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Latest Economics MCQs – Up To Date Miscellaneous ( Economics ) MCQs

This post is comprising of latest ” ( Economics ) MCQs – Latest Competitive MCQs “. Here you’ll get latest Economics mcqs for written test, interview with answers. If you want to improve your knowledge regarding Economics then read these mcqs of Design of Steel Structures.

Latest Economics MCQs

By practicing these MCQs of Miscellaneous ( Economics ) MCQs – Latest Competitive MCQs , an individual for exams performs better than before. This post comprising of objective questions and answers related to Miscellaneous ( Economics ) Mcqs “. As wise people believe “Perfect Practice make a Man Perfect”. It is therefore practice these mcqs of Economics to approach the success. Tab this page to check “Miscellaneous ( Economics )” for the preparation of competitive mcqs, FPSC mcqs, PPSC mcqs, SPSC mcqs, KPPSC mcqs, AJKPSC mcqs, BPSC mcqs, NTS mcqs, PTS mcqs, OTS mcqs, Atomic Energy mcqs, Pak Army mcqs, Pak Navy mcqs, CTS mcqs, ETEA mcqs and others.

Latest Miscellaneous ( Economics ) Mcqs

The most occurred mcqs of Miscellaneous ( Economics ) in past papers. Past papers of Miscellaneous ( Economics ) Mcqs. Past papers of Miscellaneous ( Economics ) Mcqs . Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Miscellaneous ( Economics ) Mcqs. The Important series of Miscellaneous ( Economics ) Mcqs are given below:

“Soft “money is_________________?

A. money used to purchase air time
B. money promised for campaigns
C. money given after the election
D. none of the above

C.Wright Mills wrote that the “power elite” controls_________________?

A. the election of all national officials
B. the major issues like war and peace
C. all political and social issues
D. access to Supreme Court appointments

Third parties arise when_____________?

A. new political ideologies emerge
B. a large portion of the electorate is dissatisfied with the other candidates
C. the nation experiences severs economic recession or depression
D. a charismatic leader is available

The leaders of interest groups tend to be_________________?

A. more conservative than the rank and file
B. more liberal than the rank and file
C. in accord with the agenda of the rank and file
D. unaware of the concerns of the rank and file

Shortcomings of interest groups include______________?

A. creating splinter parties
B. injecting partisan ideologies into political parties
C. the dissemination of biased information
D. stifling minority voices

According to Robert Salisbury the crucial factor in turning awareness of an issue into an organized movement is_______________?

A. mass media
B. money
C. leadership
D. all of the above

Public policy is________________?

A. a plan of action
B. what the government fails to do
C. what the government does
D. all of the above

The process of circulating petitions in order to place specific issues before the legislators is called____________?

A. appeasement
B. impressment
C. innuendo
D. initiative

The factors influencing the political behavior of American voters include ?

A. socialization
B. mass media
C. social class
D. all of the above

Public policy according to elitists tends to reflect______________?

A. the ideals of the society
B. the values of the elites
C. the demands of the masses
D. the compromises necessary to temper ideals with reality

According to the “broker rule” school of though________________?

A. Wall street brokers and other bankers hold the effective reins of government
B. power is in the hands of a small group of individuals
C. power is diffused among numerous interest groups who compete and compromise on the decision-making process
D. the fewer interest groups exist the greater the stability of the political system

The relationship of the mass media and politicians can be described as_________________?

A. media subversion of government
B. political control of the media
C. nonexistent
D. symbiotic and adversarial

A predisposition toward certain points of view is called_______________?

A. attitude
B. opinion
C. action
D. conviction

The current Palestinians are a_____________?

A. nation split among several states
B. nation without a state
C. state without a nation
D. state split among several nations

The negative functions of interest groups include_______________?

A. they are representative of a minority of people
B. they are accountable to the public
C. they are democratic
D. none of the above

Interest groups have the following traits They_______________?

A. put their names on ballots
B. have the goal of complete control of the government
C. present official candidates to the electorate
D. are only accountable to themselves

The nation with the longest political campaign period is_______________?

A. England
B. the United States
C. Italy
D. all nations take the same time to campaign

The unique two-party system in the United States is based on______________?

A. the need to have religious representation in government
B. extremist ideologies
C. proportional representation
D. broad agreement on basic principles

The main purpose of a political party in a democracy is to________________?

A. eliminate power
B. gain power
C. eliminate the opposition
D. control the media

Advocates of the elitist approach believe that the ruling elite maintains its power by____________?

