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English Literature MCQs – Cultural and Literary 18th -19th Centuries ( English Literature ) MCQs

English Literature MCQs – Cultural and Literary 18th -19th Centuries ( English Literature ) MCQs

This post is comprising of latest ” ( English Literature ) MCQs – Latest Competitive MCQs “. Here you’ll get latest English Literature mcqs for written test, interview with answers. If you want to improve your knowledge regarding English Literature then read these mcqs of Design of Steel Structures.

Latest English Literature MCQs

By practicing these MCQs of Cultural and Literary 18th -19th Centuries ( English Literature ) MCQs – Latest Competitive MCQs , an individual for exams performs better than before. This post comprising of objective questions and answers related to Cultural and Literary 18th -19th Centuries ( English Literature ) Mcqs “. As wise people believe “Perfect Practice make a Man Perfect”. It is therefore practice these mcqs of English Literature to approach the success. Tab this page to check “Cultural and Literary 18th -19th Centuries ( English Literature )” for the preparation of competitive mcqs, FPSC mcqs, PPSC mcqs, SPSC mcqs, KPPSC mcqs, AJKPSC mcqs, BPSC mcqs, NTS mcqs, PTS mcqs, OTS mcqs, Atomic Energy mcqs, Pak Army mcqs, Pak Navy mcqs, CTS mcqs, ETEA mcqs and others.

Latest Cultural and Literary 18th -19th Centuries ( English Literature ) Mcqs

The most occurred mcqs of Cultural and Literary 18th -19th Centuries ( English Literature ) in past papers. Past papers of Cultural and Literary 18th -19th Centuries ( English Literature ) Mcqs. Past papers of Cultural and Literary 18th -19th Centuries ( English Literature ) Mcqs . Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Cultural and Literary 18th -19th Centuries ( English Literature ) Mcqs. The Important series of Cultural and Literary 18th -19th Centuries ( English Literature ) Mcqs are given below:

Which of the following does NOT characterize Matthew Arnold’s “Dover Beach” ?

A. Like earlier Romantic lyrics, it takes a natural setting as an occasion for philosophical reflection.
B. It is a dramatic monologue.
C. It has a melancholic tone.
D. It envisions Christianity as eternal.

Swinburne’s poems such as “Hermaphroditus” are best known for which of the following ?

A. Their radical politics
B. Their frank depiction of sexuality
C. Their conservative poetics
D. Their nationalistic tone

Pope’s comment that “Know, then, thyself, presume God not to scan;/The proper study of mankind is man” in his “Essay on Man” is indicative of all of the following EXCEPT______________?

A. an Enlightenment focus on useful knowledge.
B. his use of the heroic couplet.
C. a neoclassical emphasis on propriety and knowing limitations.
D. a radical questioning of revealed religion

In Linton’s The Girl of the Period, what course of behavior does the author recommend for women ?

A. Women should wear more makeup in order to attract husbands.
B. Women should be given the right to vote immediately.
C. Women should take pains to remain generous, modest, and capable.
D. Women should make sure to receive an education in order to secure their own futures.

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the growth of literacy in the 19thcentury ?

A. The rise in serialized fiction
B. More magazines on the market
C. Lower prices for magazines
D. The passage of the Reform Bills

Which of the following political ideas is least related to the Enlightenment ?

A. Social contract
B. Checks and balances
C. Enlightened monarchy
D. Socialism

For I have learned/To look on nature, not as in the hour/Of thoughtless youth; but hearing oftentimes/The sad, still music of humanity” ?

A. The poet’s changing relationship to nature as fount of meaning and significance
B. The failure of the poet when a youth to imagine his future
C. The falsity of human art as opposed to the immediate truth of nature
D. The utter rejection of youthful folly in favor of mature rationality

Which of the following most accurately describes the relationship between Darwin’s On the Origin of Species and Victorian society and its ideals ?

A. Darwin’s work echoed Victorian thought with its emphasis on struggle while disrupting Victorian faith by decentering humans.
B. Darwin’s work had little initial influence on Victorian society and culture.
C. Darwin’s work was almost universally accepted from its first appearance.
D. Almost all religious authorities rejected Darwin’s work completely.

In The Way of the World, Congreve satirizes which of the following ?

A. The institution of marriage
B. Ideas about chastity
C. The aristocracy
D. All of these answers

Which of the following is NOT a central theme of Wordsworth’s poetry ?

A. The outcast figure
B. The promises of technology
C. The common man
D. The movement of time

What do Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey” and Coleridge’s “Dejection Ode” have in common ?

A. The sense of hope that death will come soon
B. The belief that a person is incapable of change, even as he or she ages
C. An identical rhyme structure
D. A shared theme that nature exposes the pain in human life

Complete the following sentence. Neoclassicism most paralleled Enlightenment thought in its_______________?

A. rejection of traditional models.
B. rejection of Renaissance optimism.
C. emphasis on order, logic, and universal truths.
D. emphasis on the corrupt nature of the aristocracy.

