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Competitive Agriculture MCQs – Latest Soil Science MCQs ( Agriculture ) MCQs

Competitive Agriculture MCQs – Latest Soil Science MCQs ( Agriculture ) MCQs

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Latest Agriculture MCQs

By practicing these MCQs of Soil Science Mcqs ( Agriculture ) MCQs – Latest Competitive Agriculture MCQs , an individual for exams performs better than before. This post comprising of mechanical engineering objective questions and answers related to Soil Science Mcqs ( Agriculture ) Mcqs “. As wise people believe “Perfect Practice make a Man Perfect”. It is therefore practice these mcqs of Software engineering to approach the success. Tab this page to check “Soil Science Mcqs ( Agriculture )” for the preparation of competitive mcqs, FPSC mcqs, PPSC mcqs, SPSC mcqs, KPPSC mcqs, AJKPSC mcqs, BPSC mcqs, NTS mcqs, PTS mcqs, OTS mcqs, Atomic Energy mcqs, Pak Army mcqs, Pak Navy mcqs, CTS mcqs, ETEA mcqs and others.

Latest Soil Science Mcqs ( Agriculture ) Mcqs

The most occurred mcqs of Soil Science Mcqs ( Agriculture ) in past papers. Past papers of Soil Science Mcqs ( Agriculture ) Mcqs. Past papers of Soil Science Mcqs ( Agriculture ) Mcqs . Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Soil Science Mcqs ( Agriculture ) Mcqs. The Important series of Soil Science Mcqs ( Agriculture ) Mcqs are given below:

Solution containing molecular weight of a substance in gram per liter of a solution is known as______________________?

A. Molal
B. Normal
C. Molar
D. None of the above

A soil with an ESP greater than 15 is usually classified as___________________?

A. Sodic soil
B. Acidic soil
C. Saline soil
D. None of the above

pF unit is used for the measurement of_____________________?

A. Hydraulic conductivity
B. Hydraulic potential
C. Negative soil water potential
D. All the above

The symbol of Na stands for___________________?

A. Natrium
B. Nickle
C. Neon
D. None of these

The moisture content below which a cohesive soil does stick to metal tools is known as______________________?

A. Plastic limit
B. Liquid limit
C. Sticky limit
D. Alter berg limit

Formula used for the calculation of sodium absorption ratio is______________________?

A. SAR=Na / [(Ca+Mg)1/2] Na x 2
B. SAR=Na / CEC x 100
C. SAR=Na / CEC x 100
D. None of these

Mean annual precipitation for tundra region is ____________________?

A. 150-70 cm
B. 70-80 cm
C. 0-50 cm
D. None of the above

Equation of Ozone is________________________?

A. O2 + O =O3
B. O2 O
C. O3 + O
D. None of the above

The earth core is made of the following metals ______________________?

A. Fe & Ni
B. Cu & Ni
C. Mg & Ni
D. None of these

Corrositivity of water is an indication of___________________?

A. Property of polluted material
B. Salinity
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above

Cyclic salts are mostly of ______________________?

B. SO4
C. Cl
D. None of the above

Total salt affected soils of Pakistan are____________________?

A. 6.3 m ha
B. 12.3 m ha
C. 5.0 m ha
D. 10.5 m ha

Salt-tolerant plants are called ____________________?

A. Xerophytes
B. Halophytes
C. Glycophytes
D. All the above

Gold is___________________?

A. Native element
B. Primary element
C. Secondary element
D. Heavy metal

Na and k can be determined by the use of____________________?

A. Spectrophotometer
B. Flame photometer
C. Hydrometer
D. All the above

The problem of soil crosion Thal and Cholistan is predominantly due to___________________?

A. Wind
B. Water
C. Air
D. All the above

Addition of sodium hexametaphosphate in soil for determination of soil texture causes__________________?

A. Cementing of soil particles
B. Aggregation of soil particles
C. Dispersion of soil particles
D. All the above

The process of accumulation of excess quantity of nutrients in water causing O2 deficiency is known as_____________________?

A. Eutrophication
B. Denitrification
C. Nitrification
D. Sedimentation

Chromium (Cr) is a____________________?

A. Secondary element
B. Macro element
C. Heavy metal
D. Free element

Percentage of N in Ammonium sulphate fertilizer is___________________?

A. 35
B. 23
C. 45
D. 21

The available form of sulphur for plant is___________________?

A. SO3
B. SO-2
C. S2
D. SO2

The plant in which CO2 fixation is solely via the Calvin cycle is_____________________?

C. C

Gravimetric water is present in__________________?

A. Mesopores
B. Macrospores
C. Microspores
D. Nanopores

Sugar cane is_____________________?

A. C2 plant
B. C4 plant
C. C3 plant
D. None of the above

The lower limit of available water is called ____________________?

A. Available water
B. Wilting point
C. Field capacity
D. Hygroscopic water

[(NH4)2SO4FeSO66H2O] is the formula of _______________________?

A. Sodium ammonium sulphate
B. Ammonium sulphate Iron sulphate
C. Ferrous Ammonium sulphate
D. None of the above

C12H12N-NaO8S2 is the chemical formula of ____________________?