A. explaining the truth to the people
B. manipulation of the masses
C. physical force
D. none of the above

The elitist school of thought asserts that______________?

A. the elite is not always against the masses
B. the elite displays a monolithic power structure
C. the elite always works against the public interest
D. the masses should rebel against the elite

Miscellaneous MCQs

C.Wright Mills maintains that the nation is really ruled by_______________?

A. representatives of the people
B. a power elite
C. the masses
D. the participants in the political process

The American democratic system is based on________________?

A. representation of the majority
B. the dignity of the individual
C. protection of minority rights
D. all of the above

Political scientists Dye and Zeigler maintain that____________?

A. the elite may be influenced by the masses but it is more likely that it influences the masses
B. elite groups have maximum control over decisions that affect the majority of people
C. the elite constitutes a monolithic ruling class
D. the elite works against the public good

Which of the following is identified with the elitist view _____________?

A. Karl Marx
B. C.Wright Mills
C. Paul Samuelson
D. BOTH Mills and Marx

Supervising and investigating the manner in which the legislative bureaucracy carries out and implements the laws Congress passes is a function called_____________?

A. Ways and Means
B. control of Congress
C. oversight
D. supervision

The second function of the legislative branch is to______________?

A. ensure that neither of the chambers has the upper hand
B. ensure a system of representation
C. govern every state in the Union
D. pass laws consistent with moral values

The major function of the legislative branch is_______________?

A. to enact legislation
B. get around the administration
C. ensure that legislation is carried out
D. none of the above

Which of the following programs are particularly dependent upon state resources ?

A. The Social Security system
B. Corporate growth
C. Public education
D. Public housing

In a confederacy________________?

A. there is no national government whatsoever
B. powers not claimed by individual states are reserved by the national government
C. power is centralized in a national government
D. all political power ultimately belongs to the states

Government based on the rule of either the landed gentry the educated and privileged or the hereditary nobility is called_______________?

A. aristocracy
B. republicanism
C. oligarchy
D. democracy

When politicians refer to the intention of the framers of the Constitution of the United States they are making recourse to_____________?

A. traditional authority
B. charismatic authority
C. legal rational authority
D. all of the above

The federal system is contrasted with a (n)_______________?

A. confederate system
B. unitary system
C. catholic system
D. BOTH unitary and confederate systems

Some state powers are inferred from the power specifically delegated by the Constitution to the central government These are Called ___________?

A. residual powers
B. inferred powers
C. implied powers
D. reserved powers

One of the most powerful committees in the House of Representatives is the_____________?

A. Farm Affairs Committee
B. Foreign Affairs Committee
C. Rules Committee
D. Forest Preservation Committee

It may be said that the three branches of government________________?

A. are integrated into a cohesive unit
B. undergo checks and balances among one another
C. are absolutely separated from one another
D. make for speedy decision making

It is the function of Congress to_______________?

A. vote funds for conducting foreign affairs
B. unanimously approve treaties
C. conduct foreign affairs
D. decide the constitutionality of specific laws

The powers held by the states include those that are________________?

A. reserved
B. confederate
C. delegated
D. legislative

Constitution are_________________?

A. possible only in industrial societies
B. instruments for limiting governmental power
C. signed documents
D. characteristic of democracies only

What models did the frames of the Constitution use for the office of the presidency ?

A. Middle Eastern dynasties
B. The European monarchs
C. American Indian chiefdoms
D. None

Most autocratic regimes have constitutions based on the principle of the_________?

A. rule of public authority
B. rule of men
C. rule of law
D. rule of the majority

When did the United States government begin to function as a cohesive unit ?

A. At the signing of the Declaration of Independence
B. At the Inauguration of George Washington in 1789
C. After the Constitutional Convention of 1788
D. Both B and C

The principle of the separation of powers________________?

A. provides for an absolute separation of three branches of government
B. was imitated by the framers of the constitution from Roman forms of government
C. is prescribed by the Constitution
D. was a notion the framers had to abandon

The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to_________________?

A. weaken the government
B. restrict the power of the government
C. give more power to the government
D. make revolution impossible

The favorable evaluation of presidents is based on______________?

A. the teflon principle
B. strict adherence to the written Constitution
C. dynamic political leadership
D. the caretaker role

Congressional representation is based on______________?

A. proportional representation
B. single member constituency system
C. parliamentary system
D. BOTH single-member constituency and proportional representation

Which is NOT a restraint imposed on the United States government ?

A. Presidential supremacy
B. Separation of powers
C. Federalism
D. Checks and balances

The system of distributing political power between a central national government and the governments of the geographical regions of the nation is called ?