Ages, era, period MCQs

How does the following representative quotation from Brontë’s Jane Eyre reflect on Victorian social conventions? “You have nothing to do with the master of Thornfield, further than to receive the salary he gives you for teaching his protégée, and to be grateful for such respectful and kind treatment as, if you do your duty, you have a right to expect at his hands” ?

A. It reiterates the class divisions that kept both men and women from social mobility.
B. It indicates that British society had become much more egalitarian.
C. It suggests that women were increasingly accepted as professionals.
D. It reveals the stern consequences of the Industrial Revolution.

Complete the following sentence. The Romantic movement is least closely related to______________?

A. nationalism.
B. folklore.
C. parody.
D. exoticism

Why were coffee-houses important in the Restoration ?

A. They created a space for the exchange of pamphlets.
B. They enabled discussion about important literary texts.
C. They offered people a private place in which they could plan political revolts.
D. Both A and B

With which literary form or movement is the Restoration most closely associated ?

A. Romanticism
B. Comedies of manners
C. Familiar essays
D. Medievalism

Jonathan Swift’s suggestion in “A Modest Proposal” that the Irish eat their children exemplifies the characteristics of a satire in all of the following ways EXCEPT_______________?

A. its absurd response to a real issue.
B. its mocking tone.
C. its sentimental plea to its audience.
D. its attempt to shock readers into acting.

Victor Frankenstein’s project to create life in Mary Shelley’s novel can be linked to romanticism through which of the following ?

A. Its suggestion that the natural order has laws beyond human control
B. His Promethean striving to exceed human limitations as explored by Byron and Percy Shelley
C. His desire to create a political revolution
D. Both A and B

Tennyson’s “Ulysses” can be characterized in all of the following ways, EXCEPT________________?

A. it uses Greek mythology to comment on contemporary questions.
B. it reflects a Victorian attitude of continuing to fight against loss of hope or faith.
C. it thematizes the importance of choosing action over complacency.
D. it emphasizes the internal life of the mind over social action.

With which of these writers is the “spontaneous overflow of emotion” associated ?

A. John Keats
B. William Wordsworth
C. Ann Radcliffe
D. Alfred Lord Tennyson

The development of the novel is associated with all of the following EXCEPT__________________?

A. the political focus on individuals and their rights.
B. scientific emphasis on detailed observation.
C. philosophical theories of sympathy and human emotions.
D. the continuing importance of mythological stories.

Complete the following sentence. The scientific revolution paralleled Enlightenment political thought and political revolutions through its similar______________?

A. reliance on classical scholarship.
B. emphasis on the world being governed by laws that could be discerned through rational exploration.
C. devotion to traditional authority in political and theoretical matters.
D. defense of violent emotions as natural.

Which writer is most closely associated with the serialized novel ?

A. Ann Radcliffe
B. William Congreve
C. Matthew Lewis
D. Charles Dickens

“Do we now live in an enlightened age? The answer is, ‘no,’ but we do live in an age of enlightenment.” ?

A. Immanuel Kant
B. David Hume
C. John Locke
D. Denis Diderot

Which of the following statements best characterizes Romanticism’s relationship to the Enlightenment ?

A. Unlike the Enlightenment, Romanticism deemed the natural world unimportant
B. Romanticism challenged the Enlightenment’s emphasis on objectivity as the basis of truth.
C. Romanticism largely abandoned the Enlightenment’s hope in progressive political change.
D. Romanticism continued the Enlightenment’s focus on a universal order best apprehended through reason.

The Pre-Raphaelites are best known for which of the following ?

A. Disassociating painting and poetry
B. A return to neoclassical aesthetics
C. Lavish attention to the sensuous elements of life
D. Rejecting English poetic tradition

Which of the following ideas does NOT come from Edmund Burke’s Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime ?

A. The distinction between the sublime and beauty
B. The effect of the sublime on the physical body
C. An aesthetic explanation of the sublime through painting
D. The important role surprise plays in creating pleasure

Which of the following events was NOT associated with the Victorian period ?

A. Opium Wars
B. Repeal of the corn laws
C. Great Exhibition
D. French Revolution

In which of the following ways does Radcliffe’s The Mysteries of Udolpho combine the features of the Gothic and the sentimental ?

A. It has a didactic moral focus.
B. It emphasizes emotion over reason.
C. There is a focus on a central love story.
D. All of these answers

John Dryden’s poem “Annus Mirabilis” emphasizes the solution to which of the following important Restoration problems or events ?

A. England’s power to overcome the recent plague and the great fire of London
B. Parliament’s ability to restrain the power of the King
C. The church’s potential to unify the populace after the English revolution
D. The monarch’s ability to squelch continuing Puritan resistance

Which of the following best characterizes the ways that Radcliffe’s The Mysteries of Udolpho links the Gothic novel with the sentimental form ?

A. Its use of the sublime
B. Its focus on having readers vicariously experience the dangers that a heroine faces
C. Its ambivalent treatment of its leading villain
D. Its use of a medieval setting to reflect on rational progress

Which of the following is a requirement of a dramatic monologue ?

A. It has a speaker as well as an implied reader.
B. There is a “spontaneous overflow of emotion.”
C. It includes elements of parody.
D. It is written in common, ordinary language.

