Normally you have been suggested to lose weight at a slow steady rate. Mostly people tend to lose weight as fast as possible, without any recommendation from Dietitians. Such people regain their old weight, due to slight deviation in dietary pattern because their metabolism is not being trained to response any fluctuation. On the other hand, people who lose their weight slowly are more likely to maintain it for long time and incidence of nutritional deficiencies is very low in such cases. Rapid weight loss causes many nutritional deficiencies due to sudden fall in food intake and body storage.
According to experts, weekly 1-2 pounds weight loss is recommended. If you are losing more than this range then it is considered too fast which results in muscle loss, gall stones, nutrients deficiency and drop in metabolism. In initial stage of your plan, you can lose more than 2lbs / week but after 1-2 week maintain your losing rate according to recommendations. Glycogen storage is depleted to serve energy, after this depletion, prepare your body to deplete fats instead of proteins.
Now a day’s losing weight is not a big challenge but to maintain it for a long time is. Here are some key points to lose weight efficiently.
1) Mostly people prefer crash diet, providing less than 800kcal/day than exercise. Firstly, Exercise is best way to lose weight and maintain it for long time, especially yoga is considered best. Because yoga depletes adipose/fat storage instead of muscles/proteins, hence muscle loss is prevented in this way.
2) These diets are very low in calories and nutrients. You are more prone to high risks of nutritional deficiencies. Most common consequences of these diets are:
* Hair loss
* Extreme fatigue
* Poor body immunity
* Week bones
* Dizziness
* Dehydration
* Constipation and diarrhea
* Cold sensation
So try to consume whole and unprocessed natural food to prevent these medical conditions. Increase the use of fruits and vegetables in order to keep your body nourished and hydrated with essential nutrients.
This is your metabolism who determines how much calories are needed to burn. When you are taking low caloric diets, your metabolism is working at low pace. But when you are exercising, your metabolism is working at high pace to fulfill energy demands. So try to stabilize your metabolism with high intensity of burning calories. This habit is useful to maintain your lost weight for a long period of time. Eating proper diet during this plan is necessary, because your metabolism requires efficiently working enzymes, hormones and co-factors. And your body during exercise requires potassium (potato, banana), calcium (milk) and magnesium (banana, poultry) for proper muscle contraction.
Gallstone formation is another painful result of crash diets. Gallbladder stores digestive juices, and secretes it according to demand to digest fatty food. When you are on crash diet, you are restricted to fat. Hence accumulation of these digestive juices for a long time in gallbladder results in gallstones. This is very painful and impairs digestion.
Common recommendations:
1) Eat more proteins, as it is involve in boosting up your metabolism and make you feel full all the time. In this way muscle wasting is prevented.
2) Cut back on sugar and starches. Because they are rapidly energy providing sources. And suppress your fat burning mechanism.
3) Eat slowly as it causes low intake and make you feel fuller for a long time.
4) Take green tea as it boosts up your metabolism and elevates fat depletions up to 17% from normal.
5) Lack of sleep stimulates ghrelin hormone, makes you hungry all the time. On the other hand, if you are getting enough sleep leptin is stimulated that is a satiety hormone.
6) Consume soluble fiber as it in involved in burning your body fat. (Oat, bran, fruits & vegetables)