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Latest Medical MCQs – Competitive Osteology ( General Anatomy ) MCQs

Latest Medical MCQs – Competitive Osteology ( General Anatomy ) MCQs

This post is comprising of latest ” ( General Anatomy ) MCQs – Latest Competitive Medical MCQs “. Here you’ll get latest Software engineering mcqs for written test, interview with answers. If you want to improve your knowledge regarding Software engineering then read these mcqs of Design of Steel Structures.

Latest Medical MCQs

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Latest Osteology Mcqs

The most occurred mcqs of Osteology in past papers. Past papers of Osteology Mcqs. Past papers of Osteology Mcqs . Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Osteology Mcqs. The Important series of Osteology Mcqs are given below:

Accessory meningeal artery enters cranial cavity through______________?

A. Foramen rotundum
B. Foramen lacerum
C. Foramen spinosum
D. Foramen ovale

Which of the following does not pass through superior orbital fissure ______________?

A. Trochlear
B. Optic
C. Ophthalmic division of trigeminal
D. Oculomotor nerve

Which of the following is present in the posterior cranial fossa in a five year old child______________?

A. Foramen lacerum
B. Foramen rotundum
C. Juglar foramen
D. Zygomatic nerve

Foramen transversarium transmit______________?

A. Inferior petrosal sinus
B. Inferior jugular vein
C. Sigmoid sinus
D. Vertebral artery

Supra meatal triangle extermnally represents_______________?

A. Promontory of middle ear
B. Transverse sinus
C. Internal acoustic meatus
D. Mastoid antrum

Bone better described as ” bat with extended wings” is________________?

A. Nasal
B. Sphenoid
C. Ethmoid
D. Mandible

Structures passing through foramen spinosum is_______________?

A. Mandibular nerve
B. Middle meningeal artery
C. Accessory meningeal artery
D. Maxillary nerve

Which of the following is unpaired bone of facial skeleton______________?

A. Lacrimal
B. Nasal
C. Inerior nasal concha
D. Vomer

Number of Bones in adult skull are______________?

A. 20
B. 18
C. 22
D. 40

The palatine bone furnishes the link between________________?

A. Maxilla and the sphenoid bone
B. Sphenoid and the vomer
C. Sphenoid and the ethmoid bone
D. None of the above

Mental foramen is located_______________?

A. Between roots of premolars
B. Near canine
C. Between roots of molars
D. Between Incisions

Muscles Of Head And Neck MCQs

Which of the following structures is not present on the internal surface of mandible ?

A. Mylohyoid ridge
B. Genial tubercle
C. Lingula
D. Mental foramen

The maxilla articulates with all of the following bones, except one. Identify the exception____________?

A. Zygomatic
B. Frontal
C. Palatine
D. Temporal

‘Pterion ‘ is_____________?

A. Is a point of articulation four skull bones
B. Lies deep to the zygomatic arch
C. It is the region of the antero – lateral fontanelle merge
D. Is a point where ‘bregma’ and ‘lambda ‘meet

Following foramina are found in greater wing of sphenoid except____________?

A. Canaliculus innominatus
B. Foramen Rotundum
C. Foramen Spinosum
D. Optic canal

The typical cervical differs from thoracic vertebra in that it______________?

A. Has a large vertebral body
B. Has a foramen transversarium
C. Superior articular fact directed backwards and upwards
D. Has a triangular body

Joint between two bony surfaces linked by cartilage in the plane of body is called_______________?

A. Symphysis
B. Syndesmosis
C. Synchondrosis
D. Suture

The type of suture represented by sagittal suture of the cranial vault is_______________?

A. Serrate
B. Squamous
C. Denticulate
D. Plane

The hyoid bone lies in the midline at the front of the neck at the level of the_______________?

A. Third cervical vertebra
B. Fifth cervical vertebra
C. Fourth cervical vertebra
D. Seventh cervical vertebra

Pneumatic bones is all except ?

