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Chemistry Mcqs – (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests

Chemistry Mcqs – (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests

Chemistry Mcqs - (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests
Chemistry Mcqs

Chemistry Mcqs “. Tab this page to check “Latest Chemistry MCQs” for the preparation of competitive mcqs, FPSC mcqs, PPSC mcqs, SPSC mcqs, KPPSC mcqs, AJKPSC mcqs, BPSC mcqs, NTS mcqs, PTS mcqs, OTS mcqs, Atomic Energy mcqs, Pak Army mcqs, Pak Navy mcqs, CTS mcqs, ETEA mcqs and others. The most occurred mcqs of Chemistry in past papers. Past papers of Chemistry mcqs. Past papers of Chemistry MCQs. Chemistry Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Chemistry mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Chemistry mcqs. The Important series of Chemistry Mcqs are given below:

In complex compounds the oxidation number is written in___________________?

A. Greek
B. English
C. Roman numeral
D. Hebrew

When the central atom of coordination compound is sp3d2 hybridization the expected geometry will be___________________?

A. square planar
B. tetrahedral
C. trigonal bipyramidal
D. octahedral

In the production of wrought iron Mg Si and P are removed in the form of___________________?

A. silicates
B. oxides
C. slag
D. carbonates

Any process of chemical decay of metals due to the action of surrounding medium is called__________________?

A. enameling
B. activation
C. corrosion
D. coating

Polymers described as large molecules built up from small repeating units called________________?

A. Dimers
B. Biopolymers
C. Monomers
D. metamers

The important monomers of acryclic resins is__________________?

A. Styrene
B. Vinyl chloride
C. Methylmethacrylate
D. Hexamethylenediamine

Industrial materials and thermal power stations are coated with______________________?

A. Polyamide resins
B. Epoxy paints
C. Polyester resins
D. Polyvinyl chloride

Common example of carbohydrates are__________________?

A. Cellulose glycogen galactose
B. Glycerol phospho lipids collagen
C. Glyceraldehydes glucose peptone
D. Legumin amylopectin albumin

Hydrolysis of an oligosaccharide in the presence of acid yields________________?

A. No monosaccharide unit
B. one monosaccharide unit
C. 2-9 monosaccharide unit
D. many monosaccharide

The process of polymerization was classified by___________________?

A. Sabatier
B. Strecker
C. Runge
D. W. H. Carothers

Protein attached to some non protein group is called____________________?

A. Sample protein
B. Derived protein
C. Proteoses
D. Conjugated protein

Lipids are soluble in___________________?

A. Organic solvents
B. Inorganic solvents
C. Organic and inorganic solvents
D. Solubility has nothing to do with lipids

Animal and vegetable fats are___________________?

A. Fatty acids
B. Glycerols
C. Triesters formed from glycerol and fatty acids
D. Tetraesters formed from glycerol and fatty acids

Triglycerides are easily hydrolyzed by enzymes called_________________?

A. Ligases
B. Lyases
C. Lipases
D. Hydrolases

Saponification is the hydrolysis of fat or oil with an__________________?

A. Enzyme and alkali
B. Alkali
C. Acid
D. Enzyme and acid

Enzymes from the same organism which catalyze same reaction but are chemically and physically distinct from each other are called______________?

A. Hydrolases
B. Oxidoreductases
C. Isoenzymes
D. Isomerases

Enzyme proved useful in cancer treatment is_______________?

A. Alkaline phosphatase
B. Lactic dehydrogenase
C. L-asparaginase
D. Cellulase

Chemistry Mcqs

Nucleic acids were first demonstrated in_________________?

A. Pus cells
B. 1872
C. Sperm heads
D. all of the above

The mechanism by which the genetic information can be duplicated is called_________________?

A. Transcription
B. Duplication
C. Replication
D. Mutation

The nitrogenous base different in RNA as compared to DNA is_________________?

A. Adenine
B. Thymine
C. Cytosine
D. Guanine

A polymer in which three different monomers combine called_____________?

A. Homopolymer
B. Terpolymer
C. Copolymer
D. Biopolymer

Polyester resins are the product of the reaction of__________________?

