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Most Latest Sociology MCQs – Up To Date Sociology MCQs

Most Latest Sociology MCQs – Up To Date Sociology MCQs

This post is comprising of latest ” ( Sociology ) MCQs – Latest Competitive MCQs “. Here you’ll get latest Sociology mcqs for written test, interview with answers. If you want to improve your knowledge regarding Sociology then read these mcqs of Design of Steel Structures.

Latest Sociology MCQs

By practicing these MCQs of Sociology MCQs – Latest Competitive MCQs , an individual for exams performs better than before. This post comprising of objective questions and answers related to ( Sociology ) Mcqs “. As wise people believe “Perfect Practice make a Man Perfect”. It is therefore practice these mcqs of Sociology to approach the success. Tab this page to check “Sociology” for the preparation of competitive mcqs, FPSC mcqs, PPSC mcqs, SPSC mcqs, KPPSC mcqs, AJKPSC mcqs, BPSC mcqs, NTS mcqs, PTS mcqs, OTS mcqs, Atomic Energy mcqs, Pak Army mcqs, Pak Navy mcqs, CTS mcqs, ETEA mcqs and others.

Latest Sociology Mcqs

The most occurred mcqs of Sociology in past papers. Past papers of Sociology Mcqs. Past papers of Sociology Mcqs . Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Sociology Mcqs. The Important series of Sociology Mcqs are given below:

Which sociologist introduced the concept of culture lag ?

A. William F. Ogburn
B. Auguste Comte
C. Talcott Parsons
D. Thorstein Veblen

The use of terms such as flaming and chat rooms by the subculture of early Internet users is an example of____________?

A. equilibrium
B. argot
C. charisma
D. virtual reality

Which of the following theorists argued that conflict is a normal and desirable aspect of social change ?

A. Karl Marx
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Talcott Parsons
D. each of the above

The acceptance of preventive medicine is an example of the process that Parsons called______________?

A. inclusion
B. value generalization
C. differentiation
D. adaptive upgrading

Which term was used by Talcott Parsons in asserting that society tends toward a state of stability or balance ?

A. magnetism
B. charisma
C. equilibrium
D. status quo

Nineteenth-century theories of social change reflect the pioneering work in biological evolution done by____________?

A. Harriet Martineau
B. Charles Darwin
C. Albert Einstein
D. Benjamin Franklin

The effect of the Internet upon the public sphere has been to_____________?

A. replace it with a superior form of communication
B. revive it by reaffirming a commitment of freedom of speech
C. reproduce it by emphasizing face-to-face contact with peer groups
D. repress it by promoting only the interests of elite groups

A moral panic occurs when_______________?

A. the media exaggerate reports of deviant groups generating hostile reactions
B. elitists express concern with the Americanization of culture
C. audiences challenge the ethnic stereotypes represented by the media
D. children watch violent or sexually explicit films and then copy the behavior

The media-themes model of media influence claims that_____________?

A. audiences selectively interpret what they want to hear
B. audiences passively absorb whatever messages they are given
C. content analysis is the best way to identify the themes covered by the media
D. social interaction reinforces the ideas and images that audiences select

Mass-society theory suggests that______________?

A. audiences make selective interpretations of media messages
B. the subordinate classes are dominated by the ideology of the ruling class
C. the media manipulate the masses as vulnerable passive consumers
D. the content of the media is determined market forces

Feminism is often criticized on the grounds that_____________?

A. it is too extreme
B. it lacks objectivity
C. it doesn’t pay attention to male victims
D. it is not testable
E. it is not really a theory

Which research technique would sociologists who adhere to the symbolic interactionist perspective use? most likely to employ ?

A. experiments
B. interviews
C. quantitative measurement
D. observation
E. surveys

Conflict theory is often criticized for failing to account for______________?

A. women
B. minority rights
C. consensus
D. latent functions
E. the rights of workers

Which theoretical perspective in sociology emphasizes the inter-dependence of component parts of society ?

A. Structural Functionalism
B. Conflict
C. Feminism
D. Staples
E. Symbolic Interaction ism

According to Weber rationalization meant that_______________?

