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Physics MCQs with Answers, MCQS for PPSC, FPSC, NTS, ETEA and Others Latest MCQs

Physics MCQs with Answers, MCQS for PPSC, FPSC, NTS, ETEA and Others Latest MCQs

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Physics MCQs with  Answers, MCQS for PPSC, FPSC, NTS, ETEA and Others Latest MCQs
Physics MCQs with Answers

Physics MCQs. By visiting this page you can see “Latest Physics MCQs” for the preparation of competitive mcqs, FPSC mcqs, PPSC mcqs, SPSC mcqs, KPPSC mcqs, AJKPSC mcqs, BPSC mcqs, NTS mcqs, PTS mcqs, OTS mcqs, Atomic Energy mcqs, Pak Army mcqs, Pak Navy mcqs, CTS mcqs, ETEA mcqs and others. The most occurred mcqs of Physics in past papers. Past papers of physics mcqs.

1. If we add all the 7 colors of rainbow (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, violet and indigo), the resultant color would be?
(A) Dark Blue
(B) Black
(C) Maroon
(D) White

2. When white light passes through a prism, it splits into __________ colors.
(A) 3
(B) 5
(C) 7
(D) 9

3. A camera uses a __________ to form an image on a piece of film at the back.
(A) convex lens
(B) diverging lens
(C) concave lens
(D) none of these

4. Short-sight defect could be corrected by a
(A) converging lens
(B) concave lens
(C) convex lens
(D) none of these

5. In humans, heart functions as a source of
(A)   electromotive force
(B)  charge
(C)  electric generator
(D) battery

6. Ozone layer protects the Earth from __________ radiations from the Sun.
(A) ultraviolet
(B) infrared
(C) X-rays
(D) microwaves

7. The distance of Moon from the Earth is __________ km.
(A) 364,000
(B) 384,000
(C) 464,000
(D) 484,000

8. There are __________ planets in orbit around the Sun.
(A) 6
(B) 7
(C) 8
(D) 9

9. Planets are kept in orbit by the?
(A) Radiations from the Sun
(B) Attraction among the Planets and the Sun
(C) Attraction among the Planets
(D) Gravitational pull of the Sun

10. Which from the following is NOT a Renewable Energy?
(A) Bio-fuels
(B) Geothermal
(C) Nuclear
(D) Solar

11. When vapors of a substance are cooled and changes into liquid, it is called
(A) convection
(B) condensation
(C) conduction
(D) evaporation

12. An instrument used to measure gas pressure is called
(A) ammeter
(B) manometer
(C) barometer
(D) galvanometer

13. If we add salt to the pure water, its boiling point will
(A) decrease
(B) increase
(C) remain same
(D) none of these

14. The boiling point of alcohol is
(A) 71 °C
(B) 75 °C
(C) 79 °C
(D) 83 °C

15. The presence of impurities __________ the freezing point of water.
(A) accelerate
(B) decreases
(C) increases
(D) do not have any effect on

16. The melting point of ice is lowered by a/an __________ in pressure.
(A) increase
(B) decrease
(C) change
(D) consistency

17. At high altitude the air temperature is lower as compare to sea level, therefore water boils at __________ temperature.
(A) constant
(B) higher
(C lower
(D) absolute

18. Evaporation is a __________ process.
(A) convection
(B) Liquefying
(C) cooling
(D  condensation

19. The refrigerator works on the two processes
(A) radiation and evaporation
(B) convection and radiation
(C) condensation and convection
(D) condensation and evaporation

20. Air is a very good __________ of heat.
(A) evaporator
(B) insulator
(C) radiator
(D) conductor

21. Which radiation has the lowest frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum?
(A) Gamma rays
(B) X-rays
(C) Ultraviolet rays
(D) Radio rays

22. Which rays are useful in cancer treatment?
(A) X-rays
(B) Gamma rays
(C) Ultraviolet rays
(D) Radio rays

23. The speed of sound will be maximum if passing through
(A) air
(B) iron
(C) water
(D) vacuum

24. The wire used to make the filament of a light bulb is made of
(A) tungsten
(B) chromel
(C) nichrome
(D) fire-clay

25. The wire used to make heating elements in electric kettles and irons are made of
(A) tungsten
(B) chromel
(C) nichrome
(D) fire-clay

26. In metals, the charge carriers are
(A) neutrons
(B) protons
(C) electrons
(D) none of these

27. A device that accelerates beams of charged particles is known as
(A) Capacitor
(B) Cyclatron
(C) Resistor
(D) Synchrotron

28. The branch of Physics that deals with behaviour and properties of light is called
(A) Optics
(B) kinematics
(C) Mechanics
(D) Electrostatics

29. Which from the following is/are NOT electromagnetic radiation(s)?
I. Alpha rays
II. Beta rays
III. Gamma rays
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and II

30. Which from the following electromagnetic radiation is associated with heat transfer through radiation?
(A) Microwaves
(B) Gamma rays
(C) X-Rays
(D) Infrared rays

31. The dimension of Momentum is
(B) LT–1
(C) MLT–1
(D) MLT–2

32. The SI unit of heat is
A) ohm
(B) Newton
(C) volt
(D) joule

33. A transistor is a semiconductor device with at least _____ terminals.
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5

34. All electromagnetic radiations travel through vacuum with the speed
(A) greater than the speed of light
(B) less than the speed of light
(C) equal the speed of light
(D) (A) or (B)

35. The foot-pound is the unit of
(A) energy
(B) length
(C) weight
(D) time

36. An element is identified by the number of _____ in its _____.
(A) electrons, atom
(B) neutrons, nucleus
(C)  protons, nucleus
(D) positrons, atom

37. The attractive force that binds protons and neutrons in nucleus of an atom is known as
(A) nuclear force

(B) electromagnetic force
(C) Coulomb force
(D) electromotive force

38. The speed of light in air is
(A) 2.8×106 m/s
(B) 2.8×108 m/s
(C) 3.0×106 m/s
(D) 3.0×108 m/s

39. The speed of light in water is
(A) 2.26×106 m/s
(B) 2.26×108 m/s
(C) 2.86×106 m/s
(D) 2.86×108 m/s

40. Which device is often used to smooth out the sudden variations in line voltage?
(A ) Capacitor
(B) Breaker
(C) Resistor
(D) Switch

41. A device that stores electric charge is called a
(A) capacitor
(B) battery
(C) resistor
(D) generator

42. The particle that act as a glue in holding the nucleus together is
(A) electron
(B) proton
(C) positron
(D) neutron

43. Subatomic particles (electron, proton. neutron) are made up of
(A) photons
(B) quarks
(C) elements
(D) molecules

44. 1 mile = _____ kilometer
(A) 1.209
(B) 1.409
(C) 1.609
(D) 1.809

45. Which from the following radiations possesses high ionizing power?
(A) Alpha rays
B) Beta rays
(C) Gamma rays
(D) None of these

46. Human eye can view electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths from _____ to _____ nano-meter.
(A) 200, 500
(B) 200, 600
(C) 400, 700
(D) 400, 800

47. An object of mass 8 kg on the Earth will have a mass of _____ kg on the Moon.
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 8
(D) 16

48. Suppose the force of gravity on the Earth is 10 m/s2 and on the Moon it is 2 m/s2. If the weight of an object on the Earth is 200 N. What will be its weight on the Moon?
(A) 40 N
(B) 80 N
(C) 120 N
(D) 160 N

49. Red + Green + Blue = ?
(A) White
(B) Black
(C) Maroon
(D) Dark Blue

50. The SI unit of electricity is
(A) ampere
(B) Coulomb
(C) joule
(D) volt

51. Which from the following radiations is high-energy and high-speed particles?
(A) Alpha rays
(B) Beta rays
(C) Gamma rays
(D) None of these

52. The property that determines how much charge a capacitor can store is called
(A) electric charge
(B) resistance
(C) capacitance
(D) dipole moment

53. A capacitor is said to be charged if its plates carry equal and _____ charges.
(A) opposite
(B) neutral
(C) same
(D) negative

54. 1 horsepower = _____ watt
(A) 145.7
(B) 345.7
(C) 545.7
(D) 745.7

55. What type of mirror is used for surveillance in shopping centers?
(A) Convex
(B) Concave
(C) Plane
(D) (B) or (C)

56. Which waves are commonly produced by oscillating electric circuits?
(A) X-Rays
(B) Radio waves
(C) Infrared rays
(D) Microwaves

57. Which from the following has the shortest wavelengths?
(A) Gamma rays

(B) X-Rays
(C) Infrared rays
(D) Light

58. Looking at the mirror, you notice that your image appears enlarged. What type of mirror is this?
(A) Plane
(B) Concave
(C) Convex
(D) (A) or (C)

59. Looking at the mirror, you notice that your image appears shorter. What type of mirror is this?
(A) Convex
(B) Concave
(C) Plane
(D) (A) or (B)

60. The SI unit of current is
(A) ohm
(B) volt
(C) ampere
(D) Coulomb


61. If  and  then A·b=?
(A) –7
(B) 7
(C) –11
(D) 11


62. When a force  is applied to an object, it undergoes a displacement of . What is the work done?
(A) 26 joule
(B) 28 joule
(C) 30 joule
(D) 32 joule

63. The tuning of a radio or TV receiver is usually done by varying the _____ of the circuit.
(A) voltage
(B) capacitance
(C) resistance
(D) inductance

64. Which from the following radiations has the highest penetrating power?
(A) Gamma rays
(B) Beta rays
(C) Alpha rays
(D) None of these

65. The SI unit of force is
A) farad
(B) joule
(C) watt
(D) Newton

66. Heat is the transfer of energy from one object to another object because of difference in
(A) pressure
(B) temperature
(C) volume
(D) power

67. An object has mass of 50 kg. What will be its weight at a location where force of gravity is 6 m/s2?
A) 100 N
(B) 200 N
(C) 300 N
(D) 400 N

68. What is kinetic energy of a particle of mass 2 kg moving with a speed of 20 m/s?
(A) 340 joule
(B) 360 joule
(C) 380 joule
(D) 400 joule

69. A collision in which total kinetic energy is NOT the same before and after the collision is known as
(A) inelastic collision
(B) elastic collision
(C) resistance
(D) friction

70. The SI unit of pressure is
(A) hertz
(B) kelvin
(C) weber
(D) pascal

71. The device that converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) is
(A) rectifier
(B) converter
(C) inverter
(D) amplifier

72. The device that converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) is
(A) amplifier
(B) converter
(C) rectifier
(D) inverter

73. What is the rest energy of a substance of mass 2 kg?
(A) 10 × 1012 joule
(B) 10 × 1016 joule
(C) 18 × 1012 joule
(D) 18 × 1016 joule

74. If a force acting on an object of mass 12 kg produces an acceleration of 5 m/s2. Then the same force applied to an object of mass 10 kg will produce an acceleration of _____ m/s2.
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) 8

75. The mass of the Earth is
(A) 5.98×1020 kg
(B) 5.98×1022 kg
(C) 5.98×1024 kg
(D) 5.98×1026 kg

76. If we add salt to the pure water, its boiling point will
(A) decrease
(B) increase
(C) remain same
(D) none of these

77. In humans, heart functions as a source of
(A) electric generator
(B) battery
(C) charge
(D) electromotive force

78.Mass defect per nucleon is ______________

A. The binding energy of the nucleus
B. The average energy of the nucleus
C. Packing fraction
D. All of above are one and the same thing

79.Nuclear forces exist between _____________

A. Neutron-neutron
B. Proton-neutron
C. Proton-proton
D. All of the above

80.Transuranic elements have an atomic number

A. Greater than 82
B. Greater than 72
C. Greater than 102
D. Greater than 92

81.The energy liberated when one atom of U-235 undergoes fission reaction is

A. 20MeV
B. 30MeV
C. 40MeV
D. 200MeV

82.Radioactivity is a ______ (A) Spontaneous activity (B) Chemical property_____________?

A. A & B
B. B & C
C. A B & C
D. C & A


A. Do not know
B. Can exist both inside and outside the nucleus
C. Cannot exist inside the nucleus
D. Can exist inside the nucleus

84.Which one of the following radiation possesses maximum penetrating power

A. X-rays
B. B-rays
C. γ-rays
D. All have the equal penetrating powe

85. Neutron and proton are commonly known as

A. Boson
B. Quartz
C. Nucleon
D. Meson

86.Antimatter consists of

A. Antineutron
B. Positron
C. Antiproton
D. All of above

87.For chain reaction to build up the size of the radioactive target should be

A. Equal to the critical size
B. Less than the critical size
C. Greater than the critical size
D. All of above can build up a change reaction

88.Mass of neutron is

A. 1.67 x 10-31 kg
B. 1.67 x 10-27 kg
C. 9.1 x 10-31 kg
D. 1.67 x 10-19 kg

89.A particle having the mass of an electron and the charge of a proton is called a

A. Gamma rays
B. Antiproton
C. Positron
D. Photon

90.The charge on neutron is

A. Zero
B. Plus 1.6 x 10-19C
C. Minus 1.6 x 10-19C
D. No definite charge

91.The charge on an electron was determine by

A. Ampere
B. Maxwell
C. Thomson
D. Millikan

92.Which one of the following radiations possesses maximum velocity

A. γ-rays
B. β-rays
C. α-rays
D. All of above have the same speed

93.The fission chain reaction in a nuclear reactor can be controlled by introducing

A. Graphite rods
B. Graphite rods
C. Platinum rods
D. Cadmium rods

94.Average energy required to remove one nucleon from the nucleus is called

A. Energy of decay
B. Binding energy per nucleon
C. Destruction energy
D. All of above

95.Radioactive decay obeys which one of the following law

A. N=Noe-λt/2
B. N=Noeλt
C. N=Noe-λt
D. No=N(1+eλt)

96.The diameter of an atom is approximately

A. 10-12m
B. 10-10m
C. 10-11m
D. 10-14m

97.The bombardment of nitrogen with alpha particles will produce______________?0

A. Proton
B. Positron
C. Neutron
D. Electron

98.One AMU is equal to

A. 1.66 x 10-27kg
B. 166 x 10-15ng
C. 166 x 10-20g

D. All of above

99.During fusion of hydrogen into helium

A. Mass is increased due to energy absorption
B. Energy is absorbed
C. Mass is reduced due to the energy released
D. Energy is released

100.In the nucleus of uranium, the number of neutrons will be

A. Different for different isotopes
B. 143
C. 235
D. 92

Physics MCQs with Answers, MCQS for PPSC, FPSC, NTS, ETEA and Others Latest MCQs