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Competitive Cardiovascular System ( Physiology ) MCQs – Medical MCQs

Competitive Cardiovascular System ( Physiology ) MCQs – Medical MCQs

This post is comprising of latest ” ( Physiology ) MCQs – Latest Competitive Medical MCQs “. Here you’ll get latest Software engineering mcqs for written test, interview with answers. If you want to improve your knowledge regarding Software engineering then read these mcqs of Design of Steel Structures.

Latest Medical MCQs

By practicing these MCQs of Cardiovascular System ( Physiology ) MCQs – Latest Competitive Medical MCQs , an individual for exams performs better than before. This post comprising of mechanical engineering objective questions and answers related to Cardiovascular System ( Physiology ) Mcqs “. As wise people believe “Perfect Practice make a Man Perfect”. It is therefore practice these mcqs of Software engineering to approach the success. Tab this page to check “Cardiovascular System ( Physiology )” for the preparation of competitive mcqs, FPSC mcqs, PPSC mcqs, SPSC mcqs, KPPSC mcqs, AJKPSC mcqs, BPSC mcqs, NTS mcqs, PTS mcqs, OTS mcqs, Atomic Energy mcqs, Pak Army mcqs, Pak Navy mcqs, CTS mcqs, ETEA mcqs and others.

Latest Cardiovascular System ( Physiology ) Mcqs

The most occurred mcqs of Cardiovascular System ( Physiology ) in past papers. Past papers of Cardiovascular System ( Physiology ) Mcqs. Past papers of Cardiovascular System ( Physiology ) Mcqs . Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Cardiovascular System ( Physiology ) Mcqs. The Important series of Cardiovascular System ( Physiology ) Mcqs are given below:

Stimulation of baroreceptors results in_______________?

A. Decreased vagal discharge
B. Increase in heart rate
C. Increased sympathetic discharge
D. Decrease in blood pressure

2nd heart sound is characterized by all except______________?

A. Is occasionally split
B. Due to closure of semilunar valves
C. Has longer duration than 1st heart sound
D. Marks the onset of diastole

Heart muscle, true are all except_______________?

A. Has gap junctions
B. Has multiple nuclei
C. Act as syncytium
D. Has branching

Isovolumetric relaxation ends immediately after________________?

A. When ventricular pressure falls below aortic pressure
B. AV Valve closes
C. When ventricular pressure falls below atrial pressure
D. None of the above

Ventricular muscle receives impulses directly from the_______________?

A. Purkinje system
B. Right and left bundle branches
C. Bundle of HIS
D. AV node

Distribution of blood flow is mainly regulated by the________________?

A. Capillaries
B. Arterioles
C. Arteries
D. Venules

Effect on force of contraction of heart is_____________?

A. Dromotropic effect
B. Chronotropic effect
C. Bathmotropic
D. Ionotropic effect

Cardiac output is maximum to _________________?

A. Liver
B. Kidney
C. Brain
D. Heart

Absolute period when whole heart is in diastole is______________?

A. 0.3 seconds
B. 0.7 seconds
C. 0.7 seconds
D. 0.4 seconds

Cardiac cycle duration in man is_______________?

A. 1.2 seconds
B. 0.8 seconds
C. 0.4 seconds
D. 1.6 seconds

Coronary blood flow is usually predominantly controlled by_____________?

A. Auto regulation
B. Parasympathetic impulses
C. Hormones
D. Sympathetic impulse

Fastest conducting tissue in human heart _________________?

A. SA node
B. AV node
C. Bundle of His
D. Purkinje fibers

Closure of aortic valve occurs before the following event_______________?

A. Pre-diastole
B. Isovolumetric relaxation
C. Isovolumetric contraction
D. Pre-systole

Cardiac index is related to ______________?

A. Cardiac output and work of the heart
B. Cardiac output and body surface area
C. cardiac output and body weight
D. Stroke volume and pulse rate

Hematology MCQs

Stimulation of barorceptor leads to ________________?

A. Increased B.P, decreased heart rate
B. Decreased B.P , decreased heart rate
C. Increased blood pressure, increased heart rate
D. Decreased B.P, increased heart rate

Consider the following statements________________?

A. Staling’s law of heart states that the force of ventricular contraction is directly related to the end diastolic volume
B. Starling’s law of heart states that increase in force of contraction is directly related to cardiac ouput
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

Minimum blood pressure is in_____________?

A. Arteries
B. Aorta
C. Capillaries
D. Venules

The largest function of the total peripheral resistance is due to _________________?

A. Capillaries
B. Arterioles
C. Venules
D. Precapillary sphincters

Cardiac output is a measure of______________?

A. Peripheral resistance X cardiac rate
B. Peripheral resistance X tissue fluid
C. Blood pressure X cardiac rate
D. Heart rate X blood volume

The ventricular repolarization in ECG is best seen in_______________?

A. “Q” wave
B. “P” wave
C. “R” wave
D. “T” wave

Parasympathetic stimulation of heart causes______________?

A. SA node decreases firing
B. Decreased ventricular contraction
C. Increased AV node excitability
D. Tachycardia

The dicrotic notch on the aortic pressure curve is caused by_________________?

A. Rapid filling of the left ventricle
B. Closure of the pulmonary valve
C. Closure of the aortic valve
D. Contraction of the atria

The function of Carotid body is_______________?

A. Measures the change in Po2 in arterial blood
B. Measures the changed in CO2 in arterial blood
C. Measures Po2 in venous blood
D. Measures the change in CO2 in venous blood

What is common between systemic and pulmonary circulation is_____________?

A. Volume of the circulation per minute
B. Pulse Pressure
C. Peripheral vascular resistance
D. Total Capacity

The velocity of conduction in the Purkinjie fibers of the heart is__________________?

A. 1 to 4 m/sec
B. 9 to 12 m/sec
C. 5 to 8 m/sec
D. More than 12 m/sec

Which of the following increases turbulence in blood flow ?

A. Decrease in velocity of blood
B. Reynolds number < 2000
C. Decrease in density of blood
D. Increase in diameter of blood vessel

Glomerular capillary pressure differ from other capillaries of body in______________?

A. Higher filtration pressure
B. Lower filtration pressure
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

In determining blood pressure by auscultatory method_____________?

A. The sounds that are heard are generated in heart
B. Systolic pressure estimation tends to be lower than those make by palpatory method
C. The first sound heard is the systolic pressure
D. The loudest sound is the diastolic pressure

The following factors increase the cardiac output except______________?

A. Heart rate
B. After load
C. Preload
D. Myocardial contractility

SA node acts as a pacemaker of the heart because of the fact that it_________________?

A. Has rich sympathetic innervation
B. is capable of generating impulses
C. Has poor cholinergic innervation
D. Generates impulses at the highest rate

Increase in carotid sinus pressure produces__________________?

A. Reflex tachycardia
B. Reflex Hypercapnia
C. Reflex hyperpnea
D. Reflex Hypercapnia

The effects of Adrenaline on heart are all except__________________?

A. Increases force of contraction
B. Decreases myocardial irritability
C. Increases heart rate
D. Increases oxygen uptake by heart

Endocrinology MCQs

First heart sound occurs during the period of________________?

A. Isovolumetric relaxation
B. Isotonic relaxation
C. Isovolumetric contraction
D. Isotonic contraction

Cardiac output in L/min divided by heart rate equals_______________?

A. Cardiac index
B. Cardiac efficiency
C. Mean stroke volume
D. Mean arterial pressure

Under resting condition the cardiac output is _______ L/ min ?

A. 4.25
B. 2.5
C. 5.25
D. 9.5

Conduction velocity is least in_______________?

A. AV node
B. SA node
C. SA node
D. Purkinje fibers

Absolute refractory period in heart______________?

A. Longer than refractory period in skeletal muscle
B. Lasts till cardiac contraction
C. A phase of cardiac cycle in which heart cannot be stimulated by any amount of stimulus
D. Corresponds with duration of action potential
E. All of the above

Increased functional demand on the heart produces increased size of the myocardium by _______________?

A. Fatty infiltration
B. Hypertrophy
C. Hyperplasia
D. Increased amounts of fibrous connective tissue

Peripheral resistance is maximum in_______________?

A. Artery
B. Aorta
C. Arteriole
D. Vein

Starling’s law of the heard________________?

A. Does not operate during exercise
B. Does not operate in the failing heart
C. Explains the increase in cardiac output that occurs when venous return is increased
D. Explains the increase in cardiac output when the sympathetic nerves supplying the heart stimulated

All the heart valves are open during which stage of cardiac cycle __________________?

A. Isovolumetric relaxation
B. Systolic ejection
C. Isovolumetric contraction
D. None of the above

Cardiac output is not affected by __________________?

A. Peripheral resistance
B. Heart rate
C. Systolic blood pressure
D. Venous return

Stroke output of each ventricle in normal adult is_____________?

A. 130 ml
B. 30 ml
C. 70 ml
D. 5 liters

Normally, the rate of the heart beat in a human is determined by _________________?

A. All cardiac muscle
B. The bundle of His
C. The sinoatrial node
D. The cervical ganglion

The first heart sound is produced by the_____________?

A. Opening of the aortic and pulmonary valves
B. Closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves
C. Closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves
D. Opening of the mitral and tricuspid valves

Competitive Cardiovascular System ( Physiology ) MCQs – Medical MCQs