abundant in air?

A. Helium
B. Neon
C. Argon
D. Methane

Which law states that “equal volumes of all gases, at the same temperature and pressure, have the same number of molecules?

A. Charles’ law
B. Boyle’s law
C. Gay-Lussac’s law
D. Avogadro’s law

Which law states that the volume of a given amount of gas held at constant pressure is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature?

A. Charles’ Law
B. Graham’s Law
C. Avogadro’s Law
D. Boyle’s law

Which law states that the rate of the effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its density?

A. Graham’s Law
B. Boyle’s law
C. Gay-Lussac’s law
D. None of these

The valency of carbon Atom is __________ ?

A. 2
B. 1
C. 3
D. 4

What is the Chemical formula of Zinc Hydroxide _________ ?

A. Zn(OH)2
B. Zn2(OH)3

Permanent hardness of water due to sulphate of metals can be destroyed by the use of ________ ?

A. Zeolites
B. Lime
C. Sulphonides
D. Nitrates

Which among the following is not a property of Ionic bond _________?

A. Sharing of electrons
B. Losing of electrons
C. Transfer of electrons
D. Gain of electrons

Sum of protons and neutrons in an atom gives off _________ ?

A. Mass number
B. Nucleon numbers
C. Atomic number
D. Both A and B

What is the molecular weight of Ammonia (NH3) ________ ?

A. 17.031 g/mol
B. 19.031 g/mol
C. 18.031 g/mol
D. 27.033 g/mo

The absolute value of charge on electron was determined by ________ ?

A. Chadwick
B. J.J.Thomson
C. Rutherford
D. Robert Millikan

Chemistry Mcqs

The discovery of neutron became very late because _______ ?

A. It does not carry any charge
B. It is a fundamental particle
C. It does not move
D. It is present in nucleus

What is the molecular formula for Nitric acid ________ ?

A. HN2O2
D. H2NO4

What is the molecular Weight of Nitric acid (HNO3 ) ?

A. 63.012 g/mol
B. 70.012 g/mol
C. 65.012 g/mol
D. 81.011 g/mo

The Branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling is called _______ ?

A. Zymology
B. Zygology
C. Zymurgy
D. Zootaxy

The science of fermentation is called _______ ?

A. Zymurgy
B. Zymology
C. Zygology
D. Zootaxy

The reciprocal of the coefficent of viscosity is called__________?

A. Specific gravity
B. Density
C. Fluidity
D. Absorbance

For a given mass of a gas at constant temperature, if the value V becomes 3 times, the pressure will becomes__________?

A. 6P
B. P/3
C. 3P/T
D. 3P

A theoretical link between quantum mechanics and thermodynamics is_________?

A. Matrix mechanics
B. Electrchemistry
C. Statistical thermodynamics
D. Soectroscopic analysis

Stainless steel contains___________?

A. Fe+Cr+Ni
B. Fe+ Cr+Cu
C. Fe+Ni+Cu
D. Cu+C+Ni

Carbon in wrought iron is present as_________?

A. Graphite
B. Iron carbide
C. Silicon carbide
D. Partly as iron carbide and partly as graphite

If steel is heated to a temperature well below red heat and is then cooled slowly, the process is called_________?

A. Annealing
B. Tempering
C. Quenching
D. Nitriding

The substance used in cancer therapy is___________?

A. Ni
B. Co
C. Fe
D. Rn

Transition elements, in general, exhibit the following properties, except one. Name that property?

A. Formation of alloys
B. Natural Radioactivity
C. Tendency to form complexes
D. Variable oxidation state

Which of the following alloys contain(s) Cu and Zn?

A. Gun-metal
B. Brass
C. Bronze
D. Type metal

Which of the following is soluble in water?

A. AgF
B. AgBr
C. AgCl
D. AgI

The maximum oxidation shown by manages is_________?

A. +4
B. +2
C. +5
D. +7

Colour in transition metal compounds is attributed to____________?

A. Complete ns sub-shell
B. Absorption of light in UV region
C. Small sized metal ions
D. Incomplete (n-1) d sub-shell

Which of the following statements is false about transition metals?

A. They show variable valency
B. They form complexes
C. All transition metal compounds are paramagnetic
D. They form coloured ions

The by-product of the process of Saponification is___________?

A. Glycol
B. Methanol
C. Glycerol
D. Sodium hydroxide

Polyethylene Glycols are used in the preparation of which type of detergents?

A. Anionic detergents
B. Cationic detergents
C. Non-ionic detergents soap
D. All of above

_____________ surfactants perform well over a wide range water hardness and PH?

A. Cationic
B. Anionic
C. Nonionic
D. Neutral

Commercial detergents contain mainly _____________?

D. ROsO3Na

Which one of the following is caustic potash?

A. NaCl
D. NaBH4

The carbon-carbon bond strength is maximum in__________?

B. Benzene
C. CH2=CH2
D. Cyclohexane

Which of the following effects best explains that o-nitrophenol is insoluble in water?

A. Resonance effect
B. Inductive effect
C. Intermolecular H-bonding
D. Isomeric effect

Which one of the following is most acidic?

A. O-nitrophenol
B. P-nitrophenol
C. Phenol
D. M-nitrophenol

Chlorine Cl when attached to benzene has________?

A. +1 and -R effect
B. -1 and +R effect
C. +I and +R effect
D. -I and -R effect

The criteria for aromaticity is presence of_________?

A. Cyclic structure
B. Unsaturations
C. Presence of 4nπ electrons
D. Presence of 4n+2π electrons

The bond angle between hybrid orbitals in methane CH3 is___________?

A. 105.7°
B. 109.5°
C. 115.5°
D. 180°

The bond length of C=C is___________?

A. 1.34A°
B. 1.20A°
C. 1.54A°
D. 1.68A°

The stationary and mobile phases in paper chromatography are____________?

A. Liquid/solid
B. Solid/liquid
C. Liquid/liquid
D. Liquid/gas

Beillstein test is used for________?

A. Cl
B. CO2
C. N2

Chemistry Mcqs – (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests