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English Literature MCQs – Up To Date Ages, era, period ( English Literature ) MCQs

English Literature MCQs – Up To Date Ages, era, period ( English Literature ) MCQs

This post is comprising of latest ” ( English Literature ) MCQs – Latest Competitive MCQs “. Here you’ll get latest English Literature mcqs for written test, interview with answers. If you want to improve your knowledge regarding English Literature then read these mcqs of Design of Steel Structures.

Latest English Literature MCQs

By practicing these MCQs of Ages, era, period ( English Literature ) MCQs – Latest Competitive MCQs , an individual for exams performs better than before. This post comprising of objective questions and answers related to Ages, era, period ( English Literature ) Mcqs “. As wise people believe “Perfect Practice make a Man Perfect”. It is therefore practice these mcqs of English Literature to approach the success. Tab this page to check “Ages, era, period ( English Literature )” for the preparation of competitive mcqs, FPSC mcqs, PPSC mcqs, SPSC mcqs, KPPSC mcqs, AJKPSC mcqs, BPSC mcqs, NTS mcqs, PTS mcqs, OTS mcqs, Atomic Energy mcqs, Pak Army mcqs, Pak Navy mcqs, CTS mcqs, ETEA mcqs and others.

Latest Ages, era, period ( English Literature ) Mcqs

The most occurred mcqs of Ages, era, period ( English Literature ) in past papers. Past papers of Ages, era, period ( English Literature ) Mcqs. Past papers of Ages, era, period ( English Literature ) Mcqs . Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Ages, era, period ( English Literature ) Mcqs. The Important series of Ages, era, period ( English Literature ) Mcqs are given below:

Which group of radicals got their name from their penchant for rambling prophecy ?

A. the Roarers
B. the Fifth Monarchists
C. the Diggers
D. the Ranters

What major new prose genre emerged in the Jacobean era ?

A. the sermon
B. the novel
C. the familiar essay
D. the diary

Which of the following was not one of the four bodily humours ?

A. blood
B. choler
C. cholesterol
D. black bile

What was the tile of Thomas Hobbes’s defense of absolute sovereignty based on a theory of social contract ?

A. Utopia
B. The Litany in a Time of Plague
C. Leviathan
D. The Advancement of Learning

What was the intended target of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 ?

A. Tower Bridge
B. Westminster Abbey
C. the Houses of Parliament
D. Buckingham Palace

What was the general subject of theWelsh poet Katherine Philips’s work ?

A. celebrations of lesbian sexuality in terms that did not imply a male readership
B. celebrations of the transience of all life and beauty
C. celebrations of religious ecstasy and divine inspiration
D. celebrations of female friendship in Platonic terms normally reserved for male Friendships

What impulse probably accounts for the rise of distinguished translations of works, such as Homer’s lliad and Odyssey, into English during the sixteenth century ?

A. pride for the vernacular language
B. the belief that the English were direct descendants of the ancient Greeks
C. human reverence for the classics
D. a and c only

Which historical figure initiated a series of religious persecutions condemning Protestants as heretics and burning them at the stake in the 1550s ?

A. Catherine of Aragon
B. Archbishop Cranmer
C. Elizabeth I
D. Mary Tudor

In the Defense of Poesy, what did Sidney attribute to poetry ?

A. a magical power whereby poetry plays tricks on the reader
B. a defensive power whereby poetry and its figurative expressions allow the poet to avoid censorship
C. a moral power whereby poetry encourages the reader to emulate virtuous models
D. a divine power whereby poetry transmits a message from God to the reader

Who began to ignite the embers of dissent against the Catholic church in November 1517 in a movement that came to be known as the Reformation ?

A. Pope Leo X
B. Martin Luther
C. Anne Boleyn
D. Ulrich Zwingli

Who introduced the art of printing into England ?

A. Johannes Gutenberg
B. Elizabeth Eisenstein
C. Henry VIII
D. William Caxton

Which of the following is true about public theaters in Elizabethan England ?

A. The early versions were oval in shape.
B. They relied on admission charges, an innovation of the period.
C. They were located outside the city limits of London.
D. all of the above

Expressed in Elizabethan poetry as well as court rituals and events, a cult of_________formed around Elizabeth and dictated the nature of relations between herself and her court ?

A. unwarranted abuse
B. ignominy
C. odium
D. love

Which royal dynasty was established in the resolution of the so-called War of the Roses and continued through the reign of Elizabeth I ?

A. Tudor
B. York
C. Windsor
D. Lancaster

What was the only acknowledged religion in England during the early sixteenth century ?

A. Protestantism
B. Atheism
C. Catholicism
D. Ancestor-worship

Which designates the theory that the reigning monarch possesses absolute authority as God’s deputy ?

A. extreme unction
B. manifest destiny
C. royal absolutism
D. constitutional monarchism

Who owned the rights to a theatrical script ?

A. the patron of the acting company, eg, the Lord Chamberlain
B. the printer
C. the bishop of London
D. the acting company

Which of the following sixteenth-century poets was not a courtier ?

A. George Puttenham
B. Walter Ralegh
C. Philip Sidney
D. Thomas Wyatt

Who succeeded Elizabeth I on the throne of England ?

A. Henry IX
B. Elizabeth II
C. James I
D. Charles I

Which of the following refers to the small area of Ireland, extending north from Dublin, over which the English government could claim effective control ?

A. the Protectorate
B. Ulster
C. the Pale
D. West Britain

Cultural and Literary English Renaissance MCQs

Which was not an objection raised against the public theaters in the Elizabethan period ?

A. They excited illicit sexual desires.
B. They charged too much.
C. They caused excessive noise and traffic.
D. They drew young people away from work.

Who authored Il Cortigiano (The Courtier), a book that was highly influential in the English court, providing subtle guidance on self-display ?

A. Pirandello
B. Castiglione
C. Cavalcanti
D. Boccaccio

Between 1520 and 1550, the population of London_______________?

A. fell from 375,00 to barely 100,000.
B. remained constant.
C. doubled from 60,000 to 120,000.
D. doubled from 600,000 to 1,200,000

Which of the following sixteenth-century works of English literature was translated into the English language after its first publication in Latin ?

A. William Shakespeare’s King Lear
B. Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus
C. Thomas More’s The History of King Richard III
D. Thomas More’s Utopia

Which of the following describes the chief system by which writers received financial rewards for their literary production ?

A. censorship
B. patronage
C. charity
D. subscription

The churchyard of St. Paul’s Cathedral was well-known for its____________?

A. performing bears.
B. ruinous condition.
C. graffiti.
D. bookshops.

To what subgenre did the Senecan influence give rise, as evidenced in the first English tragedy Gorboduc, or Ferrex and Porrex ?

A. poetic tragedy
B. villain tragedy
C. heroic tragedy
D. revenge tragedy

Which of the following shifts began in the reign of Henry VII and continued under his Tudor successors ?

A. the expansion of England’s colonial possessions
B. the growing authority of the Pope over domestic English affairs
C. the rise in the power and confidence of the aristocracy
D. the countering of feudal power structures by a stronger central authority

What is blank verse ?

A. free verse, without rhyme or regular meter
B. the verse form of the Shakespearean sonnet
C. iambic pentameter in rhyming couplets
D. unrhymed iambic pentameter

Which of the following statements is not an accurate reflection of education during the English Renaissance ?

A. It was conducted by tutors in wealthy families or in grammar schools.
B. Its curriculum emphasized ancient Greek, the language of diplomacy, professions, and higher learning.
C. It was aimed primarily at sons of the nobility and gentry.
D. It was ordered according to the medieval trivium and quadrivium

From which of the following Italian texts might Tudor courtiers have learned the art of intrigue and the keys to gaining and keeping power ?

A. Dante’s \Divine Comedy\
B. Castiglione’s \The Courtier\
C. Boccaccio’s \Decameron\
D. Machiavelli’s \The Prince\

To what does the phrase \the stigma of print\refer ?

A. the brutal punishment for printing without a license
B. lead poisoning contracted from handling printer’s ink
C. the pre-Reformation ban on printing the Bible in English
D. the perception among court poets that printed verses were less exclusive

Which of the following might be addressed/represented by pastoral poetry ?

A. a celebration of the humility, contentment, and simplicity of living in the country
B. heroic stories in epic form
C. shepherd and shepherdesses who fall in love and engage in singing contests
D. A and C only

Which of the following statements accurately reflects the status of England, its people, and its language in the early sixteenth century ?

A. English was fast supplanting Latin as the second language of most European intellectuals.
B. English travelers were not obliged to learn French, Italian, or Spanish during their explorations of the Continent.
C. English travelers often returned from the Continent with foreign fashions, much to the delight of moralists.
D. Intending his Utopia for an international intellectual community, Thomas More wrote in Latin, since English had no prestige outside of England.

Short plays called ____________ staged dialogues on religious, moral, and political themes were performed by playing companies before the construction of public theaters?

A. interludes
B. meditations
C. spectacles
D. mysteries

Christian writers like the Beowulf poet looked back on their pagan ancestors with____________?

