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Updated Vascular Supply Of Head And Neck MCQs ( General Anatomy ) MCQs – Most Latest Medical MCQs

Updated Vascular Supply Of Head And Neck MCQs ( General Anatomy ) MCQs – Most Latest Medical MCQs

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Latest Vascular Supply Of Head And Neck MCQs Mcqs

The most occurred mcqs of Vascular Supply Of Head And Neck MCQs in past papers. Past papers of Vascular Supply Of Head And Neck MCQs . Past papers of Vascular Supply Of Head And Neck MCQs . Mcqs are the necessary part of any competitive / job related exams. The Mcqs having specific numbers in any written test. It is therefore everyone have to learn / remember the related Vascular Supply Of Head And Neck MCQs . The Important series of Vascular Supply Of Head And Neck Mcqs are given below:

Which of the the following is not correct ?

A. Left CCA is a branch of arch of aorta
B. Right CCA is a branch of brachiocephalic artery
C. The CCA is divided into external and internal carotid arteries at the level of upper border of thyroid cartilage
D. Carotid sinus acts as a chemoreceptor

Which of the following is correct?

A. Internal jubular vein is direct continuation of sigmoid sinus
B. Subclavian vein is a continuation of axillary’s vein
C. Brahio cephalic vein is formed behind the sternoclavicular joint by the union of internal jugular vein and the sublavian vein
D. All of the above

The transverse venous sinus continues as_________________?

A. Cavernous sinus
B. Straight sinus
C. Sigmoid sinus
D. Ethmoidal sinus

The following arteries provide a rich blood supply to the face, EXCEPT the______________?

A. Mental artery
B. Buccal artery
C. Posterior auricular artery
D. Infra orbital artery

Injury to one of the following arteries results in extradural hematoma_______________?

A. Middle meningeal artery
B. Temporal artery
C. Facial artery
D. Anterior cerebral artery

Ophthalmic artery is a branch of _________ part of internal carotid artery ?

A. Intrapetrous
B. Intracavernous
C. Inracerebral
D. Extra cranial

What is not true of facial artery __________________?

A. Conveys post ganglionic sympathetic nerve fibres to the submandibular gland
B. Is a branch of internal carotid artery
C. Supplies branches to both upper and lower lips
D. Main source of oxygenated blood to palatine tonsil

The cavernous sinus communicates directly with all , except_______________?

A. Pterygoid venous plexus
B. Inferior petrosal sinus
C. Veins in orbit
D. Sigmoid and straight sinus

Posterior communicating artery is a branch of _______________?

A. External carotid artery
B. Middle cerebral artery
C. Internal carotid artery
D. Ophthamic artery

Dangerous area of the face is________________?

A. Spheno – ethmoidal recess
B. Area drained by angular facial vein
C. Above the line joining tragus to the nasal fold
D. All of the above

Anterior spinal artery is a branch of____________?

A. Basilar artery
B. Internal carotid artery
C. Vertebral artery
D. Labyrinthine artery

Opthalmic artery is the branch of part of _________ internal carotid artery ?

A. Intra petrous
B. Intra cavernous
C. Intra cerebral
D. Extra cranial

The cavernous sinus communicates directly with all except_____________?

A. Pterygoid venous plexus
B. Inferior petrosal sinus
C. Veins in orbit
D. Sigmoid sinus and straight sinus

Internal carotid artery at the bifurcation from the common carotid is________________?

A. Lateral to the external carotid
B. Posterior to external carotid
C. Medial to external carotid
D. Anterior to external carotid

Superior vena cava is formed by______________?

A. Internal jugular vein
B. Subclavian vein
C. External jugular vein
D. Thoracic vein
E. Brachiocephalic

Auditory tube is supplied by__________________?

A. Middle meningeal
B. Ascending pharyngeal
C. Artery of pterygoid canal
D. All of the above

The stage of deglutition, which is voluntary in nature _______________?

A. Stage – I
B. Stage – III
C. Stage – II
D. Stage – IV

TMJ is supplied by_____________?

A. Maxillary
B. Superficial temporal
C. Internal carotid
D. A & B

Which of the following is a paired venous sinus of duramater_________________?

A. Superior petrosal
B. Cavernous sinus
C. Transverse sinus
D. All of the above

Carotid sheath contains all except______________?

A. Internal carotid artery
B. Vagus nerve
C. Common carotid artery
D. External carotid artery
E. Internal jugular vein

Transverse facial artery is a branch of_______________?

A. Superficial temporal
B. Facial
C. Maxillary
D. Internal carotid artery

The retromandibular vein is formed by_______________?

A. Superficial temporal and maxillary veins
B. Superficial temporal and supratrochlear
C. Superficial temporal and internal jugular vein
D. Maxillary and posterior auricular

Which of the following is not a branch of the external carotid artery ?

A. Maxillary artery
B. Pharyngeal artery
C. Opthalmic artery
D. Lingual artery

Facial artery arises at the level of________________?

A. above hyoid bone
B. Above Styloid process
C. Hyoid bone
D. Below hyoid bone

Danger area of face is called because of connection of facial veins to cavernous sinus through______________?

