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Updated Medical MCQs – Latest Development Disturbances ( Oral Pathology And Medicine ) MCQs

Updated Medical MCQs – Latest Development Disturbances ( Oral Pathology And Medicine ) MCQs

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Latest Medical MCQs

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Latest Development Disturbances ( Oral Pathology And Medicine ) Mcqs

The most occurred mcqs of Development Disturbances ( Oral Pathology And Medicine ) in past papers. Past papers of Development Disturbances ( Oral Pathology And Medicine ) Mcqs. Past papers of Development Disturbances ( Oral Pathology And Medicine ) Mcqs . Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Development Disturbances ( Oral Pathology And Medicine ) Mcqs. The Important series of Development Disturbances ( Oral Pathology And Medicine ) Mcqs are given below:

Static bone cyst is a cyst developing from______________?

A. Tissue of the odontogenic apparatus
B. Infection of Salivary gland in the mandible
C. Tissue of the oral mucosa
D. None of the above

A 6 year old patient with extra cusp on maxillary central incisor is associated with all except______________?

A. Sturge-Weber Syndrome
B. Mohr’s syndrome
C. Rubinstein Taybi Syndrome
D. Proteus Syndrome

A 4 year old child with one tooth less than the normal dentition shows large tooth with two crowns and two root canals, the anamoly is______________?

A. Gemination
B. Fusion
C. Dilaceration
D. Concrescence

The cyst which is found within the bone at the junction of teh globular process, the lateral nasal process & maxillary process is______________?

A. Naso palatine cyst
B. Globulomaxillary cyst
C. Naso-alveolar cyst
D. Mid palatine cyst

The cyst located at the junction of medial nasal process, lateral nasal process and maxillary process is________________?

A. Globulomaxillary cyst
B. Nasopalatine cyst
C. Median palatine cyst
D. Nasoalveolar cyst

The torus mandibularis most commonly seen in the region of______________?

A. Canine region
B. Incisor region
C. Molar region
D. Premolar region

Dentinal union of two embryologically developing teeth is referred as______________?

A. Twinning
B. Gemination
C. Concrescence
D. Fusion

Which one of the following is the cause of dilacerations ?

A. Trauma to the tooth germ during root development
B. Abnormal displacement of ameloblasts during tooth formation
C. Abnormal proliferation of enamel epithelium during tooth development
D. Abnormal displacement of tooth germ during root development

Taurodontism is usually seen in_________________?

A. Incisor with talon/cusp
B. Mesiodens
C. Mandibular first molar
D. Maxillary premolars

Large pulp chambers are characteristic of all the following conditions except_______________?

A. Tauradontisam
B. Shell teeth
C. Dentin Dysplasia
D. Dentinogenesis imperfecta

The inheritance pattern of dentinogensis imperfecta is______________?

A. Recessive
B. Autosomal dominant
C. Homozygous
D. X-linked recessive

Which of the following teeth is most likely to be congenitally missing ?

A. Mandibular canine
B. Maxi. central incisor
C. Mand. second premolar
D. Maxillary first premolar

In Treacher collin’s syndrome there is________________?

A. Progenia and mandibular prognathism
B. Poorly developed or absence of malar bones
C. Upward sloping of the palpebral fissure
D. No loss of hearing

A bony hard asymptomatic swelling found on the midline of the hard palate that appears radiopaque on a radiograph is most likely a__________________?

A. Myxoma
B. Odontoma
C. Boney cyst
D. Torus palatinus

Talon’s cusp is characteristic of which syndrome_________________?

A. Klinefelter’s syndrome
B. Edward’s syndrome
C. Rubinstein Taybi syndrome
D. Down’s syndrome

Which of the following is unlikely to cause enamel hypoplasia ?

A. Fluoride
B. Rickets
C. Congenital syphilis
D. Cleidocranial dysostosis

Benign And Malignant Tumors Of Oral Cavity MCQs

Shell teeth are more common in this variant of dentinogenesis imperfecta________________?

A. Type III
B. Type I
C. Type II
D. Type IIII and I

The 2nd common most supernumerary teeth is________________?

A. Distal to mandibular 3rd molar
B. Distal to 3rd molar in maxilla
C. Mesiodens
D. Para molars

Estein Pearls are________________?

A. Enamel pearls
B. Gingival cyst of adult
C. Gingival cyst of newborn
D. Epithelial rests

A. Gingival cyst of newborn
B. Gingival cyst of adult
C. Enamel pearls
D. Epithelial rests

A 15-year old boy shows an inverted pear shaped radiolucency between the upper central incisors. The teeth are normal in all aspects The most likely diagnosis is________________?

A. Aneurysmal cyst
B. Nasopalatine cyst
C. Globulomaxillary cyst
D. Dentigerous cyst

In children the most frequently missing permanent teeth are________________?

A. Second Premolars
B. First premolars
C. Max. lateral incisors
D. Mandibular lateral incisors

Estesin pearls are cysts that arise from_________________?

A. Connective tissue of the mucosa
B. Squamous tissue of the mucosa
C. Rests of malassez
D. Dental lamina

Median rhomboid glossits is associated is associated with_________________?

A. Leukoplakia
B. fungal infection
C. Oral cancer
D. Burning sensation of tongue

A 4-year old child has a normal complemented of primary teeth but they are gray and exhibit extensive occlusal and incisal wear. Radiographic examination indicates extensive deposits of secondary dentin in these teeth. Most likely this condition is______________?

A. Amelogenesis imperfecta
B. Neonatal hypoplasia
C. Cleidocranial dysplasia
D. Dentinogenesis imperfecta

Geographical tongue, all are true except______________?

A. No treatment is required
B. Lesions may be Bilaterally symmetrical on tongue
C. Is a precancerous condition
D. May be related to emotional stress

Anodontia affects the growth of________________?

A. Mandible
B. Maxilla
C. Alveolar bone
D. Cranium

Which of the following is Fissural cyst is_______________?

A. Primordial cyst
B. Dentigerous cyst
C. Nasopalatine cyst
D. Radicular cyst

Taurodontism is characterized by_____________?

A. Rootless teeth with thin shell of enamel
B. Elongated wide pulp canals and short roots
C. Obliterated pulp chambers with secondary dentine deposition
D. Hypercementosis

Naso Labial cyst is thought to arise from_______________?

A. Remnants of cell rests of mallasez
B. Remnants of cell rests of serrae
C. Remnants of cell rests of embryonic lacrimalduct
D. Maxillary sinus lining epithelium

Diseases Of Bones And Joints MCQs

Hairy tongue is characterized by____________?

A. Hypertrophy of foliate papillae
B. Hypertrophy of fungiform papillae
C. Hypertrophy of filiform papillae
D. Hypertrophy of circumvallate papillae

Multiple osteomas, multiple polyposis, supernumerary teeth are found in _______ syndrome?

A. Peutz – jeghers
B. Reiter’s
C. Gardner’s
D. Behcet’s

Dental anomaly of teeth associated with defective bone formation is seen in_______________?

A. Odontodysplasia
B. dentinogenesis imperfecta
C. amelogenesis imperfecta
D. Osteitis deformans

Turners tooth is seen in_____________?

A. enamel hypoplasia due to birth injuries
B. enamel hypoplasia due to hypocalcemia
C. enamel hypoplasia due to congenital syphilis
D. enamel hypoplasia due to local infection or local trauma

Bohn’s nodules are______________?

A. Cystic swellings in neonates
B. Cysts of gingiva in growing children
C. Cysts associated with soft palate
D. Warts on the tongue

Dentinogenesis imperfecta is________________?

A. Autosomal dominant
B. Sex linked recessive
C. Autosomal recessive
D. Not a inheritable trait

Gardner syndrome does not include______________?

A. Epidermoid cysts
B. Osteomas
C. Osteosarcoma
D. Impacted permanent teeth

Hypoplastic defects in permanent central and lateral incisors are likely to result due to severe illness or other factors during_______________?

A. First nine month of life
B. First month of life
C. First two years of life
D. Two or three years of life

Fordyce’s spots are________________?

A. Red spots
B. Fat tissue embedded in buccal mucosa
C. Present on the cheek mucosa lateral to angle of the mouth
D. All of the above

The most common supernumerary tooth form is______________?

A. Screw shaped
B. Conical
C. Tuberculated
D. Incisor shaped

Absence of pulp chambers is seen in_______________?

A. Amelogenesis imperfecta
B. Dentinogenesis imperfecta
C. Craniofacial dysostosis
D. None of the above

Which of the following lesions does not give blood on aspiration_______________?