A. Carbonated sodium sulphate
B. Azomethine H
C. Activated charcoal
D. None of the above

The formula used for calculating RSC is _____________________?

A. RSC=(CO32 + HCO2) (Na + K + Ca2 + Mg2)
B. RSC=(CO32 + HCO2) ( Ca2 + Mg2)
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

While handing concentrated acids. bases or other hazardous chemicals use_________________?

A. Table
B. Fume hoods
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

Plant Breeding And Genetics MCQs

An expression of the intensity of the basic or a acidic condition of a liquid or of soil is called_____________________?

D. pH

The conductivity of a saturation extract is greater 4 dsm-1 an exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of less than 15 and the pH is usually less than 8.5 is called as__________________?

A. Saline soils
B. Sodic soils
C. Saline-sodic soils
D. Neutral soils

Chitin and steroids are_____________________?

A. Proteins
B. Carbohydrates
C. Lipids
D. Waxes

Secondary air pollution is _____________________?

A. CO3
C. CO2
D. All the above

Permanente wilting point of clayey soils is not less than____________________?

A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 20%
D. 15%

Urea in manufactured form gases________________________?

A. NH3 & CH4
B. NH48CO2
C. NH3
D. All the above

Acid soils of the world’s arable comprise up to_____________________?

A. 40%
B. 58%
C. 30%
D. 20%

The time for which water and ion remains in vicinity is called_____________________?

A. ppm
B. Primary hydration
C. Normality
D. Residence time

Common soils found in Pakistan are___________________?

A. Inceptisols
B. Arid soils
C. Entisols
D. All the above

Examples of micro biota are____________________?

A. Virus
B. Protozoa
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above

Which bacteria causes fermentation__________________?

A. Bacillus
B. Azotobacter
C. Pseudomonas
D. Corey

Widely spread saprophytic fungi is________________________?

A. Endospore
B. Ascomycetes
C. Basidiomycetes
D. None of the above

Which compound decay slowly______________________?

A. fats
B. Lignin
C. Amino acid
D. Cellulose

Who gave the defination of humic acid ?

A. Neir
B. Felbeek
C. Gapon
D. Liekig

Extraction of humic substance can be done by______________________?

C. NH4Cl
D. None of the above

The complex fertilizer Nitrophos available in the market contains_____________________?

A. 46%N & 23% P2O3
B. 25%N & 23% P2O3
C. 23%N & 23% P2O3
D. None of the above

Radiation can be detected by the blankening of photographic film or by using___________________?

A. Neutron probe
B. GM counter
C. Ratio autoanalyser
D. Dosimeter

Nitrification is the microbial conversion of____________________?

A. NH nitrogen the NO3 nitrogen in soil
B. NO3 nitrogen to NH4 + in soil
C. NO2 to NO3 nitrogen in soil
D. None of the above

The exact chemical formula of DAP fertilizer is___________________?

A. (NH2) HPO4
D. Both a & c

According to WAPDA, the ECe of the salt free soil should remain__________________?

A. < 4 dsm-1
B. 4-8 dsm-1
C. Equal to 4 dsm-1
D. None of the above

The EC: SAR and RSC values suggested by WAPDA for 3rd class irrigation water(C,S,R,) are____________________?

A. ECi:<1.5, SAR < 10 & RSC< 2.5
B. ECi:>1.5, SAR 2.5
C. ECi:>1.5, SAR > 10 & RSC> 2.5
D. Both a & b

The exact formula for calculating the base saturation percentage is_____________________?

A. Bas saturation percentage = CA+Mg+Na / CEC x 100
B. Bas saturation percentage = /CEC / CA+Mg x 100
C. Bas saturation percentage = /CEC / CA+Mg+Na x 100
D. None of the above

Food Technology MCQs

The toxicity level of Zn (mg/kg) in plants suggested by some workers is___________________?

A. > 10 mg-1
B. > 50 mg kg-1
C. > 400 mg kg-1
D. None of these

The chemical formula of Dolomite is________________?

A. CaMg (CO3)2
B. CaCO3
C. MgCO3
D. None of the above

Auxins promote___________________?

A. Cell elongation
B. Cell division
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

Deep percolation from a soil profile is generally measured by a device known as_____________________?

A. Thermometer
B. Lysimeter
C. Hydrometer
D. Tensiometer

The particlesw density of a mineral soil is about____________________?

A. 2550 Kg m-3
B. 2750 Kg m-3
C. 2650 Kg m-3
D. None of the above

The safe limit of No2 in drinking water is_____________________?

A. 10 mg L-1
B. 20 mg L-1
C. 15 mg L-1
D. None of the above

The device used for the measurement of positive pressure potential of soil water is known as_________________?

A. Tensiometer
B. Lysimeter
C. Piezometer
D. Barometer

Soil structure without aggregation is known as____________________?

A. Granular
B. Platy
C. Massive
D. Both b & c

The water loss through transpiration from vegetative and evaporation from soil surface is known as__________________?

A. Evaptranspiration
B. Evaporation
C. Transpiration
D. Guttation

Perfect hardness of any mineral is determined by___________________?

