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Fitrana Nisab 2023 Pakistan: Amount Per Person

Fitrana Nisab 2023 Pakistan: Amount Per Person

Information about Fitrana Nisaab Pakistan 2023 and per person amount is shared on this page. The Islamic holiday of Eid al-Fitr, which occurs at the end of Ramadan, is called Fitrana. A small amount of money is given to the needy and poor so that they can participate in the Eid festival.

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Nisab, which is the minimum amount of wealth before paying Zakat, establishes the amount of Fitrana. The Fitrana Syllabus 2023 has been announced by the Government of Pakistan, and this article will provide you with all the details you need to know about it.

What is Fitrana?

It is obligatory for Muslims to perform the Fitrana before the Eid al-Fitr prayer. A small amount of money is given to the needy and poor so that they can participate in the Eid festival. Nisab, which is the minimum amount of wealth before paying Zakat, establishes the amount of Fitrana.

Fitrana Nisab 2023 Pakistan

The Pakistani government has formalized the Fitrana curriculum for 2023. Fitrana nisab for 2023 is Rs. 150 per person, as per the announcement. This means that every Muslim eligible for Fitrana will have to pay Rs. 150 per person.

Fitrana Nisab 2023 PakistanFitrana Nisab 2023 Pakistan

Fitrana Eid ul-fitr 2023 Amount Per Person

Fitrana Eid ul-fitr Nisab Pakistan 2023: Rs.150 per person

Who is Eligible to Pay Fitrana?

Every Muslim who has wealth in excess of the Nisab limit is obligated to pay Fitrana and Zakat. Generally, the nisab limit for Fitrana is lower than the nisab limit for Zakat. Consequently, Fitrana may be obligatory on Muslims who are not obligated to pay Zakat.

How to Calculate Fitrana Nisab 2023 Pakistan?

The calculation of Fitrana is very straightforward. The natural curriculum should be multiplied by the number of eligible persons in the household. For example, a family of five eligible members will have to pay Rs. 700 in kind (Rs. 140 x 5).


Before Eid al-Fitr, every Muslim should give Al-Fitrana, which is an important charity. This will enable the needy and disadvantaged people to participate in the festival of Eid. Fitrana Syllabus in Pakistan for 2023 is Rs. 150 per person before the Eid al-Fitr prayer, every Muslim should calculate his Fitrana and pay it. Let us all do our part to improve the lives of those less fortunate in our society.