A. Maxilla
B. Mandible
C. Mastoid
D. Ethmoid

Mandibular fossa is a part of_____________?

A. Maxilla bone
B. Mandible bone
C. Sphenoid bone
D. Temporal bone

All of the following canals open on the posterior wall of the pterygo palatine fossa EXCEPT_____________?

A. Greater palatine canal
B. Pterygoid canal
C. Foramen Rotundum
D. Palatovaginal canal

What is the number of bones a neonate has in the skeleton ?

A. 270
B. 230
C. 250
D. 206

Which of the following is located meidal to the third molar at the junction of the maxilla and the horizontal plate of the palatine bone_____________?

A. Mylohyoid line
B. Posterior nasal spine
C. Pterygoid Hamulus
D. Greater palatine foramen

The orbital opening is smoewhat_______________?

A. Quadrangular
B. Oblong
C. Oval
D. Circular

Which of the following is the weakest part of the orbit ?

A. Medial wall
B. Floor of the orbit
C. Lateral wall
D. Roof of the orbit

Which out of the following bones ossify first ?

A. Mandible
B. Vomer
C. Nasal bone
D. Occipital

The joint between the atlas and axis is_________________?

A. Closely related to the first cervical nerves
B. Synovial
C. All ow rotation of the head
D. Supported by the alar ligaments

Vascular Supply Of Head And Neck MCQs

The first costochondral joint is a_______________?

A. Synovial joint
B. Fibrous joint
C. Fmosis
D. Synarthrosis

Mental spines provide attachment to_____________?

A. Genioglossus
B. Mylohyoid
C. Anterior & Posterior bellies of digastric
D. Superior constrictor of pharynx

Which vertebra has the most prominent spine______________?

A. T10
B. C7
C. C2
D. L2

Which structures pass through infra orbital fissurs______________?

A. Ophthalmic artery
B. Superior ophthalmic vein
C. Trochlear nerve
D. Zygomatic nerve

Structures passing through foramen ovale______________?

A. Mandibular nerve
B. Emissary vein
C. Trigeminal nerve
D. A & B

Muscle, which pulls the disk of TMJ downward________________?

A. Lateral pterygoid
B. Digastric
C. Medial pterygoid
D. Mylohyoid

Anterior limit of infratemporal fossa is______________?

A. Pterygomaxillary fissure
B. Maxillary posterior wall
C. Lateral pterygoid plate
D. Mastiod process

All the following features of skull of a newborn are true except_____________?

A. Anterior fontanelle open
B. Styloid process has not fused with rest of temporal bone
C. Diploe not formed
D. Mastoid process is of adult size

Foramen caecum is seen in____________?

A. Tongue
B. Ethmoid Bone
C. Sphenoid
D. A and B

Foramen magnum transmits all except_________________?

A. Spinal branch 10th nerve
B. Vertebral artery
C. Spinal cord
D. Vertebral venous plexus

The point where the parieto mastoid , occipito mastoid , and lambdoid sutures meet is_______________?

A. Obelion
B. Pterion
C. Asterion
D. Bregma

Lingual gives attachment to________________?

A. Temporomandibular ligament
B. Sphenomandibular ligament
C. Upper medial incisor
D. All

Among all of the following foramens in the base of skull, which is , the most posteriorly present______________?

A. Foreman rotundum
B. Foramen spinosum
C. Forename lacerum
D. Foreman Ovale

Highest point on skull_____________?

A. Porion
B. Pterion
C. Lambda
D. Vertex

Lateral part of middle cranial fossa and posterior cranial fossa are divided by ______________?

A. Petrous temporal bone
B. Transverse groove
C. Croista galli
D. Sphenoid bone

Bregma is the name given to the junction of the_______________?

A. Coronal and sagittal sutures
B. Lambdoid and sagittal sutures
C. Frontal bone with the nasal bone
D. Two parietal bones

Latest Medical MCQs – Competitive Osteology MCQs