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Today's British Pound Rate in Pakistan (GBP to PKR) 5 May 2023 - Pound to Pakistani Rupee rate today

Today’s British Pound Rate in Pakistan (GBP to PKR) 5 May 2023 – Pound to Pakistani Rupee rate today

Updated Pound to Pakistani Rupee Exchange Rate for 5 May 2023

The exchange rate of the British Pound (GBP) against the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) is constantly changing. As of Friday (4 May 2023), the closing rate for GBP to PKR in the interbank market was Rs. 357.01. The new exchange rate for GBP to PKR for 5 May 2023 is Rs. 356.60.

Today’s British Pound Rate in Pakistan (GBP to PKR) 5 May 2023

You can find the updated British Pound to Pakistani Rupee currency exchange rate in the table below. The table also displays the appreciation and depreciation of GBP against PKR compared to the previous day’s rate. Please note that the table is updated at the end of the business day.