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Most Latest Sociology MCQs – Up To Date Sociology MCQs

Most Latest Sociology MCQs – Up To Date Sociology MCQs

This post is comprising of latest ” ( Sociology ) MCQs – Latest Competitive MCQs “. Here you’ll get latest Sociology mcqs for written test, interview with answers. If you want to improve your knowledge regarding Sociology then read these mcqs of Design of Steel Structures.

Latest Sociology MCQs

By practicing these MCQs of Sociology MCQs – Latest Competitive MCQs , an individual for exams performs better than before. This post comprising of objective questions and answers related to ( Sociology ) Mcqs “. As wise people believe “Perfect Practice make a Man Perfect”. It is therefore practice these mcqs of Sociology to approach the success. Tab this page to check “Sociology” for the preparation of competitive mcqs, FPSC mcqs, PPSC mcqs, SPSC mcqs, KPPSC mcqs, AJKPSC mcqs, BPSC mcqs, NTS mcqs, PTS mcqs, OTS mcqs, Atomic Energy mcqs, Pak Army mcqs, Pak Navy mcqs, CTS mcqs, ETEA mcqs and others.

Latest Sociology Mcqs

The most occurred mcqs of Sociology in past papers. Past papers of Sociology Mcqs. Past papers of Sociology Mcqs . Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Sociology Mcqs. The Important series of Sociology Mcqs are given below:

Tearoom Trade is typical of the s asked by sociologists because_______________?

A. it makes use of covert research methods
B. it takes place outside the university campus
C. it investigates workings of society that are different from official accounts
D. the investigator is sympathetic to the activities that he is investigating

Which one of the following statements is true ?

A. sociologists use both quantitative and qualitative methods
B. sociologists always prefer to use qualitative methods
C. sociologists no longer use quantitative methods
D. sociologists cannot use a mixed methods approach

What is applied social research _________________?

A. research that is always multidisciplinary
B. research that tries to contribute to the development of theory
C. research that aims to intervene in and improve social life
D. research based on government priorities

Which of these is not an ethical issue for researchers ?

A. protecting the anonymity of participants
B. selecting a relevant theoretical perspective
C. assessing the potential risks for research subjects
D. safe storage of the raw data collected in the process

According to feminists an androcentric bias in research is the direct result of______________?

A. women not being objective
B. assuming that men and women are the same
C. the funding of certain projects
D. using males as the accepted norm
E. a lack of female researchers

In participant observation research the role of the “complete” participant forces the researcher to be_______________?

A. open and honest about his/her intentions
B. discreet about his/her research
C. close to the leadership of the group that he/she is studying
D. with the group for months and sometimes years
E. taking copious notes

A data collection method in which the researcher does not interact with the subject(s) being studied is called_______________?

A. an unobtrusive
B. qualitative analysis
C. field research
D. content analysis
E. ethnography

Reading a number of books and journals regarding crime in Canada is a good example of______________?

A. ethnography
B. qualitative research
C. secondary research
D. field research
E. non-participant observation

A major disadvantage of using mail naires to collect data is____________?

A. the inability to follow-up
B. the response rates
C. the cost of the stamps
D. some respondents are paranoid
E. the mail is slow

A survey that asks the respondent to indicate their age and includes response categories of age 20-30 age 30-40 age 40 50 and age 50+ violates which important rule for constructing closed-ended items for naires ?

A. tangible
B. exhaustive
C. comprehensive
D. relevant
E. mutually exclusive

In order to qualify as a random sample______________?

A. every member of the population must have an equal chance of being chosen
B. every sub-sample of the population must be represented
C. at least 100 people must be selected
D. a phone book must be used to generate random names.
E. the researcher must pre-test the subjects

A researcher was able to prove that, on average as age increases eyesight declines In research terminology this is called a (n) ?

A. observation
B. correlation
C. variation
D. measure of central tendency
E. spurious relationship

A mean, median and mode are all examples of_______________?