A. bewilderment and visceral loathing.
B. nostalgia and ill-concealed envy.
C. admiration and elegiac sympathy.
D. bigotry and shallow triumphalism.

what was the duration of hundred year’s war ?

A. 1302 to 1343
B. 1337 to 1453
C. 1300 to 1350
D. none of the above

Why did the rebels of 1381 target the church, beheading the archbishop of Canterbury ?

A. They believed that writing, a skill largely confined to the clergy, was a form of black magic
B. The common people were still essentially pagan.
C. Their leaders were Lollards, advocating radical religious reform.
D. The church was among the greatest of oppressive landowners.

Who was the first English Christian king ?

A. Richard III
B. Alfred
C. Richard II
D. Ethelbert

Which of the following authors is considered a devotee to chivalry, as it is personified in Sir Lancelot ?

A. Margery Kempe
B. Julian of Norwich
C. William Langland
D. Sir Thomas Malory

Who would be called the English Homer and father of English poetry ?

A. Sir Thomas Malory
B. Bede
C. Geoffrey Chaucer
D. Caedmon

Only a small proportion of medieval books survive, large numbers having been destroyed in______________?

A. the Norman Conquest of 1066.
B. the Anglo-Saxon Conquest beginning in the 1450s.
C. the Peasant Uprising of 1381.
D. the Dissolution of the Monasteries in the 1530s.

Which literary form, developed in the fifteenth century, personified vices and virtues ?

A. the heroic epic
B. the short story
C. the morality play
D. the romance

Introduction To Literary Theory MCQs

which of these is not certain about Chaucer ?

A. his birth date
B. his father’s name
C. his death year
D. none of the above

what was chaucer’s profession ?

A. a merchant
B. a poet
C. a civil servant
D. none of the above

Ancrene Riwle is a manual of instruction for________________?

A. translators of French romances
B. courtiers entering the service of Richard II
C. women who have chosen to live as religious recluses
D. knights preparing for their first tournament

In addition to Geoffrey Chaucer and William Langland, the “flowering”of Middle English literature is evident in the works of which of the following writers ?

A. the Beowulf poet
B. the Gawain poet
C. Geoffrey of Monmouth
D. Chrétien de Troyes

Chaucer buried in a corner of Westminster, which came to know as______________?

A. legend’s corner
B. poet’s corner
C. Chaucer’s corner
D. none of the above

chaucer was fined in 1367 or 1366 for_______________________?

A. beating a friar in a London street
B. for crossing the border of Great Britain
C. for writing poetry against the church
D. none of the above

one of Chaucer’s daughter was___________?

A. an astronomer
B. a musician
C. a nun
D. none of the above

what was the occupation of Chaucer’s father ?

A. civil servant
B. leather merchant
C. a vintner
D. none of the above

which of these kings was not served by Chaucer ?

A. Richard II
B. Henry II
C. Edward III
D. none of the above

Chaucer was made in-charge of many palaces, which of these was not in his charge ?

A. Tower of London
B. Westminster Palace
C. St. George’s chapel at Windsor
D. Buckingham Palace

Which of the following best describes litote, a favorite rhetorical device in Old English poetry ?

A. repetition of parallel syntactic structures
B. embellishment at the service of Christian doctrine
C. ironic understatement
D. stress on every third diphthong

What is the climax of Geoffrey of Monmouth’s The History of the Kings of Britain ?

A. the reign of King Arthur
B. King John’s seal of the Magna Carta
C. the coronation of Henry II
D. the marriage of Henry II to Eleanor of Aquitaine

Chaucer acted as a controller of custom during_______________?

A. 1374 to 1385
B. 1360 to 1400
C. 1350 to 1360
D. none of the above

In Anglo-Saxon heroic poetry, what is the fate of those who fail to observe the sacred duty of blood vengeance ?

A. conversion to Christianity
B. everlasting shame
C. banishment to Asia
D. mild melancholia

Which influential medieval text purported to reveal the secrets of the afterlife ?

A. Dante’s Divine Comedy
B. The Dream of the Rood
C. Boccaccio’s Decameron
D. Chaucer’s Legend of Good Women

Which of the following statements about Julian of Norwich is true ?

A. She was a virgin martyr.
B. She sought unsuccessfully to restore classical paganism.
C. She is the first known woman writer in the English vernacular.
D. She made pilgrimages to Jerusalem, Rome, and Santiago.

Who would be called the English Homer and father of English poetry ?

A. Caedmon
B. Geoffrey Chaucer
C. Sir Thomas Malory
D. John Gower

English Literature MCQs – Up To Date Ages, era, period ( English Literature ) MCQs