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Mysterious archeology from the pyramids of Egypt in Saudi Arabia … Rectangle

Mysterious archeology from the pyramids of Egypt in Saudi Arabia … Rectangle

Mysterious archeology from the pyramids of Egypt in Saudi Arabia ... Rectangle

Perth: There are thousands of archeological sites in the northwestern part of Saudi Arabia that are 2500 years older than the pyramids of Egypt and are called “rectangles”.Their discovery began in the 1970s, but archaeologists paid little attention to them, even though it was known that the “rectangle” was at least 7,000 years old.

Now, for the first time, Hugh Thomas and his colleagues at the University of Western Australia in Perth have carried out the most detailed research on the “rectangle” covering an area of ​​about 200,000 square kilometers.They have found more than a thousand “rectangles” in this part of northwestern Saudi Arabia, at least twice as many as previous estimates.Rectangles range in length from 20 meters to 600 meters, while the largest stones used in them weigh 500 kilograms. However, the height of the walls of each rectangle is 1.2 meters, which is significantly less.

Mysterious archeology from the pyramids of Egypt in Saudi Arabia … Rectangle