A. measures of enumeration
B. measures of central tendency
C. measures of variation
D. measures of correlation
E. measures of coefficients

_____________ uses multiple data collection methods on the same area of interest?

A. Triangulation
B. Field research
C. Ethnography
D. Variation
E. Cluster sampling

When a number of researchers use the same operational definition to measure a variable and achieve the same results the measure is said to be_______________?

A. factual
B. reliable
C. valid
D. internally consistent
E. instrumental

The concepts in a hypothesis are stated as______________?

A. variables
B. ideas
C. populations
D. indices
E. theories

In sociology_______________?

A. research always precedes theory
B. theory can be developed independent of research
C. theory always precedes research
D. the relationship between theory and research is cyclical
E. research is dictated by the theoretical perspective

An instructor wants to determine if giving essay tests increases student learning In one class that the instructor teaches she continues to test as she has always done In another class She then measures the differences in learning if any between the two classes The class that is given essay s is the______________?

A. representative group
B. control group
C. experimental group
D. correlation group

A researcher can obtain a higher response rate by using which type of survey ?

A. interviews
B. representative samples
C. naires
D. observation techniques

Sociology MCQs

In order to genuinely reflect a broad range of the population a survey must be based on precise ?

A. representative sampling
B. surveys
C. experiments
D. hypotheses

A detailed plan or method for obtaining data scientifically called a (n) ?

A. experiment
B. sample
C. research design
D. scientific method

Formulating the hypothesis is the _________ step in the scientific method?

A. second
B. first
C. third
D. fourth

Standard deviation in statistics is the measure that indicates in the essence of______________?

A. Central tendency
B. spread of the sample means/values
C. Both of these
D. None of these

A double barreled has the potential of having______________?

A. two answers but incompatible with each other
B. two respectable responses/answers
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

An overall scheme of scientific activities which scientists engage in order to produce knowledge is a________________?

A. Research model
B. Research process
C. Research methodology
D. Research design

Which one of these is a measure of dispersion ?

A. median
B. range
C. parameter
D. mean

Which of these is NOT viewed as a strength of surveys ?

A. the data is easy to quantify and analyses
B. they offer an appearance of precision
C. they are often undertaken by specialist agencies
D. large numbers of people can be studied

Which of these terms is the odd one out ______________?

A. causation
B. association
C. correlation
D. connection

When in sociology we speak of researchers using controls, we mean_______________?

A. supervising the data collection process as closely as possible
B. holding some variables constant to look at the effects of others
C. being as precise as possible in defining an initial hypothesis
D. seeking to manipulate the outcomes of a research process

Tearoom Trade is typical of the s asked by sociologists because______________?

A. it makes use of covert research methods
B. it takes place outside the university campus
C. it investigates working of society that are different from official accounts
D. the investigator is sympathetic to the activities that he is investigating

Eyeballing is a technique that involves________________?

A. gathering a sample from whoever you can see in a public place
B. reading a textual document quickly to understand the gist of it
C. scanning a table to identify general patterns and significant figures
D. keeping your eyes on research participants at all times

According to Scott (1990) a document is authentic if it________________?

A. is representative of all the similar documents that did not survive
B. is a sincere and accurate account free from political bias
C. has both a literal and an interpretable meaning
D. is a sound original, or reliable copy of known authorship

Ethnographic research produces qualitative data because_____________?

A. it is conducted over a period of several years
B. the findings are amenable to statistical analysis
C. it uncovers rich detailed accounts from an insider’s perspective
D. it compares findings from a number of different cases

A survey should avoid asking_____________?

A. short questions s
B. fixed-choice questions s
C. leading questions
D. funneled questions s

Which of the following is not a research purpose ?

A. triangulation
B. description
C. explanation
D. exploration

Society cannot be studied in the same way as the natural world because_______________?

A. human behavior is meaningful and varies between individuals and cultures
B. we cannot collect empirical data about social life
C. sociologists are not rational or critical enough in their approach
D. it is difficult for sociologists to gain access to a research laboratory

Which one of the following statements is not part of the Code of Ethics developed by the American Sociological Association? Researchers must_______________?