A. Dihydric alcohol and dicarboxylic aromatic acids
B. Styrene in the presence of catalyst
C. Polyamines with aliphatic dicarboxylic acids
D. Epichlorohydrin with diphenylol propane

Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy compounds of___________________?

A. Glyceraldehydes
B. Glucose
C. Oligosaccharides
D. Aldehydes and ketones

Nylon is obtained by heating___________________?

A. Epichlorohydrin
B. Acrylic acid
C. Vinyl chloride
D. Adipic acid with hexamethylene diamine

Amylose is__________________?

A. Soluble in water
B. Soluble in alcohol
C. Insoluble in water
D. Partially soluble in alcohol

All proteins yield ___________ upon complete hydrolysis?

A. Carbon and hydrogen
B. Amino acids
C. Nitrogen
D. Sulphur

Regular coiling or zigzagging of polypeptide through hydrogen bonding is its_______________?

A. Tertiary structure
B. Secondary structure
C. Quantum structure
D. Primary structure

Animal fats are located particularly in__________________?

A. Cardiac tissues
B. Skeleton tissues
C. Connective tissues
D. Adipose tissues

Lipopolysaccharides are examples of________________?

A. Simple lipids
B. Derived lipids
C. Compound lipids
D. Not a type of lipids

Orgosterol is__________________?

A. Vitamin D2
B. Orgocalciferol
C. Sterol
D. all of the above

Enzymes that catalyze the transfer of groups within molecule are called_________________?

A. Isomerases
B. Transferases
C. Lyases
D. Ligases

Rate of enzymatic reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of___________________?

A. Enzyme and substrate
B. Substrate
C. Enzyme
D. Enzyme and product

Purines and pyrimidines are__________________?

A. Carbohydrates
B. Nitrogenous bases
C. Enzymes
D. Lipids

Nucleic acids direct the synthesis of__________________?

A. Triglycerides
B. Glucose
C. Proteins
D. All

The fertility of the soil is improved by________________?

A. Adding lime to the acid salts
B. Rotation of the crops
C. Adding manure and growing legumes
D. All

The fertilizers which provide single nutrient from NPK are called ___________ fertilizer?

A. compound
B. straight
C. both a and b
D. none of the above

Addition of urea to the soil is ____________ reaction?

A. exothermic
B. endothermic
C. both a and b
D. no heat energy is involved

The cooling of molten urea by air in the tower is called______________________?

A. prilling
B. condensation
C. evaporation
D. crystallization

DAP (Diammonium hydrogen phosphate) contains ______________ plant nutrients?

A. 65%
B. 60%
C. 70%
D. 75%

Calcarious material includes_________________?

A. marble
B. lime stone
C. chalk
D. all of the above

Which of the following processes is used for the synthesis of cement ?

A. wet process
B. dry process
C. both
D. none

How many zones through which the charge passes in a rotary kiln ?

A. 4
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5

Which one of the following set of raw material is most suitable for manufacture of urea ?

A. CH4 N2 and CO2
B. H2 CO2 and H2O
C. H2 N2 and CO
D. H2O N2 and H2

The percentage of nitrogen in urea is________________?

A. 56%
B. 46%
C. 36%
D. 66%

Which one of the following fertilizers provides the nitrogen and phosphorus to the plant ?

A. calcium superphosphate
B. urea
C. diammonium phosphate
D. potassium nitrate

Cement is a mixture of________________?

A. lime stone and gypsum
B. clay lime stone and gypsum
C. clay and clinker
D. lime stone and clay

Cement is a mixture of so many compounds roasted in rotary kiln. Which substances has greater percentage ?

A. Lime (CaO)
B. Magnesia (MgO)
C. Alumina (Al2O3)
D. Silica (SiO2)

Which sequence of steps is correct for the manufacture of cement ?

A. crushing mixing heating grinding and mixing
B. crushing heating mixing grinding
C. crushing grinding mixing heating
D. mixing heating grinding crushing

The composition of mixture of clay and lime stone in the raw for cement material is __________________?