A. centralism
B. federalism
C. confederacy
D. Unitarianism

The “invisible hand” refers to_______________?

A. a feature of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations
B. the fact that prayer results in help
C. the belief God exhibited by the Puritans
D. a belief in ghosts prevalent in the early Middle Ages

Miscellaneous MCQs

Smith wrote that private ownership of the means of production would ?

A. stimulate government control
B. create abuse
C. stimulate economic growth as each individual tried to maximize profits
D. stifle economic growth as the markets would be flooded with merchandise

The unraveling of soviet communism can be traced to______________?

A. the oppressive role of the Communist Party
B. a failure in raised expectations
C. the failure of the Soviet economy to provide for consumer goods
D. all of the above

The difference in the three most prevalent economic systems lies in how ?

A. profits are made
B. much the government interferes in the economy
C. the people respect the government
D. easy it is become rich

The cause of freedom is served according to democratic capitalists when__________________?

A. welfare is eliminated
B. everyone has the right to hold private property
C. everyone has economic security
D. everyone has the chance to become a millionaire

Democratic socialism is an ideology that______________?

A. stresses class struggle
B. demands total nationalization of the economy
C. preaches hatred of the state
D. seeks to provide essential services to all

The democratic state is based on the social contract theories of Locke and Rousseau These theories maintain that ?

A. the rulers govern at the direction of God
B. people must obey the rulers at all times
C. the people allow themselves to be governed for their own good
D. a society cannot exist without authoritarian rulers

In theory communism calls for______________?

A. abolition of private property
B. intense nationalism
C. the creation of a new ruling class
D. military expansionism

Communism has a history of attracting Third World nations because of the fact that_____________?

A. it has not led to dictatorship
B. the ideology changes to suit conditions
C. the ideology is static
D. it promises to give more power to the masses

The history of the world according to Marx could be interpreted through ?

A. an absence of materialism
B. dialectic materialism
C. idealism
D. a cyclical theory

The concept of human inequality ?

A. is incorporated in the ideology of democracy
B. is tolerated by religious ideologies
C. underlies fascism
D. has been borrowed from the natural sciences

Fascism first emerged ?

A. in Argentina under Juan Peron
B. in Italy under the leadership of Benito Mussolini
C. in Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler
D. In South Africa under apartheid

Totalitarian regimes_____________?

A. control the individual socially and politically
B. leave individuals human and civil rights intact
C. control only political life
D. deal only with economic and foreign policy matters

ideologies may be______________?

A. comprehensive
B. partial
C. abstract
D. all of the above

Most ideologies consist of________________?

A. a body of doctrines beliefs and symbols
B. a set of complex algebraic expressions
C. ideas that have been in existence for centuries
D. ideas derived exclusively from ancient Greece

Political ideology deals with______________?

A. matters of rule selection and principles of rule
B. economics
C. parties
D. none of the above


A. direct people to act in a certain way
B. always abhor fanaticism
C. never distort the truth
D. refer to the study of ideas

A number of social commentator’s fear that having become a nation of hyphenated Americans ?

A. we may begin to our national identity
B. the United States will be divided into a number of smaller nations
C. we will not defend the nation from invasion
D. we must keep out all new immigrants

When a new nation is formed ?

A. a “we are feeling must emerge among people
B. older tribal loyalties must be abandoned
C. people must acknowledge a common history and a sense of a common future
D. all of these

From a sociological viewpoint to say that deviance has functions means that ?

A. deviant acts are escape valves for anxiety
B. deviant acts serve the individual’s purpose
C. deviance may contribute to group cohesion
D. successful deviants become stronger people

Deviance is relative because ____________?

A. moralists prefer the term “immorality”
B. psychologists prefer the term “abnormality”
C. the definition of social norms varies by culture and subculture
D. no two people agree what deviance is

According to the labeling theory which of the following concepts explains why a labeled individual becomes deviant ?

A. Ethnocentrism
B. Resocialization
C. Self-fulfilling prophecy
D. Rebellion

Deviance is defined as________________?

A. behavior forbidden by religion
B. breaking legal codes
C. behavior that passes the limits of what the social group tolerates
D. any violation of societal norms

According to the differential association theory deviant acts are_________________?

A. caused by abnormal chromosomes
B. considered normal by some antisocial individuals
C. learned through interaction with others
D. the result of social deprivation

A mother who says “If you hang out with bums you will become a bum” favors which theory of deviance ?

A. Differential association
B. Labeling theory
C. Anomie
D. Gang imitation theory

The treatment of mental illness based on rewards and punishment is referred to as_____________?

