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Pedagogy Mcqs – (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests

Pedagogy Mcqs – (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests

Pedagogy Mcqs - (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests
Pedagogy Mcqs

Pedagogy Mcqs “. Tab this page to check “Latest Pedagogy MCQs” for the preparation of competitive mcqs, FPSC mcqs, PPSC mcqs, SPSC mcqs, KPPSC mcqs, AJKPSC mcqs, BPSC mcqs, NTS mcqs, PTS mcqs, OTS mcqs, Atomic Energy mcqs, Pak Army mcqs, Pak Navy mcqs, CTS mcqs, ETEA mcqs and others. The most occurred mcqs of Pedagogy in past papers. Past papers of Pedagogy mcqs. Past papers of Pedagogy MCQs. Pedagogy Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Pedagogy mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Pedagogy mcqs. The Important series of Pedagogy Mcqs are given below:

The more often a particular ability is used the __________ it becomes?

A. less important
B. more important
C. stronger
D. weaker

The conclusion of a deductive argument is____________?

A. certain
B. observation
C. experience
D. probable

The reasoning in which the given statements are viewed as supplying strong evidence for the truth of the conclusion is called___________?

A. Qualitative Reasoning
B. Inductive Reasoning
C. Deductive Reasoning
D. Quantitative Reasoning

The person is influential communicator if:

A. If he communicates in his mother tongue
B. If his communication is very clear
C. He is a comedian characteristic
D. If he has dramatic characteristic

Generally students like those teachers who:

A. Are self-disciplined
B. Remove the difficulties of the subject
C. Reveal important Questions before examinations
D. Dictate notes in the class

Child development is marked by interrelated processes, which one is not one of them?

A. Integration
B. Motivation
C. Differentiation
D. Learning

What type of class climate you would prefer?

A. A quiet and highly attentive class
B. An active class following the rules prescribed by you
B. A highly interactive and self disciplined class
D. A well behaved class students speaking only when asked

Developing new rules and principles on the basis of given facts and information in memory level is called___________?

A. Application
B. Generalization
C. Association
D. Assimilation

What should teacher do before teaching the lesson?

A. Lesson should be read by a student
B. He should tell the answers of the lessons first
C. He should point out the meaning of difficult words of the lesson, first
D. He should tell the main objectives of the lesson

Which of the following is not the part of educational technology?

A. Construction of measuring instruments for evaluation of instructional outcomes
B. Use of motivation techniques in the class
C. Comparison of performance of two different classes or schools
D. Selection of suitable teaching strategies

Which of the following purposes is served by lesson plan?

A. A teacher can stick to his content
B. Suitable learning environment can be created in the class
C. Psychological teaching is possible
D. All of the above

Which of the following strategies is most suitable for introducing a lesson?

A. Narration
B. Questioning
C. Demonstration
D. Lecture

Purpose of evaluative phase of teaching is:

A. To know to what extent objectives are realized
B. To know the effectiveness of strategies
C. To know the shortcoming of the teacher
D. All of the above

Which is the best method of study of child behavior?

A. Interview method
B. Inspection method
C. Practical method
D. Personal study method

Attitude can:________________?

A. Provide basic for individual differences
B. Be overt or covert both
C. Be the measure of cultural differentiation
D. All of the above

Which of the following teaching aids helps the pupils to study, analyses and compare date?

A. Graphs
B. Diagrams
C. Maps
D. Pictures

Evaluation approach of lesson planning is criticized on the ground that:

A. It does not take individual difference of pupils into account
B. It is highly structured where teacher dominates over pupils
C. No effort is made to integrate different teaching points
D. All of the above

Complexities of scoring of matching types of tests can be reduced by____________?

A. Increasing the items in two columns
B. Assigning only one mark for the item
C. Supplementing the matched items with four alternative items
D. None of these

Guidance removes:______________?

A. Psychological problems of the individual
B. The personal problems of the individual
C. The social problems of the individual
D. All of the above

Three merits of proficiency test are______________?

A. Approval, reliability and subjective
B. Approval, subjectivity and reliability
C. Subjectivity, dexterity and approval
D. Approval, dexterity and objectivity

Guidance differs from counseling in which of the following manner?