A. 75% lime stone and 25% clay
B. 15% lime stone and 55% clay
C. 25% lime stone and 75% clay
D. 55% lime stone and 15% clay

The important function of burning zone in the rotary kilm is __________________?

A. to reduce the impurities
B. to decompose lime stone to unslaked lime
C. combination of different oxides like CaO SiO2 Fe2O3 and Al2O3
D. to dry the moisture of slurry

Which of the following is incorrect statement about nitrogen importance ?

A. It is involved in the chlorophyll synthesis
B. It is involved in the synthesis of protein and nucleic acids
C. it accelerates fruits and flowers growth
D. It enhances plant growth

Chemistry Mcqs

Which of the following is macronutrient ?

A. Cl
B. Cu
C. H
D. Zn

Which of the following is the most suitable catalyst for ammonia synthesis ?

A. ZnO + Cr2O3
B. Pt
C. Fe in fused mixture of Al2O3 + SiQ2 + MgO
D. All of the above

Which of the following fertilizers is not useful for paddy rice ?

B. urea
C. Ammonium sulphate
D. Ammonium nitrate

Which of the following potassium fertilizers are more useful for horticultural crops tobacco & potatoes ?

A. K2SO4
D. KMnO4

Argillaceous material does not include________________?

A. slate
B. marine shells
C. vlay
D. blast furnace slag

The nutrients which are required in very small amount for the normal growth of plants are called_________________?

A. phosphorus fertilizer
B. micronutrients
C. nitrogenous fertilizers
D. all of the above

Which one of the following is an inorganic fertilizer ?

A. urea
B. manure
C. ammonium nitrate
D. All

The potassium present in plant help the plant to___________________?

A. ripen the seeds and fruits
B. form starch sugar and fibrous material
C. increase the resistance against disease
D. all the above statements are correct

What is clinker ?

A. roasted argillaceous material
B. roasted calcareous material
C. roasted calcareous and argillaceous material
D. roasted gypsum

Phosphorus helps in the growth of_________________?

A. leave
B. root
C. stem
D. seed

Which one of the following raw material is not present in the cement ?

A. gypsum
B. lime stone
D. iron oxide

The sequence of zones in the rotary kiln are as____________________?

A. burning zone cooling zone decomposition zone
B. cooling zone burning zone decomposition zone dry zone
C. dry zone burning zone decomposition zone cooling zone
D. dry zone decomposition zone burning zone cooling zone

The rate of reaction___________________?

A. Remains the same as the reaction proceeds
B. Decreases as the reaction proceeds
C. Increases as the reaction proceeds
D. May decrease or increase as the reaction proceeds

The specific rate constant of a first order reaction depends on the________________?

A. Concentration of the reactant
B. Time
C. Temperature
D. Concentration of the product

The value of activation energy is primarily determined by_______________?

A. Concentration of reactants
B. Effective collision
C. Temperature
D. Chemical nature of reactants and products

Spontaneous reactions are_______________?

A. Slow
B. Moderate
C. Fast
D. not natural

Unit of rate of reaction is_________________?

A. Moles dm-3 sec-1
B. Moles sec-1
C. Moles dm-3
D. Mol-1 dm3 sec-1

Rate of disappearance of reactant is equal to_________________?

A. Rate of reaction
B. Energy released during reaction
C. Rate of formation of product
D. A and B

For 3rd order reaction the half life is inversely proportional to initial concentration of reactants__________________?

A. Cube
B. Square
C. Single
D. Raise to power four

Radiations are absorbed in_______________?

A. Spectrophotometer method
B. Optical relation method
C. Dilatometric method
D. Refractometric method

Energy of reactant higher than energy of product favours A. Endothermic_______________?

A. Endothermic B. Exothermic
C. No reaction
D. Moderate reaction

Which of the following will have very high rate of reaction ?

A. Neutralization reaction
B. Double decomposition reaction
C. Ionic reactions
D. all of above

Anything which increases rate of reaction without being involved in the reaction________________?