A. sociologists should be primarily concerned with solving problems
B. all though would eventually lead to justifying human action
C. early philosophers were too concerned with creating a utopian society
D. there are no absolutes concerning social life
E. humans would eventually seek out the most efficient means to accomplish a particular task

What sociologist was responsible for developing the concept of anomie ?

A. Comte
B. Mead
C. Rousseau
D. Locke
E. Durkheim

The birthplace of sociology is generally considered to be_______________?

A. Canada
B. the United States
C. Europe
D. Australia

The rise of globalization was greatly facilitated by_____________?

A. industrialization
B. sixteenth-century population growth
C. wealthy aristocrats
D. developments in transportation and communication
E. international migration

The term sociological imagination was first coined by_____________?

A. Blumer
B. Durkheim
C. Lemert
D. Berger
E. Mills

The term feminist standpoint, suggests_______________?

A. a tendency to ignore the gendered nature of knowledge
B. studying society from the perspective of women
C. the recognition of difference and diversity in women’s lives
D. taking a stand on the issues neglected by feminism

The pragmatist philosophy used in Symbolic interactionist theory teaches that_______________?

A. the best social theory was developed in Prague
B. we can find true objective knowledge of the world through our senses
C. Knowledge is produced in everyday practical situations
D. theory must be augmented by straightforward plausible methods\

The four ideal types of social action that Weber identified were as follows instrumentally-rational value-rational traditional and____________?

A. affectual
B. effective
C. affective
D. infected

Durkheim defined social facts as___________?

A. ways of acting thinking and feeling that are collective and social in origin
B. data collected about social phenomena that are proven to be correct
C. the way scientists construct knowledge in a social context
D. ideas and theories that have no basis in the external physical world

Comte,s term positivism refers to_____________?

A. an unscientific set of laws about social progress
B. the precise scientific study of observable phenomena
C. a theory that posits difficult s and sets out to answer them
D. a theory that emphasizes the positive aspects of society

Which one of the following statements in not a key charge of postcolonial critiques against mainstream sociology ?

A. the sociological gaze is Eurocentric failing to incorporate the experience of formerly colonized societies
B. standard accounts of the origins of sociology focus on the industrial and French revolutions giving no weight to the significance of colonialism in shaping modern societies
C. sociology has described Western societies as developed or modem in opposition to the notion of non-Western societies as pre-modern traditional inferiors
D. the sociological imagination has always encouraged and enabled the voices of people across the world to be heard in sociological theorizing

which of these concepts is addressed in Foucault’s work ?

A. discipline
B. sexuality
C. discourse
D. all of the these

Feminist perspectives are distinctive in sociology because______________?

A. other theoretical perspectives have not researched women
B. only women can write from a feminist perspective
C. they emphasize the centrality of gender in social analysis
D. men and women view the and world in different ways

Which of the following is not an example of a manufactured risk ?

A. global warming
B. volcanic eruptions
C. genetic modification of crops
D. the threat of nuclear war

Which perspective does not come under the umbrella of interactionism ?

A. symbolic interactionism
B. ethnomethodology
C. feminism
D. phenomenology

Sociology MCQs

Talcott Parsons,s structural functionalism attempted to tackle ?

A. the problem of economic restructuring
B. the problem of class conflict
C. the problem of social welfare
D. the problem of social order

Which of the following is not a mode of production ?

A. communism
B. feudalism
C. capitalism
D. liberalism

Which one of the following is the odd one out _______________ ?

A. Erving Goffman
B. Antonio Gramsci
C. George Herbert Mead
D. Howard Becker

Max Weber,s pioneering work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is an example of______________?

A. Macro-level analysis
B. resurgent fundamentalism
C. micro-level analysis
D. the interactionist approach to religion

Feminist perspectives are distinctive in sociology because_______________?

A. men and women view the world in different ways
B. other theoretical perspectives have not researched women
C. they emphasize the centrality of gender in social analysis
D. only women can write from a feminist perspective

The writings of Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim are examples of___________?

A. multilinear theory
B. unilinear theory
C. cyclical theory
D. conflict theory

The conflict perspective would note that____________?