A. Central giant cell granuloma
B. Static bone cyst
C. Heamagioma
D. Aneursycimal bone cyst

A deep pit lined by enamel seen in the lingual surface of Maxillary lateral incipor is most likely to be_______________?

A. Dens in dente
B. Talon’s cusp
C. Enamel Hypoplasia
D. Enamel Pearl

True generalized microdontia is characterized by______________?

A. Small teeth with small jaws
B. Small teeth with large jaws
C. Smaller teeth than the normal
D. Large teeth with small jaws

A permanent tooth with a local hypoplastic deformity in a crown is called_______________?

A. Turner’s tooth
B. Enameloma
C. Taurodontism
D. Ghost teeth

Developing Ameloblasts are effected by the ingestion of high fluoride content water resulting in______________?

A. Mottled enamel
B. Hutchinson’s teeth
C. Turners tooth
D. Moon’s molars

Which of the following is a soft tissue cyst which do not produce any radiographic changes______________?

A. Nasolabial cyst
B. Mid alveolar cyst
C. Nasopalatine cyst
D. Palatine cyst

Mytotic Infection MCQs

Which of the following features are of naso alveolar cyst_______________?

A. An avoid shaped radiolucency above the lateral incisor and canine teeth
B. Erosion of base above lateral incisor and canine teeth
C. A pear shaped radiolucent lesion between roots of lateralincisor and canine teeth
D. An inverted funnel shaped radiolucent lesion above the roots of lateral incisor and canine teeth

The term dilaceration refers to______________?

A. A deformity of a tooth consisting of a sharp bend bend in the root
B. A root or tooth that is split into two
C. Abrasions on two surfaces of single tooth
D. A tooth that is fractured at two or more places

A girl suffering from browing of teeth, wearing of enamel but not cavitory, OPG shows obliteration of pulp with narrowing of canal & deposition of secondary dentin, she gave the history that out of her 4 brothers 2 are suffering from the same disease, She is suffering from_______________?

A. Dentinogenesis imperfecta
B. melogenesis imperfecta
C. Flurosis
D. Odontodysplasia

Failure of descent of thyroid analage can be seen in the tongue______________?

A. In posterior 1/3 of dorsal aspect
B. In anterior 2/3 of dorsal aspect
C. Near the base of tongue close to foramen caecum
D. In anterior 2/3 of inferior surface

Geographic tongue is of red colour because of________________?

A. Infiltration of neutrophils
B. Infiltration of eosinophils
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

Developmental enamel defects are most commonly seen in_______________?

A. Primary 2nd molar
B. Primary incisors
C. Permanent incisors
D. Permanent 1st molar

Fordyce granules mostly occurs in all of the following area EXCEPT________________?

A. Posterior tonsillar pillar
B. Vermilion of the lip
C. Alveolar ridge
D. Palate

A 7-year old child having yellowish discoloured spot of maxillary central incisor. His mother presents a history of injury to deciduous tooth 3 years back with recurrent infection & swelling. The diagnosis is_______________?

A. Turners hypoplasia
B. Syphillitic hypoplasia
C. Generalised dental fluorosis
D. Rickets hypomineralisation

Amelogenesis imperfecta is a disorder of_____________?

A. Ectoderm
B. Endoderm
C. Mesoderm
D. Ecto and Mesoderm

Hypodontia is mainly found in all except___________?

A. Cleidocranialdysostosis
B. Osteopetrosis
C. Papillion levefre syndrome
D. Ectodermal dysplasia

A child has marked difference of crown, root size, eruption pattern of left & right side of jaw. The condition is______________?

A. Cherubism
B. Hemifacial hypertrophy
C. Crouzan syndrome
D. Achondroplasia

Marked reduction in amount of dentin, widening of predentin layer, presence of large area of interglobular dentin and irregular pattern of dentin is seen in______________?

A. Dentin dysplasia
B. Odonto dysplasia
C. Hypocalcified dentin
D. Dentinogenesis imperfecta

Brittle bone syndrome is caused by______________?

A. Improper synthesis of procollagen
B. Increase osteoclastic activity
C. Polymerisation of collagen
D. Increase fibroblastic activity

Based on the degree to which apical displacement of the pulpal floor is seen, Cynodont is the name given to_____________?

A. Mesotaurodont
B. Hypotaurodont
C. Hypertaurodont
D. Normal tooth

Updated Medical MCQs – Latest Development Disturbances ( Oral Pathology And Medicine ) MCQs