How does the Encyclopédie best epitomize the mission of the Enlightenment ?

A. By rejecting the divine right of kings
B. By questioning the nature of scientific method
C. By dismissing all knowledge from outside Europe
D. By emphasizing the idea that gathering knowledge together can lead to human improvement

Which of the following statements about Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s sonnet 43 (“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.”) is false ?

A. Sonnet 43 consists of fourteen lines, like other sonnets.
B. Sonnet 43 is part of a sonnet sequence “Sonnets from the Portuguese.”
C. Sonnet 43 is similar to most other sonnets in its focus on love.
D. Sonnet 43 is a romantic poem in the same way Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey” is a romantic poem.

Which of the following best defines satire ?

A. A work of literature that attempts to improve society
B. Literature that relies on devices like irony, sarcasm, and humor
C. A text that exposes serious flaws under the veil of comedy
D. All of these answers

The Enlightenment in European history refers to which of the following ?

A. The revelation of religious truths through meditation
B. A period in the 18th century that celebrated industry
C. The power given to absolute monarchs by God
D. A period in which reason was celebrated as enabling human knowledge and possibly human perfection

Complete the following sentence. John Dryden’s “Mac Flecknoe” reflects a commitment to neoclassical aesthetics through_______________?

A. its scientific ethos and setting in London.
B. its commitment to an elevated taste, its use of classical imagery, and its evocation of classic forms.
C. its references to Shakespeare.
D. its refusal to mention Shadwell directly.

What was the importance of the Reform Bills of 1832 and 1867 ?

A. They raised the question of whether women should be able to vote.
B. They established new standards for Victorian morality.
C. They allowed new colonization and imperialism efforts.
D. They allowed women to divorce their husbands.

Complete the following sentence. Shelley’s “Ozymandias” can be linked to his “Defence of Poetry” through its_______________?

A. rejection of art’s political role.
B. portrayal of the power of art to speak truth.
C. rejection of traditional form.
D. attempt to link poetry with music.

Cultural and Literary English Renaissance MCQs

What was the “Woman Question” in the Victorian Period ?

A. A conversation about women’s work as a product of the Industrial Revolution
B. A discussion of women’s roles inside and outside the home
C. A debate about whether women should be able to vote
D. All of these answers

How did ideas about the spread of the British Empire start to shift in the Victorian Period ?

A. Colonizers were no longer necessarily interested in reforming indigenous populations.
B. Competition between European rivals forced the British to find new trading partners.
C. People found ways to justify expansion by claiming national superiority.
D. All of these answers

In “Ode to the West Wind,” why does Shelley ask the wind to “make me thy lyre” ?

A. To help drive his ideas across the universe
B. To help him hear nature’s music
C. To help him reach the afterlife
D. To help him start a new revolutionary war

John Locke is known for advocating all of the following ideas EXCEPT________________?

A. blank slate or tabula rasa.
B. social contract theory of government.
C. divine authority of kings.
D. natural political rights.

Samuel Richardson’s Pamela and Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe similarly reflect the forces giving rise to the novel in which of the following ways ?

A. Both emphasize romantic relationships that play up the importance of women readers.
B. Their imperialist settings reflect the interest in faraway lands that led to adventure novels.
C. Both focus on the struggles of lower or middle-class characters, mirroring the development of a large middle-class readership as consumers.
D. Their epistolary forms reflect an increasing political interest in subjective feelings.

Which of the following works is considered to be the first Gothic novel ?

A. Richardson’s Pamela
B. Congreve’s The Way of the World
C. Radcliffe’s The Mysteries of Udolpho
D. Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto

Which poet did Arthur Henry Hallum associate with “the picturesque” ?

A. Percy Shelley
B. Alexander Pope
C. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
D. Alfred Tennyson

Which of the following does NOT accurately describe Robinson Crusoe’s and Oroonoko’s relationship to central features of the early English novel ?

A. Where Oroonoko foregrounds supernatural agents, Robinson Crusoe avoids religion completely.
B. Oroonoko seems to defend the aristocracy, where Robinson Crusoe elaborates the struggles of the middle class.
C. Both are largely set in South America, reflecting the relationship between empire and the early English novel.
D. Both make claims to historical veracity.

What was the “white man’s burden” that Kipling speaks of in his poem of the same title ?

A. The burden of white colonizers who are forced to learn to live in new lands
B. The pressure of conforming to preexisting social conventions
C. The Eurocentric idea that the colonizer has a social responsibility to civilize other nations
D. The concept that all white men do not share the same imperial duties

Which of the following statements does NOT accurately characterize a lyric poem ?

A. The lyric poem has a song-like quality.
B. The lyric poem is a popular form in the Romantic era.
C. The lyric poem creates a personal sense of emotion.
D. The lyric poem focuses on action.

Shelley expresses all of the following ideas in A Defence of Poetry, EXCEPT______________?

A. civilization comes through beauty.
B. reason can help man understand beauty.
C. language shows humanity’s impulse towards order.
D. poetry has no effect on society.

English Literature MCQs – Cultural and Literary 18th -19th Centuries ( English Literature ) MCQs