A. Patients play an active role in health care by failing to follow a physician’s advice
B. Physicians serve as gatekeepers for the sick role either verifying a patient’s condition as illness or designating the patient as recovered.
C. Multinational corporations based in industrialized countries have reaped significant profits dumping unapproved drugs on unsuspecting Third World countries.
D. The designation healthy or ill generally involves social definition by others

The model minority stereotype of Asian Americans contains an implicit critique of Blacks Hispanics and others for failing to succeed as well as the model minority has Which sociological perspective would view this as yet another instance of blaming the victim ?

A. interactionist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. functionalist perspective
D. dramaturgical approach

Which sociological perspective views race from the macro level and sees the economic structure as a central factor in the exploitation of minority groups ?

A. interactionist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. functionalist perspective
D. labelling theory

Which sociology perspective emphasizes that societies literally could not function if massive numbers of people defied standards of appropriate conduct ?

A. functionalist perspective
B. interactionist perspective
C. conflict perspective
D. labelling theory

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that school in the United States foster competition through built-in systems of reward and punishment ?

A. interactionist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. functionalist perspective
D. psychological perspective

In studying the strategies that students employ to create appearances after grades have awarded sociologists Daniel Albas and Cheryl Albas drew upon the concept of impression managements developed by______________?

A. Charles Horton Cooley
B. George Herbert Mead
C. Erving Goffman
D. Jean Piaget

Sociology MCQs

In its study of language, which sociological perspective focuses on how people rely on shared definitions of phrases expressions in both formal speech everyday conversation ?

A. conflict perspective
B. functionalist perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. ethnocentric perspective

Which of the following is an aspect of culture ?

A. burial of a family pet in a cemetery plot
B. patriotic attachment to the flag of the United States
C. a comic book
D. all of the above

Erving Goffman made a distinctive contribution to sociology by popularizing a particular type of interactionist method known as____________?

A. Verstehen
B. the dramaturgical approach
C. macrosociology
D. None of these

Karl Marx,s view of the struggle between social classes inspired the contemporary_____________?

A. interactionist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. functionalist perspective
D. dramaturgical approach

Which sociological perspective views society as a network of connected parts each of which contributes to the maintenance of the system as a whole ?

A. functionalist perspective
B. interactionist perspective
C. conflict perspective
D. dramaturgical approach

Human behavior is guided by expectations held both by the individual and by other people is the basic notion of_____________?

A. Structural functionalism
B. conflict theory
C. role theory
D. None of these

The human action and interaction are understandable only through the exchange of meaningful communication or symbols, this is the basic assumption of_______________?

A. Role theory
B. conflict theory
C. Symbolic interactionism
D. None of these

In modern societies members perform different tasks and are highly interdependent this kind of solidarity is called______________?

A. Organic solidarity
B. Interdependence solidarity
C. Mechanical solidarity
D. None of these

Structural functionalism draws its inspiration primarily from the ideas of___________?

A. weber
B. Marx
C. Durkheim
D. All of these

Evolutionary theory is of the view that society like biological organisms moves from___________?

A. simple to complex
B. Complex to more complex
C. complex to simple
D. None of these

Karl Marx is Best known for_______________?

A. Conflict theory
B. Society and science
C. Social change
D. None of these

According to Durkheim stronger social ties and religious affiliation______________?

A. Have no effect upon them
B. Decrease them
C. Increase the suicide rates
D. None of these

Sociology is well-equipped to uncover the truth about social problems because of______________?

A. its theoretical grounding
B. its reliance on surveys
C. its emphasis on careful reliable empirical research
D. its desire to solve problems
E. its reliance on government funding

Conflict and feminist theories both focus on______________?

A. subjective meanings
B. consensus
C. manifest functions
D. negotiated social orders
E. structured social inequality

Which sociological theory emphasizes the meanings that people attach to various aspects of reality ?

A. Symbolic Interactionism
B. Conflict
C. Feminism
D. Radical
E. Structural Functionalism

Conflict theory is heavily indebted to the work of_____________?

A. Mead
B. Abell
C. Marx
D. Pareto
E. Parsons

Sociology MCQs

The fourth major perspective in sociology is ___________________________ theory.