A. Maxillary vein
B. Superior ophthalmic vein
C. Transverse facial vein
D. Ethmoidal vein

Lymph from the teeth drains into all of the following nodes EXCEPT______________?

A. Deep cervical nodes
B. Sub mandibular nodes
C. Retro pharyngeal nodes
D. Sub mental nodes

The blood supply of tonsils is_____________?

A. Superior thyroid artery
B. Lingual artery
C. Facial artery
D. Pharyngeal artery

The middle meningeal artery is associated with which foramen____________?

A. Rotundum
B. ovale
C. Stylomastoid
D. Spinosum

The terminal branches of the external carotid artery are______________?

A. Transverse facial and maxillary
B. Superficial temporal and transverse facial
C. Posterior auricular and maxillary
D. Superficial temporal and maxillary

The connecting vein between facial vein and cavernous sinus is_____________?

A. Superior ophthalmic vein
B. Connecting pterygoid plexus
C. Inferior ophthalmic vein
D. None of the above

Maxillary artery is a branch for______________?

A. External carotid artery
B. Trigeminal artery
C. Internal carotid artery
D. Facial artery

Superior thyroid artery accompanies which nerve ?

A. External laryngeal
B. Superior laryngeal
C. Internal laryngeal
D. C and A

The major blood supply of hard palate is through_______________?

A. Nasopalatine artery
B. Greater (anterior) palatine
C. Lesser palatine artery
D. Sphenopalatine artery

The tonsillar ring or Waldeyer’s ring consists of which of the following ________________?

A. The lingual tonsil
B. The adenoid
C. The tonsil
D. All of the above

Ascending palatine artery is a branch of_____________?

A. External carotid artery
B. Internal carotid artery
C. Facial artery
D. Ascending pharyngeal artery

The arterial supply of trachea is by the____________?

A. Tracheal artery
B. Bronchial artery
C. Inferior thyroid artery
D. Superior thyroid artery

Submandibular gland is supplied by_____________?

A. Submandibular artery
B. Facial artery
C. Lingual artery
D. Inferior alveolar artery

All the following are branches of external carotid artery except _____________?

A. Posterior auricular artery
B. Anterior ethmoidal artery
C. Superior thyroid artery
D. Occipital artery

Little’s area constitutes______________?

A. Anastamosis between branch of maxillary artery and the branch of bacial artery
B. Anastomeses between two branches of maxillary artery
C. Anastomeses between two branches of facial artery
D. None of the above

The artery , which runs along , the lower border of posterior belly of digastric is_______________?

A. Ascending pharyngeal
B. Lingual
C. Occipital
D. Palatine

The middle meningeal artery____________?

A. Runs a subdural course within the cranial cavity
B. Supplies the superolateral surface of the ipislateral cerebral hemisphere
C. Enters the skull through the foramen ovale
D. Gives an interior branch which runs deep to the pterion

Right anterior quadrant of the scalp is supplied by the following arteries EXCEPT______________?

A. Right supra trochlear artery
B. Right supra orbital artery
C. Right superficial temporal artery
D. Right maxillary artery

All of the following supply TMJ except_____________?

A. Internal Maxillary artery
B. External carotid artery
C. Transverse facial artery
D. Branches supplying lateral pterygoid

Tributary of the cavernous sinus includes all of the following, except ?

A. Inferior petrosal sinus
B. Superior petrosal sinus
C. Superficial middle cerebral vein
D. Deep middle cerebral vein

Infection spreading via lymphatics from the lower lip first enter the blood stream at the___________?

A. Brachiocephalic vein
B. Inferior labial artery
C. Inferior labial vein
D. Pterygoid venous plexus

Internal thoracic veins are tributaries of the______________?

A. Subclavian
B. Azygos
C. Internal jugular
D. Brachiocephalic

Treatment of choice for subgaleal hematoma_______________?

A. Needle aspiration
B. Incision and evacuation
C. Antibiotics and then drain
D. Conservative

Facial vein communicates with the cavernous sinus through______________?

A. External jugular vein and internal jugular vein
B. Retromolar vein and internal jugular vein
C. Internal jugular vein and retromandibular vein
D. Superior ophtalmic vein and pterygoid venous plexus

Carotid sheath contains all except______________?

A. Internal jugular vein
B. Carotid artery
C. Vagus nerve
D. Phrenic nerve

Middle meningeal artery is direct branch of_______________?

A. Superficial temporal artery
B. Internal maxillary artery
C. External carotid artery
D. Middle cerebral artery

Blood supply of coronoid process of mandible is primarily from_____________?

A. Facial artery
B. Deep temporal artery
C. Inferior alveolar artery
D. Middle meningeal artery

Artery palpable ar the anterior border of masserter is _________ artery?

A. Lingual
B. Faical
C. Maxillary
D. Superficial temporal

Middle thyroid vein drains into _______ vein?

A. Anterior jugular
B. External jugular
C. Internal jugular
D. Brachio cephalic

Foramen transversarium transmit________________?

