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A useful feature of the iPhone that is still hidden from your view

A useful feature of the iPhone that is still hidden from your view

A useful feature of the iPhone that is still hidden from your view

New York: Did you know that there are a lot of applications in the iPhone that are still hidden from your phone’s home screen and app library?

Newer models of the Apple iPhone are full of many features and tricks, but many of them are features that you need a truck to find. In this article, we are going to show you today such a useful and useful feature truck in everyday tasks.

Did you know that the Notes app has a hidden document scanner? This latest feature is dedicated to Twitter, blogs and especially QR codes. And the camera is much better than the scanner in the app.

Usually you scan QR codes using shortcuts in the control center or some users scan QR codes using the camera app. Both of these methods are perfect for QR code scanning, but with the help of the Dedicated Code Scanner app you not only complete this task in one step but this app also clarifies all the details contained in the QR code in front of you.

You can’t see the Code Scanner app on your home screen, nor is it found in iOS14’s new app library. There is only one way to find this app that we are telling you. You need to use your iPhone’s Spotlight Search feature to find this app. Go to the iPhone’s home screen and scroll your finger down the middle of the screen.

A useful feature of the iPhone that is still hidden from your view