A. Guidance is a broader concept than counseling
B. Guidance mostly covers social aspects while counseling is a learning oriented process and reduces the learning problems of the individual
C. Guidance is a group process while counseling is a one to one contact
D. All of the above

When a child responds to all women who wear black suit because of the black suit of her mother, it is the example of_____________?

A. Assimilation
B. Generalizations
C. Internal inhibition
D. All of the above

What is meaning of growth?

A. Change related to result
B. Change related to measurement
C. Both A. and B.
D. None of these

The able teacher is one who:____________?

A. Inculcates the interest in the subject among students
B. Maintains peace in the class
C. Engaged the students in their work
D. Helps all the students in passing the examination

Basic Education mean______________?

A. Poor learning
B. System of education
C. Basic of any learning
D. Minimum learning

A teacher must check his own unruly behavior because?

A. Students will not like it
B. Principal will take action
C. Parents will complain
D. He is dealing with impressionable age

When students begin learning with an activity designed to lead them to particular concepts or conclusions, the method of teaching is called____________?

A. Invention teaching
B. Discovery teaching
C. Analytical teaching
D. None of these

Teacher-centered instruction which includes lecture, presentation and recitation is also known as___________?

A. Old method Instruction
B. Direct Instruction
C. Classical Instruction
D. None of these

____________is an approach whereby a teacher or counselor poses questions to the student to allow them to explore ideas that may be complex or emotionally difficult?

A. Facilitative questioning
B. Explanatory questioning
C. Critical questioning
D. None of these

Free writing is used as a timed activity to stimulate the flow of____________?

A. Ideas and words
B. Discussions
C. Talk
D. Letters of the alphabet

A __________ is any activity that occurs outside the classroom for the purpose of providing hands on experience with objects or people that only occur in certain places?

A. Field Observations
B. Field work
C. Field walk
D. Field Trips

When educators travel to the student’s location to provide instruction on topics of professional or personal interest. The mode of teaching becomes___________?

A. Moving Teaching
B. Innovative Teaching
C. Travel Teaching
D. Extension Teaching

___________ is an organizing tool to help the students visualize how many events can be tied to or contribute to a result?

A. Fishbone
B. Backbone
C. Fishpond
D. None of these

When students are asked to prepare an analysis of critic all features of an object or concept, the strategy is termed as__________?

A. Concept mapping
B. Sequencing
C. Characterization
D. None of these

While teaching in the classroom, any kind of work that involves two or more students, is a form of___________?

A. Collaborative learning
B. Collaborative work
C. Collaborative project
D. Collaborative effort

Chunking is a _____________ technique?

A. Knowledge
B. Memorization
C. Ordering
D. None of these

The theory explaining the different types of learning and proposing that they require different types of teaching is remembered as___________?

A. Conditions of behaviors
B. Conditions of knowledge
C. Conditions of learning
D. None of these

When a notebook is maintained by a group in which each member of the group is expected to add an idea, the notebook is known as___________?

A. Collective Notebook
B. Collective homework
C. Collective work sample
D. None of these

Circles of learning were formulated by__________?

A. David Johnson
B. Rogers
C. Roger and David Johnson
D. None of these

___________ can be useful in motivating some students to learn?

A. Competitions
B. Compositions
C. Collisions
D. None of these

A process of looking at what is being assessed is called__________?

A. Measurement
B. Evaluation
C. Assessment
D. Rubrics

Formative assessment is an assessment ___________ learning?

A. of
B. to
C. by
D. for

An assessment use to identify difficulties in the learning process is called_________?

A. formative assessment
B. diagnostic assessment
C. initial assessment
D. summative assessment

To compile the information into pattern and propose a plan is called__________?

A. evaluating
B. analyzing
C. synthesizing
D. originating

The most complex skill of Bloom’s taxonomy is____________?

A. evaluating
B. characterizing
C. synthesizing
D. originating

The three domains of Bloom’s taxonomy are____________?

A. Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor
B. Cognitive, Affective and Pedagogy
C. Cognitive, Pedagogy and Psychomotor
D. Pedagogy, Affective and Psychomotor

The first institution of higher learning in the Western world, “Academy”, was founded by___________?

A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Socrates
D. John Dewey

The “Apology” the Plato’s recollection of the speech given by Socrates when Socrates was charged with____________?

A. believing in gods
B. not believing in the rotation of the Earth
C. believing in the rotation of the Earth
D. not believing in gods

Which from the following is NOT an informal assessment?

A. Rubrics
B. Project
C. Observation
D. Participation

Pedagogy Mcqs

A student having scientific attitude___________?

A. Gets goods job
B. Becomes courageous
C. Studies systematically
D. Thinks rationally

Through which action children learn fast?

A. Facial expression
B. Study
C. Walk
D. Write

Projective techniques of measuring personality is superior to other techniques because:____________?

A. The examinee does not know that he is revealing his own self
B. They are easy to administer
C. Statistical analysis of the result is possible
D. None of these

Which of the following strategies is problem centered?

A. Heuristic
B. Discovery
C. Project
D. All of the above

Teacher should read other books also except course-books. What will be the benefit of it?

A. They will get satisfaction and teach well
B. They can use their best time
C. Knowledge will be overall developed and they teach well
D. People will know him as best teacher due to his way of teaching

There are three main duties of a teacher, which are_______________?

A. Teaching, regulation and direction
B. Instruction, direction and training
C. Teaching, creation of character and co-operation
D. Direction, skilled practice and regulation

Which of the following factors the classroom management?

A. Behavior of teacher with students
B. Disciplined and controlled behavior in classroom
C. General administration and management of school
D. All of the above

The students of class v make too much of noise in Math’s class. The probable reason of this could be that the teacher

A. Is not well versed in teaching methodology
B. The children do not pay attention
C. Is not able to maintain discipline in the class
D. The children dislike the subject

True or false items cannot provide accurate criterion of evaluation because?

A. Chance of guessing on the part of examines is at highest probability
B. They do not require thorough study to attempt
C. They generally inflate actual scores due to guessing or cheating
D. All of the above

Who is called the father of both Realism and the scientific method?

A. Aristotle
B. Socrates
C. Plato
D. Edward Thorndike

Realism is a philosophical approach that argues that ultimate reality is the world of___________?

A. experiences
B. ideas
C. observations
D. physical objects

The philosopher who is called the father of Idealism is_____________?

A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. Edward Thorndike

The psychologist who for the first time proposed the concept of connectionism in learning was_____________?

A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Robert Sternberg
D. Edward Thorndike

The philosopher who for the first time taught logic as a formal discipline was__________?

A. Aristotle
B. Socrates
C. Plato
D. Edward Thorndike

Idealism is a philosophical approach that argues that __________are the only true reality, and the only thing worth knowing.

A. ideas
B. observations
C. experiences
D. physical objects

According to Edward Thorndike, learning is about responding to______________?

A. analysis
B. experiment
C. change
D. stimuli

The connection between stimulus and response is called____________?

A. stimulus-response bond
B. stimulus-response paradigm
C. receiving-accepting bond
D. receiving-accepting paradigm

The __________ the stimulus-response bond (S-R bond), the better a person has learned the lesson.

A. unstable
B. stable
C. stronger
D. weaker

Anything that causes a reaction is called______________?

A. connectionism
B. stimulus
C. learning
D. physical objects

Which of the following techniques is used in educational surveys?

A. Interview
B. Tests
C. Questionnaires
D. All of the above

Which of the skills do you consider most essential for a teacher?

A. To impress students
B. To communicate well
C. To use difficult language
D. To read out the text-book

Condition necessary for micro teaching is___________?

A. Observation and criticism
B. Repeated manifestation of only one skill
C. Controlled environment
D. All of the above

In teaching-learning process which of the following things is done first?

A. Task analysis
B. Determination of objectives
C. Writing objectives
D. Determination of strategies

Which of the following conditions must be fulfilled for proper adjustment in the environment?

A. Physical fitness and health
B. Free form psychological diseases
C. Social acceptability of the person
D. All of the above

The most complex skill in cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy is__________?

A. characterizing
B. evaluating
C. understanding
D. synthesizing

Teaching by small steps and frequent short assignment techniques are useful for__________?

A. Slow learners
B. Learning disabled
C. Educationally backward children
D. All of the above

All round development means:

A. Developments of all the aspects of personality
B. All students should develop
C. Shapely development of physique
D. One can take as many rounds as possible

For healthy arrangement of class room necessary thing is________________?

A. Sufficient light should be in the class
B. Ventilated class room
C. Appropriate seating arrangement in the class
D. All of the above

A scoring guide use to evaluate the quality of students is called____________?

A. rubrics
B. inventories
C. checklists
D. rating scales

The technique of classroom management where the teacher punishes negative behaviors by removing an unruly student from the rest of the class is called___________?

A. satiation technique
B. extinction technique
C. time out technique
D. corporal punishment

Which of the following is an important fear causing stimuli?

A. Fear of wild animals
B. Fear of social situations like meeting with people in high offices , being lonely in the house
C. Fear of failure in the examination
D. All of the above

According to Robert Sternberg, the three different types of required intelligence for creativity are_____________?

A. synthetic, analytical, and practical
B. analytical, critical and practical
C. analytical, observational and practical
D. abstract, synthetic and analytical

Plato argued that __________ are fit to rule?

A. only educationists
B. educationists and philosophers
C. only philosophers
D. only psychologists

The three laws of connectionism are the laws of____________?

A. stimulus, response and exercise
B. effect, stimulus and response
C. exercise, readiness and response
D. effect, exercise and readiness

The study of the physical, social and mental aspects of aging is called____________?

A. Genetics
B. Esthetics
C. Gerontology
D. Clinical psychology

Which of the following is an important anger arousing situation during adolescence?

A. Biased attitude against them
B. Unfair and insulting attitude towards them
C. Not getting the needs fulfilled
D. All of the above

One of the basic principles of socializing individuals is____________?

A. Education
B. Imitation
C. Caste
D. Religion

You wish to become a teacher, because:

A. There is no compulsion to teach
B. Get more holidays
C. Less labor is involved in teaching
D. Like to be a teacher

The teacher wants students to practice by repetition of some learning content, he normally uses ____________ method?

A. Drill
B. Skill
C. Recitation
D. None of these

When the teacher is restating the information to show basic principles in the classroom, he is actually?

A. Pinpointing
B. Making diagrams
C. Generalizing
D. Criticizing

Providing temporary support and encouragement to students until help in no longer needed is called_____________?

A. Scaffolding
B. Appreciating
C. Criticizing
D. None of these

___________ are visual frameworks to help the learner make connections between concepts?

A. Graphic charts
B. Graphic organizers
C. Graphic representations
D. None of these

According to Socrates, physical objects and events are ___________ of their ideal form?

A. shadows
B. parts
C. images
D. signs

When the topic or an area of a course contains a lot of information, it is recommended to use?

A. lecture method
B. cooperative method
C. inquiry-based method
D. assignment method

In your view, which one is the most important factor of teaching process?

A. Student
B. Teaching materials
C. Teacher
D. The environment of the class

In order to make memory level of teaching a success what should a teacher do?

A. Logical sequence should be there in the presentation of subject matter
B. Subject matter should be meaningful and interesting before presenting it to pupils
C. Recall and rehearsal of the learn material should be done at short intervals
D. All of the above

Which from the following should be used to increase correct responses and appropriate behavior?

A. Praise
B. Ignorance
C. Reward
D. Strictness

According to Rousseau, at what age a person ready to have a companion of the opposite sex?

A. 16
B. 18
C. 17
D. 19

Responses that produce a satisfying effect in a particular situation become __________ to occur again in that situation?

A. equally likely
B. not likely
C. less likely
D. more likely

Jean Piaget proposed ___________ stages of Cognitive Development?

A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 6

“All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.” This is the saying of___________?

A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Socrates
D. John Locke

Pedagogy Mcqs – (Science) MCQs Latest For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, KPPSC, SPSC & Other Tests