A. hypnotherapy
B. chemotherapy
C. shock therapy
D. behavior therapy

Merton attributed deviance to “anomie” meaning ?

A. lack of legitimate means to attain group goals
B. neurosis
C. mental retardation
D. wild mood swings

An emotional disorder that still allows one to work in society is called a(n) ?

A. neurosis
B. halitosis
C. psychosis
D. prognosis


A. helps group cohesiveness
B. shows what is proper behavior
C. promotes social change
D. all of the above

According to the text the following people were/are deviant ?

A. Mozart
B. Joan of Arc
C. The Hell’s Angels
D. People with high IQs

An infant,s cries for help_______________?

A. are natural in all mammals
B. are instrumental in cementing the mother-infant bonding
C. should be ignored or the infant will be spoiled
D. signify a weakness in its development

The newest challenge to the family,s formerly exclusive claim to the socialization of its children has come from ?

A. the mass media
B. the peer groups
C. the day-care center
D. child psychotherapy

Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral development claims______________?

A. universal validity
B. the desire for equality is peculiar to democratic nations
C. limited applicability to technologically advanced societies
D. post conventional morality is a luxury few cultures and societies can afford

In Erikson’s system each of the stages present the individual with________________?

A. opportunities for self-transcendence
B. ethical dilemmas
C. crises of self-definition
D. all of the above

The term “Neo-Freudian “refers to__________________?

A. thinkers opposed to psychoanalysis
B. thinkers prior to Freud who anticipated his ideas
C. behavior based on sexual drives
D. thinkers influenced by Freud who have modified his ideas

The sequence of Freud’s psychosexual stages is_________________?

A. oral anal phallic Oedipal and latency
B. anal genital oral phallic and Oedipal
C. oral Oedipal phallic latency and genital
D. oral anal phallic latency and genital

Miscellaneous MCQs

Psychodynamic approaches to personality are so named because _____________?

A. they are based on a sophisticated definition of instinct
B. they stress the irrational
C. they emphasize sexual dysfunction
D. all of the above

Mead,s”I” ?

A. eventually completely merges with the “me”
B. emerged before the “me”
C. corresponds to Freud’s ”ego”
D. all of the above

In the metaphor of the “looking-glass self “the looking glass represents ?

A. the persons self-feeling such as pride
B. the imagined judgments of others
C. the expressed judgment of one’s peers
D. all of the above

Adult socialization typically_____________?

A. involves acquiring a self-image
B. occurs incidentally and unconsciously
C. is less effective and easier to resist than childhood socialization
D. all of the above

Hunger thirst and the need for sex are________________?

A. conditioned responses
B. instincts
C. biological drives
D. stimuli

According to Mead the generalized other is_______________?

A. shame
B. one’s mother
C. societal norms
D. analytic internalization

Studies of siblings who shared parents’ social class and everyday experiences have shown that they_____________?

A. view the same experiences differently
B. perceive the same events in the same way
C. arrive at a common view point through discussion
D. pretend to disagree when they really agree

The psychodynamic theories of personality are associated with________________?

A. George Herbert Mead
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Charles Horton Cooley
D. Jean Piaget

The biological basis of human personality derives from____________________?

A. the need for love
B. the absence of instincts
C. the need for body contact
D. all of the above

According Piaget,s developmental theory______________?

A. a child of one can understand social rules
B. a child of five can learn philosophy
C. a child of eight can master addition
D. none of the above

A major criticism of Fred,s theory is__________________?

A. his overemphasis on early childhood
B. none his theory is widely accepted
C. his overemphasis on adulthood
D. his stress on the spiritual facet of personality

Freudian psychoanalytic theory emphasizes the importance of the______________?

A. unconscious level of personality
B. empirical level of personality
C. the absence of the unconscious level
D. conscious level of personality

A child shows her parents how to operate a computer This situation reflects_____________?

A. secondary socialization
B. primary socialization
C. reverse socialization
D. tertiary socialization

Recent studies related to daycare centers indicate that_____________?

A. children lose intellectual progress
B. children are generally emotionally impaired by them
C. there is no important loss or gain in intellectual development in well managed centers
D. they are a breeding ground of child abuse

Agents of socialization consist of_______________?

A. drives
B. genes
C. instincts
D. none of these

Cooley’s Lookingglass self refers to______________________?

A. self-regard based on instinct
B. a person’s perception as to what others think of him/her
C. positive self-image
D. negative self-image

Latest Economics MCQs – Up To Date Miscellaneous ( Economics ) MCQs