A. Inhibitor
B. Catalyst
C. Promoter
D. All of the above

When catalysts and reactants are in more than one phase it is________________?

A. Catalysis
B. Heterogeneous catalysis
C. Homogeneous catalysis
D. Ea

Biocatalytical proteins are_________________?

A. Enzymes
B. Lipids
C. Substrate
D. any of above

An enzyme has its specificity due to________________?

A. Temperature
B. Structure
C. Substrate
D. Pressure

A substance which increases the reactivity of enzyme is called_________________?

A. Promoters
B. Stimulators
C. Inhibitors
D. Non-activators

When the reaction completes in more than one steps rate of reaction will be determined by________________?

A. All steps
B. Slowest step
C. Fast step
D. Molecularity of the reaction

Energy of activation for backward reaction is less than forward reaction for ___________ reaction?

A. Endothermic
B. Moderate
C. Exothermic
D. Fast

Which statement is incorrect about catalyst___________________?

A. specific in action
B. decrease activation energy
C. it is used in smaller amount
D. it affects specific rate constant

Which of the following type of reaction is 3rd order reaction_________________?

A. NO + O3 ? NO2 + O2
B. 2N2O5 = 2N2O4 + O3
C. 2FeCl3 + 6KI ? 2FeI2 + 6KCl + I2
D. None of these

The addition of a catalyst to the reaction system__________________?

A. Increases the rate of reverse reaction
B. Increases the rate of forward reaction only
C. Increases the rate of forward but decreases the rate of backward reaction
D. Increases the rate of forward as well as backward reaction equally

On increasing the temperature the rate of reaction increases mainly because_________________?

A. Concentration of the reacting molecules increases
B. The activation energy of the reaction increases
C. Collision frequency increases
D. None of these

Chemistry Mcqs

Sum of exponents of molar concentration is called___________________?

A. Order of reaction
B. Rate of reaction
C. Molecularity
D. Average of reaction

In rate expression the concentration of reactants is negative. It shows_______________?

A. Concentration of reactant does not change
B. Concentration of reactant increases
C. Concentration of reactant decreases
D. Concentration of product increases

When a graph is plotted between 1/T on X-axis and log k on y-axis a straight line is obtained with a negative slope which has two end in__________________?

A. II and III quadrant
B. I and II quadrant
C. III and IV quadrant
D. II and IV quadrant

Rate of reaction when concentration of reactants are taken as unity is called_________________?

A. Molecularity
B. Arrhenius constant
C. Specific rate constant
D. Ideal rate constant

Which order of reaction obeys the relation t1/2 = 1/Ka____________________?

A. Third order
B. Second order
C. First order
D. Zero order

Activated complex is formed due to________________?

A. Ineffective collisions
B. Effective collision
C. Pressure
D. Temperature

Energy required to form transition state is called _________________?

A. Ea
B. V
D. K.E

Greater the conc. Of reactant__________________?

A. Greater will be dx/dt
B. dx/dt will be moderate
C. Lesser will be dx/dt
D. any of above

The substances that reduces the effectiveness of a catalyst are called ___________________?

A. Inhibitors
B. Poisoning catalysts
C. Promoters
D. pro-catalysts

Each catalyst has_________________?

A. Special structure
B. Specificity
C. Its own Ea
D. all of above

A catalyst can not effect__________________?

A. Chemical equilibrium
B. Products
C. Reactants
D. both A & B

Co-enzymes are_________________?

A. Non proteineous
B. sugars
C. Proteineous
D. lipids

End name of enzyme is___________________?

A. one
B. ase
C. yl
D. al

For determining the order of reaction we use__________________?

A. Dilatometric method
B. Refractometric method
C. Optical activity method
D. Half life method

Elements in the same vertical group of the periodic table have same_______________?

A. Number of valence electrons
B. Atomic mass
C. Atomic number
D. Atomic volume

Which set of elements is listed in order of increasing ionization energy ?

A. Sb < As < S < P < Cl
B. As < Cl < P < S < Sb
C. Cl < Sb < P < As < S
D. Sb < As < Cl < S < P

Chemistry Mcqs – (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests