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Updated Diseases of Blood And Lymphnodes ( Pathology ) MCQs – Medical MCQs

Updated Diseases of Blood And Lymphnodes ( Pathology ) MCQs – Medical MCQs

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Latest Medical MCQs

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Latest Diseases of Blood And Lymphnodes ( Pathology ) Mcqs

The most occurred mcqs of Diseases of Blood And Lymphnodes ( Pathology ) in past papers. Past papers of Diseases of Blood And Lymphnodes ( Pathology ) Mcqs. Past papers of Diseases of Blood And Lymphnodes ( Pathology ) Mcqs . Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Diseases of Blood And Lymphnodes ( Pathology ) Mcqs. The Important series of Diseases of Blood And Lymphnodes ( Pathology ) Mcqs are given below:

Which of the following statement is _____________?

A. Low density lipoproteins has maximum association with atherosclerosis
B. Poly unsaturated fats lowers plasma cholesterol levels
C. High density lipoproteins have protective role in atherosclerosis
D. HDL contains the highest cholesterol content

Which of the following statements is true?

A. Arterial thrombi to be white and non occlusive (mural) where as venous thrombi are red and occlusive
B. Arterial thrombi produces ischemia and infarction where as cardiac and venous thrombi cause embolism
C. Venous thrombi are soft, red and gelatinous where as arterial thrombi are firm and white
D. All of the above

Thrombosis due to hypercoagulability is seen in____________?

A. Severe trauma or burns
B. Women talking oral contraceptives
C. Cardiac failure
D. All of the above

In left ventricular cardiac failure there is_____________?

A. Passive Congestion in lungs
B. Active hyperemia in lungs
C. Passive congestion in liver
D. None of the above

Gamma gandy bodies are seen in_____________?

A. Kidney
B. Spleen
C. Liver
D. Lung

Which of the following being is the most frequent site of thrombus ?

A. Veins of lower extremities
B. Pulmonary vein
C. Portal vein
D. Hepatic vein

The commonest site of thrombosis is_______________?

A. Capilaries
B. Veins
C. Arteries
D. Heart

The type of embolism seen in fractures of long bones_____________?

A. Air embolism
B. Thrombo embolism
C. Fat embolism
D. Amniotic fluid embolism

In hemorrhager lost plasma is replaced by______________?

A. Spleen
B. Kidney
C. Bone marrow
D. Muscle

Heart failure cells are seen in_______________?

A. Liver
B. Lungs
C. Heart
D. Kidney

Following is the most important factor in the management of shock_________________?

A. Cardiac output
B. Blood pressure
C. CVP to 8 cm of water
D. Deficiency of effective circulating blood volume

Shock is a circulatory disturbance characterized by________________?

A. Elevated body temperature
B. Decreased volume of circulation blood
C. Increased blood pressure
D. Decreased volume of interstitial fluid

Which of the following is common in all forms of shock ?

A. Hypovolemia
B. Sepsis
C. Vasoconstriction
D. Impaired tissue prefusion

Anasarca means_____________?

A. Presence of pus
B. Severe generalized swelling
C. Absence of proliferation of vessels following inflammation
D. Abnormal inflammatory process

The most common site of origin for venous thrombi leading to pulmonary embolism is_____________?

A. Portal vein
B. Ascending oaorta
C. Deep leg veins
D. Right atrium

Which of the following is correctly matched with the forms of extravasation hemorrhages______________?

A. Purpura – small areas (1cm) of hemorrhage in to the skin and mucous membrane
B. Ecchymosis – large extravasation of blood in to the skin and mucous membrane
C. petechiae – small pin point hemorrhages
D. All of the above

The process of formation of solid mass in circulation from the constituents of normal flowing blood is called_____________?

A. Embolism
B. Thrombosis
C. Clot formation
D. Infarction

Major and frequent influence for thrombus formation is________________?

A. Hypercoagulability
B. Alteration in blood flow
C. Endothelial damage
D. Fatty streak

Left side heart failure results in______________?

A. Oedema of lungs
B. Oedema of legs
C. Oedema of spleen
D. Oedema of liver

The common cause of sudden death in myocardial infarction is____________?

A. Congestive heart failure
B. Arrhythmias
C. Pulmonary embolism
D. None of the above

Three days after the onset of myocardial infarction, which enzyme level has the best predictive value____________?

A. Serum SGOT
B. Serum LDH
C. Serum CPK
D. Serum SGPT

Pale infarcts are seen in all of the following except______________?

A. Lung
B. Kidney
C. Liver
D. Spleen

Earliest lesion in atherosclerosis is_____________?

A. Fibrous plaque
B. Fatty streak
C. Atheroma
D. None of the above

Which of the following symptomatic atheroscierotic disease is correct_____________?

A. Heart – MI, Ischemic heart disease
B. Aorta – Aneurysm, thromboembolism
C. Lower extremities – claudication gangrene
D. All of the above

In which one of the following organs the venous emboli are most often iodged ?

A. Lungs
B. Intestines
C. Kidneys
D. Heart

The infarct of the following organs is invariably haemorrhagic_____________?

A. Spleen
B. Lung
C. Kidney
D. Heart

Venous emboli are most often lodged in_____________?

A. Kidneys
B. Lungs
C. Intestines
D. Heart

Infarcts are not common in______________?

A. Lung
B. Liver
C. Kidney
D. Both A and B

The necrotic tissue and deposits of immune complexes, complement and plasma protein produce a smudy eosinophilic deposit is termed as_____________?

A. Caesous necrosis
B. Fibrinoid necrosis
C. Coagulative necrosis
D. Fatty necrosis

White infarcts occurs in one of the following organs_______________?

A. Lung
B. Ovary
C. Intestine
D. Heart

Risk factor for atherosclerosis_______________?

A. Hypertension
B. Smoking
C. Diabetes
D. All of the above

Major site of atheroscierosis_______________?

A. Thoracic aorta
B. Abdominal aorta
C. Coronary artery
D. Internal carotid artery

Both Pala or red infarcts are seen in______________?

A. Kidney
B. Brain
C. Lung
D. Spleen

After myocardial infarction all of the following enzyme levels are high except_____________?

A. Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT)
B. Creatine phospho kinase (CPK)
C. Lactic Dehydrogenase (LDH)
D. Serum ornithine carbamyl transferase (SOCT)

The most reliable post mortem features of left sided cardiac failure is____________?

A. Oedematous ankles
B. Systemic venous congestion
C. Chronic venous congestion of lungs
D. Enlargement of spleen and liver

Ascites seen in alcoholic liver cirrhosis result form______________?

A. Decreased protein production by liver
B. Due to obstruction of bile duct
C. Due to increased portal hypertension
D. All of the above

The major factors predisposing to thrombogenesis include all of the following except_____________?

A. Altered blood flow
B. Hyper coagulability of blood
C. Endothelial injury
D. Pattern of blood flow

All of the following differs antemortum thrombus from a postmortem intravascular costs except_____________?

A. Chicken fat appearance
B. Dry and friable
C. Lines of zahn
D. Firm adherence to endothelium where as absent in postmorten clots

Which of the following is not an indicative of hemorrhage_____________?

A. Malena
B. Ecchymosis
C. Melanosis
D. Petechiae

Extravasation of blood in to the tissues with resulting swelling is called_____________?

A. Heamoperitonium
B. Hemothorax
C. Heamopericardium
D. Hematoma

Which of the following predisposes to thrombogenesis ?

A. Stasis of blood
B. Endothelial injury
C. Turbulence of blood
D. All of the above

Active hypermia is seen in_______________?

A. Inflammation
B. Muscles during exercise
C. Blushing
D. All of the Above

An infarct is most frequently is characterized by What type of necrosis ?

A. Caseous
B. Fatty
C. Gangrenous
D. Coagulative

Partial or complete obstruction of some part of the C.V.S by a foreign body transported by the blood stream is termed as_____________?

A. Coagulation
B. Thrombosis
C. Ischaemia
D. Embolism

Caissons disease is caused by______________?

A. Hyper coagulability
B. Amniotic fluid embolism
C. Air or gas embolism
D. Tumour embolism

In a thrombus, the dark lines of zahn are due to_______________?

A. Aggregated proteins
B. Coagulated fibrin
C. Aggregated platelets
D. Aggregated R.B.C

Nut meg liver occurs in_______________?

A. Cirrhosis
B. Chronic venous congestion
C. Jaundice
D. Hepatocellular carcinoma

Heart failure cells are____________?

A. Aschoji’s giant cells
B. Fibrocytes in myocardium
C. Heamosiderin laden macrophages in alveoli
D. Hypertrophic myocardial fibres

Hypovolemic shock develops after loss of______________?

A. 20% blood
B. 10% blood
C. 30% blood
D. 40% blood

In hypovolemic shock_____________?

A. There is always site of bleeding
B. The extremities are pale, cold and sweating
C. The central venous pressure ins high
D. Urine output is unaffected

All of the following are typically associated with loss of 40% of the circulating blood volume except_______________?

A. A decrease in the central venous pressure
B. A decrease in the blood pressure
C. A decrease in the heart rate
D. A decrease in the urine output

Edema is due to_______________?

A. Increased osmotic pressure
B. Decreased albumin conc. in blood
C. Increased albumin in blood and decreased globin
D. None of the above

A 20 year male complains of recurrent attacks of sore tthroat since 2 years. The total leukocyte count was 1000/ul. A differential count revealed severe neutropenia. The diagnosis is________________?

A. Infectious mononucleosis
B. Subleukemic leukemia
C. Agraulocytosis
D. Leukoerythroblastic anemia

Thrombocytopenia due to increased platelet destruction is seen in_________________?

A. Cancer chemotherapy
B. Aplasti anemia
C. Acute leukemia
D. Systemic lupus erythematosus

Primary hemostasis is disturbed in______________?

A. Platelet disorder
B. Hemophilia
C. Lupus anticoagulant
D. Liver disease

A 3-year old child presented with progressive anaemia, jaundice & failure to thrive. O/E: pallor, splenomegaly are seen Peripheral smear showed normoblasts and small round intensely stained red cells. The likely diagnosis is________________?

A. Here ditary spherocytosis
B. Sickle cell anaemia
C. Thalassaemia
D. Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia

Increased levels of haemoglobin A2 is characteristic of________________?

A. Glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
B. b-thalassaemia crait
C. Sickle cell trait
D. a-Thalassamia

In sickle cell anaemia there is_____________?

A. 75 to 100% haemoglobins
B. 20 to 30% haemoglobins
C. 10 to 20% haemoglobins
D. 50 to 60% haemoglobins

The fading of cellular chromatin is_____________?

A. Karyolysis
B. Pyknosis
C. Karyorrhexis
D. Cytolysis

Auto immune hymolytic anemia is seen in_______________?


Updated Diseases of Blood And Lymphnodes ( Pathology ) MCQs – Medical MCQs