A. Mho’s scale
B. Foot scale
C. pH scale
D. None of the above

Primary air pollution is____________________?

A. SO3
C. SO2
D. None of the above

Algal photosynthesis increases pH of water and releases___________________?

A. SO3
B. CO2
C. O2
D. All the above

The atmospheric layer lies closest to the earth surface is known as___________________?

A. Thermosphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Troposphere
D. Stratosphere

Accumulation of soluble salts root zone is known as____________________?

A. Sodication
B. Desodication
C. Degradation
D. Salininzation

Na2CO3 salts is___________________?

A. Acidic
B. Alkaline
C. Neutral
D. None of the above

Electrical conductivity of saturated paste is written as____________________?

A. ECe
C. ECs
D. Ecw

The science of growing terrestrial plants in an aerated solution is known as___________________?

A. Hydrology
B. Nutrient film technique
C. Hydrants
D. Hydroponics

The wearing away of the land surface by wind, water, ice or other geological agents is called____________________?

A. Soil contamination
B. Soil erosion
C. Seepage
D. All the above

Material deposited by the wind is called____________________?

A. Colluvial
B. Regolith
C. Alluvium
D. Eolian

Rocks formed from molten magma are called__________________?

A. Alluvial rocks
B. Igneous rocks
C. Sedimentary rocks
D. All the above

Deficiency of B can be corrected through application of chemical fertilizer of_________________?

A. Boric acid
B. Solubor
C. Borax
D. All the above

Clear water with organic matter or sediment and minimum biological activity is known as__________________?

A. Oligotrophic
B. Eutrophic
C. Mestrophic
D. Hydrotrophic

Sewage water consists of water and solids in the following percentage___________________?

A. 99 & 1
B. 80 & 20
C. 90 & 10
D. None of the above

Percentage of N in Ammonium ritract fertilizer is___________________?

A. 23
B. 21
C. 33
D. 39

Antioxidant is used to reduce the process of_____________________?

A. Dehydration
B. Oxidation
C. Both a & b
D. Reduction

Agricultural Economics MCQs

Humic acid is soluble in______________________?

A. Distilled water
B. Alkali
C. Both a & b
D. Acid

TSP contains____________________?

A. 40%P
B. 46%P
C. 14%
D. 50%P

Which silica mineral is present in soil in abundant quantity____________________?

A. Quartz
B. Gypsum
C. Smectite
D. All the above

The exact formula for sodium hexametaphosphate is___________________?

A. [(NaPO2)6]
B. [(NaPO3)13]
C. [(NaPO6)13]
D. None of the above

The chemical formula for Ammonium acctatc is_____________________?

D. Both b & c

Boron concentration is irrigation water is considered safe only upto_________________?

A. 0.7 ppm
B. 2 ppm
C. 1.5 ppm
D. 3 ppm

Organic P content in soil, by ignition method is estimated by igniting the soil at ____________________?

A. 550ºC
B. 1000ºC
C. 250ºC
D. 1250ºC

While diluting acid always add_____________________?

A. Acid to water
B. Water to acid
C. Both of the above
D. none of the above

Biochemical reduction of nitrate to nitrite or gaseous nitrogen is called ________________________?

A. Oxidation
B. Reduction
C. Denitrification
D. None of the above

A treeless artic plain is called as___________________?

A. Barren land
B. Glaciers
C. Tundra
D. None of the above

Nitrogen gases are involved in_____________________?

A. Hair disease
B. Sleepy feelings
C. Mental disease
D. Acid rains

Particular matter consists of____________________?

A. CO2 & N
B. Solid and gases
C. Solid and liquid
D. None of the above

Soil moisture and ET losses are_________________?

A. Not related
B. Directly related
C. Inversely related
D. Occasionally related

The salinity can be reduced by the application of___________________?

A. Lime
B. Urea
C. Sulphuric acid
D. All the above

The most abundant metal in the earth’s crust and toxic to plants in low concentration is____________________?

A. Fe
B. Al
C. Mo
D. All the above

Point of zero change means____________________?

A. All are ionic bond
B. Zero charge at surface
C. All the covalent bonds
D. None of the above

Part of soil which is in contact with root surface is called___________________?

A. Rhizoshpere
B. Atmoshpere
C. Lithoshpere
D. None of the above

Examples of macrobiota are______________________?

A. Enchytrids
B. Bacteria
C. Fungus
D. Plants

Which bacteria convert nitrite to nitrate___________________?

A. Pseudomonas
B. Nitrobacter
C. Frankia
D. None of the above

In flood rice, snail feed on bacteria called__________________?

A. Limnea
B. Helix
C. Azolla
D. None of the above

Humic acid is soluble in____________________?

A. Acid
B. Alkali
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

Which mulch reduce soil temperature?

A. Polythene
B. Black polythene
C. White polythene
D. Both B&C

The tree sends down roots from its branches to the soil is know as:_______?

A. Pine
B. Oak
C. Banyan
D. Palm

The Tree sends down roots from its branches to the soil is known as:___________?

A. Pine
B. Oak
C. Banyan
D. Palm

Competitive Agriculture MCQs – Latest Soil Science MCQs ( Agriculture ) MCQs