A. Inferior petrosal sinus
B. Inferior jugular vein
C. Sigmoid sinus
D. Vertebral artery

That is not true for facial artery ?

A. Supplies branches to upper and lower lips
B. Main source of blood supply to palatine tonsil
C. Conveys post ganglionic sympathetic fibers to submandibulr gland
D. Is a branch of internal carotid artery

The maxillary vein accompanies_______________?

A. First part of maxillary artery
B. Third part of maxillary artery
C. Second part of maxillary artery
D. None of the above

Soft palate is supplied by________________?

A. Ascending palatine artery
B. Greater palatine artery
C. Ascending pharyngeal artery
D. All of the above

True about subclvatian artery_______________?

A. Internal thoracic, verterbraland thyro cervical trunk are branches of subclavian artery
B. Right subclavian artery is a branch of brachioceplialic artery
C. Left subclavian artery is a branch of arch of aorta
D. Principal artery of upper limb
E. All of the above

Occipital artery is a branch of _________________?

A. Medial branch of external carotid
B. Posterior branch of External carotid
C. Internal carotid artery
D. Anterior branch of external carotid

Hypophysis cerebri is supplied by________________?

A. Internal carotid
B. Maxillary artery
C. External carotid
D. Facial artery

Vertebral artery is a branch of _________________?

A. Subclavian artery
B. External carotide artery
C. Internal caroited artery
D. Superficial temporal artery

Largest vein of face is_______________?

A. Facial vein
B. Posterior auricular
C. Retromandibular vein
D. Supratrochlear

The main arterial supply of face_______________?

A. Maxillary
B. Superficial temporal
C. Facial
D. Internal carotid artery

Internal jugular vein is a continuation of______________?

A. External Jugular Vein
B. Common Facial Vein
C. Sigmoid Sinus
D. Superior Petrosal Sinus

The ascending palatine artery is a branch of ________________?

A. Pterygopalatine part of the maxillary artery
B. First part of the facial artery
C. Ascending pharyngeal artery
D. Sphenopalatine theory

Origin of maxillary artery ________________?

A. Body of mandible
B. Neck of condyle
C. Angle of mandible
D. Coronoid

The External Jugular vein ___________________ ?

A. It drains into Internal Jugular vein
B. Lies deep to the sternocleidomastoid muscle
C. It is formed by the union of the posterior auricular vein and posterior division of the retromandibular vein
D. It pierces pre- tracheal layer of cervical fascia before termination

External maxillary artery is a branch of_____________?

A. Second part of trigeminal
B. External carotid artery
C. Internal carotid artery
D. Facial artery

The number of branches of the internal carotid artery in the neck is____________?

A. None
B. Two
C. One
D. Four

Which of the following arteries does not supply the circle of Willis ?

A. Middle cerebral
B. Anterior cerebral
C. Posterior – inferior cerebrat
D. Posterior communicating

First branch of external carotid artery is______________?

A. Occipital artery
B. Ascending pharyngeal artery
C. Facial artery
D. Lingual artery

The main arterial trunk supplying the infra temporal fossa is_______________?

A. Deep temporal artery
B. Infratemporal artery
C. Maxillary artery
D. Posterior superior alveolar artery

Lingual artery is a branch of _____________?

A. Subclavian artery
B. External carotid artery
C. Internal carotid artery
D. Maxillary artery

Common cartotia artery divides to ICA & ECA at______________?

A. Thyroid cartilage
B. Cricoid cartilage
C. 1st tracheal ring
D. Cricothyroid membrane

Facial artery is a branch of the________________?

A. Superficial temporal
B. External carotid artery
C. Internal carotid artery
D. Maxillary artery

Arterial supply of Submandibular gland is through which branch of ECA________________?

A. Superior pharyngeal
B. Ascending pharyngeal
C. Maxillary
D. None of the above

Pulsations felt in the suprasternal space are probably due to ____________?

A. Common carotid artery
B. Subclavian artery
C. Inferior thyroid artery
D. Vertebral artery

The common carotid artery may be palpated at_______________?

A. Transverse process of C5
B. Upper border of thyroid cartilage
C. Hyoid bone
D. Transverse process of C6

Which is the only medial branch of the external carotid artery ?

A. Lingual
B. Superior thyroid
C. Internal maxillary
D. Ascending pharyngeal

Ophthalmic artery is a branch of_________________?

A. Sphenopalatine artery
B. Maxillary artery

All of the following are true of maxillary artery except___________________?

A. The branches of maxillary artery accompany the branches of maxillary nerve
B. It is the arterial supply for mandible
C. It passes deep between the two heads of lateral pterygoid muscle into the pterygo palatine fossa
D. It is one of the terminal branches of ECA

The cavernous sinu does not communicate with the_____________?

A. Internal jugular vein
B. Opthalumic vein
C. External jugular vein
D. Pterygoid plexus

the inferior dental artery is a branch of the______________?

A. Pterygomandibular plexus
B. Maxillary artery
C. Mandibular artery
D. None of the above

Updated Vascular Supply Of Head And Neck MCQs ( General Anatomy ) MCQs – Most Latest Medical MCQs