A. preserve the confidentiality of their subjects
B. acknowledge research collaboration and assistance
C. protect their subjects from personal harm
D. make all research notes available for public scrutiny

An instructor wants to determine if giving essay tests increases student learning one class that the instructor teaches she continues to test as she has always done In another class she gives the students essay s She then measures the differences in learning if any between the two classes The class that is given essay s is the_______________?

A. representative group
B. control group
C. experimental group
D. correlation group

William F Whyte’s study of a low-income Italian neighborhood in Boston was a classic example of_____________?

A. participant observation research
B. content analysis
C. a survey
D. an experiment

Which of the following would be an example of a random sample? A researcher_________________?

A. examines the attitudes of residents of a city by interviewing every twentieth name in the city’s telephone book
B. administers a naira to every fifth woman who enters a business office
C. studies the attitudes of Democratic voters by choosing every tenth name found on a city,s list of registered Democrats
D. None of the above

Sociology MCQs

The study of the interracial friendships conducted by the Tom Smith who heads up the General Social Survey is an example of________________?

A. a survey
B. observation research
C. content analysis
D. an experiment

In most instances how well a student does on a test is determined by how much the student studies for it in this example studying for an exam is a(n)_____________?

A. independent variable
B. correlation
C. dependent variable
D. sample

The first step in any sociological research project is to_________________?

A. review previous research
B. define the problem
C. collect data
D. formulate a hypothesis

Pure Sociology is a search for knowledge without primary concern for its______________?

A. Applied use
B. Practical use
C. Basic understanding
D. None of these

Sometimes the scientist personally participates in some experiment to observe it fully It is Known as_____________?

A. Observational studies
B. Participant-observer studies
C. Personal studies
D. None of these

If the information needed has already been written down somewhere it is looked up. It is called_____________?

A. Sociological analysis
B. Observational studies
C. Statistical Comparative studies
D. None of these

In observational studies the scientist observes_______________?

A. the things that happen by themselves
B. Are arranged knowingly
C. both of these
D. None of these

In laboratory experiments the sociological research is done while people are_______________?

A. brought into laboratory
B. are not told about experiment
C. Kept in their homes and observed
D. None of these

Karl Pearson said “The unity of all science consists alone in its methods not in its material It relates to the importance of______________?

A. Science unity
B. Scientific method
C. Scientific research
D. None of these

Which one of these is a measure of dispersion ?

A. median
B. range
C. parameter
D. mean

Which of these NOT viewed as a strength of surveys ?

A. the data is easy to quantify and analyses
B. they offer an appearance of precision
C. they are often undertaken by specialist agencies
D. large numbers of people can be studied

One strength of ethnography is that______________?

A. it is essential when a study is primarily historical or has a historical dimension
B. it usually generates richer and more in-depth information than other methods
C. the influence of specific variables can be controlled by the investigator
D. it can only be used to study relatively small groups or communities

An association between two variables which is in fact caused by other factor(s) is called a_____________?

A. causal mechanism
B. multiple regression
C. spurious correlation
D. multinomial distribution

Bias in research practice refers to_____________?

A. the research team prejudging the meaning of the data
B. the investigator being committed to a particular ideology
C. the data being unbalanced by the design or execution of the research
D. interpretations being applied to the results

Science aims to be both______________?

A. complex and against commonsense
B. philosophical and progressive
C. experimental and statistical
D. valid and reliable

What is meant by reflexivity in sociological research ?

A. research findings feed back into society and as a result may change it
B. research funders have control over research findings and who has access
C. research findings empower the general public making them more confident
D. sociologists learn more about the society they live in

Which of these is not an example of a qualitative research method ?

A. survey research
B. focus groups
C. ethnography
D. biographical research

What is the initial element of sociological research ?

