Today’s SAR to PKR Exchange Rate in Pakistan
The exchange rate of the Saudi Riyal to Pakistani Rupee for May 5, 2023, is 75.68 SAR to 1 PKR. The rate updated on May 5, 2023, of the business day.
Here is a table that shows the exchange rate of SAR to PKR in Pakistan for the past week:
Date | Exchange Rate |
May 5, 2023 | 75.68 |
Saudi Riyal rate in Pakistan today open market
The exchange rate of SAR to PKR can fluctuate on a daily basis due to various economic and political factors. It is important to stay updated on the latest exchange rates when conducting business or traveling to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan. SAR to PKR (Saudi Riyal to Pakistani Rupee) Exchange Rate on May 5, 2023 is 75.68.