New date sheet of 9th class 2023 postponed paper Lahore Board

New dates for the postponed matriculation examinations (SSC part 1) have been issued by the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Lahore.

According to the revised schedule, Tarjama-Tul-Quran-ul Majeed will take place on May 17th, 2023, while the Chemistry / General Science paper will be held on May 18th, 2023. and last one paper Islamiyat held on May 19th, 2023.

The news came days after examinations were postponed by numerous boards, including BISE Lahore, as a result of demonstrations after the arrest of PTI chairman Imran Khan.

According to a notice from BISE Lahore, the revised timetable for the three postponed Secondary School Certificate Part exams was created after careful consideration by all Punjab Controllers.

New date sheet of 9th class 2023 postponed paper Lahore Board

9th Class New Date Sheet 2023 Punjab Board Cancelled Paper [Postponed]

It said that because there was not enough time to send out roll number slips, all of the students would instead get SMS messages at the cell numbers they provided on their admission applications. The practical schedule will also be adjusted appropriately, and the different BISEs will reschedule the practicals for these days in accordance with their date sheet.

With their previous roll number slips as well as amended roll number slips that can be acquired online from the official websites of the Board, students will be able to submit their papers at the examination centres that have already been assigned to them based on their groups.