A. symbolic interactionist
B. political economy
C. conflict
D. feminist
E. functionalist

Karl Marx emphasized ____________ as a major factor in shaping social life ?

A. geography
B. psychology
C. economics
D. communism
E. social psychology

Which of the following was not a key development leading to the birth of sociology ?

A. Enlightenment thinkers/philosophers
B. Renaissance thinkers/philosophers
C. Globalization
D. The Industrial Revolution
E. The rapid expansion of colonialism

Sociological research frequently focuses on______________?

A. immigration
B. religious integration
C. globalization
D. suicide
E. disadvantaged groups

Theories must be____________?

A. testable
B. based on pre-existing facts
C. formulated prior to research
D. exclusively sociological
E. issue driven

Post-modernist writers have argued that____________?

A. we live in a world of superficial fragmented images
B. society has changed, and we need new kinds of theory
C. no theory is better than any other anything goes
D. all of the above

Dahrendorf Rex and Habermas focused their attention on_____________?

A. women’s experiences and gendered knowledge
B. the interpretive understanding of action
C. social solidarity and cohesion
D. Power domination and conflict

Structural-Functionalists describe society as_____________?

A. a source of conflict inequality and alienation
B. a complex network of interaction at a micro-level
C. an unstable structure of social relations
D. a normative framework of roles and institutions

Weber said that all knowledge is value-relevant because_____________?

A. knowledge refers to people and their values
B. sociologists like to put a value on different theories
C. theorists interpret the world in terms of their own values
D. attempts to provide knowledge about the world are always valuable

Which of the following ins NOT a key theme in Michel Foucault’s writing ?

A. the hyperreality of media imagery
B. societies use of surveillance and discipline
C. the significance of expert discourses
D. the archaeology of scientific knowledge

Which of the following theorists rejects the notion of essential categories of male and female through her discussion of the performative aspect of gender ?

A. Helene Cixous
B. Judith Butler
C. Joan Acker
D. Simone de Beauvoir

Which of these is a broadly Weberian idea ?

A. modem societies are in transition towards a socialist model
B. the main dynamic of modern development is capitalist economics
C. rationalization is bound to progress further in all spheres of life
D. all history is the history of class struggles

Which of these is most closely associated with Marx,s thinking ?

A. social facts
B. conflict
C. integration
D. consensus

Which of the following has not been central to feminist theorizing ?

A. male bias in sociological theory
B. male domination in society
C. the gendered character of knowledge
D. the experience of black women

What did Max Weber understand by the spirit of capitalism ?

A. the desire for more material wealth
B. the exploitation of the working class
C. the continual reinvestment of profits back into businesses
D. the belief in free markets

Who became the first ever Professor of Sociology ?

A. Talcott Parsons
B. George Herbert Mead
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Robert Merton

Comte argued that knowledge passed through which three stages ?

A. theological metaphysical positive
B. philosophical biological sociological
C. ignorance understanding truth
D. functionalist marxist interactionist

Which sociological perspective examines human activities on the micro level by focusing on how day-to-day social behavior is shaped by the distinctive norms, values and demands of a particular society ?

A. conflict perspective
B. functionalist perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. None of these

Which of the following is not a characteristic of ideology according to the critical conception of ideology ?

A. neutral
B. illusory
C. misleading
D. distorting

When Comet wrote of sociology as a positive science he meant ?

A. that it should attempt to appeal to as many people as possible
B. that it should show people in the best possible light
C. that it should apply the same methods as physics or chemistry
D. that it should progress by positing new concepts and theories

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that patients should not always be viewed as passive but instead as an actor who often shows a powerful intent to see the physician ?

A. conflict perspective
B. Functionalist perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labelling theory

Which sociological perspective would note that poor and rural sections of the United States tend to be underserved because medical service concentrate where people are numerous or wealthy ?

A. interactionist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. functionalist perspective
D. neo-Malthusian view

A Hispanic woman and a Jewish man working together as computer programmers for an electronics from overcome their initial prejudices and come to appreciate each other,s strengths and talents This is an example of____________?

A. the contact hypothesis
B. amalgamation
C. a self-fulfilling prophecy
D. reverse discrimination

Most Latest Sociology MCQs – Up To Date Sociology MCQs