A. create a research design
B. define the research problem
C. review the evidence
D. carry out a research design

Laud Humphreys study Tearoom Trade (1970) is an example of______________?

A. survey research
B. historical research
C. participant observation
D. experimental design

When a research is not deceptive about the field research that he/she is this person is probably assuming the role of____________?

A. complete participant
B. participant-as-observer
C. secondary observer
D. ethnographer
E. social scientist

In order for field research to be successful the researcher must be________________?

A. unobtrusive
B. creative
C. tactful
D. fluent in several languages
E. discreet

Sociology MCQs

Collecting information regarding crime control from several countries would be a good example of a(n)_________________?

A. field research
B. ethnography
C. an international approach
D. content analysis
E. comparative approach

The major advantage of interviews is________________?

A. they are not time consuming
B. that people are more likely to be honest
C. the interviewer can guess the age of the respondent
D. the response rate is high
E. that the researcher can ask more detailed

A survey that asks the respondent to indicate their level of education and includes response categories of some high school high school and university violated which important rule for constructing close-ended items for naires ?

A. exhaustive
B. comprehensive
C. mutually exclusive
D. tangible
E. relevant

Closed-ended s increase the return rate of the naire because___________?

A. they cover the return postage
B. the s is clearly worded
C. the answers are mutually exclusive
D. they are easy and quick to answer
E. they involve no thought on the part of the respondent.

What research method is popular because it is comparatively inexpensive and well-suited to studying large numbers of people ?

A. participant observation
B. interviews
C. experiments
D. content analysis
E. surveys

Which of the following was not identified as one of the four conditions that must be met before a researcher can say that an independent variable or variables caused the change in the dependent variable ?

A. internal consistency
B. theory
C. correlation
D. time order
E. elimination of spuriousness

____________involves the transformation of raw data into numbers to make it suitable for further analysis ?

A. Coding
B. Factoring
C. Conceptualization
D. Classification
E. Enumeration

Which of the following was not identified as a major research design ?

A. field research
B. ethnography
C. surveys
D. secondary research
E. experiments

In order for a variable to be measured, a researcher must provide a (n) ?

A. operational definition
B. theory
C. quantitative theorem
D. hypothesis
E. scale

Of all of the steps in the research process the one that typically takes the most time is_____________?

A. formulating the problem
B. developing a hypothesis
C. selecting a research method
D. evaluation of the results
E. data collection

Max Weber_______________?

A. stressed that researchers had to maintain the confidentiality of their subjects
B. recognized that it is impossible for scholars to prevent their personal values from influencing their work
C. emphasized that under no conditions could a researcher allow his or her personal feelings to influence the interpretation of data
D. all of the above

Which one of the following is exposed to an independent variable ?

A. the representative group
B. the control groups
C. the experimental group
D. none of the above

Which of the following would be an example of a random sample? A researcher_____________?

A. examines the attitudes of residents of a city by interviewing every twentieth name in the city’s telephone book
B. administers a naira to every fifth woman who enters a business office
C. studies the attitudes of Democratic voters by choosing every tenth name found on a city’s list of registered Democrats
D. None of the above

The study of the interracial friendships conducted by the Tom Smith who heads up the General Social Survey is an example of____________?

A. content analysis
B. a survey
C. observation research
D. an experiment

In most instances how well a student does on a test is determined by how much the student studies for it in this example studying for an exam is a (n) ?

A. dependent variable
B. independent variable
C. correlation
D. sample

The first step in any sociological research project is to_____________?

A. review previous research
B. define the problem
C. collect data
D. formulate a hypothesis

The rate of rate of return or a mailed naire is usually_____________?

A. very low
B. it can be both A and C
C. very high
D. None of these

s that are relevant to some respondents may irrelevant to others are known as______________?

A. leading questions
B. double barreled questions
C. contingency questions
D. Matrix questions

An instance of focused interaction is called_________________?

A. an event
B. a meeting
C. a moment
D. an Encounter

Most Latest Sociology MCQs – Up To Date Sociology MCQs